
Reverend Insanity In Naruto World

Author: FamishedGod
Ongoing · 191.6K Views
  • 47 Chs
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What is Reverend Insanity In Naruto World

Read ‘Reverend Insanity In Naruto World’ Online for Free, written by the author FamishedGod, This book is a Book&Literature Fanfic, covering MYSTERY Fanfiction, DARK Fan Fiction, VILLAIN Fanfiction Net, and the synopsis is: Fang Yuan moved into the Ninja World of Naruto.That's it.Utterly ruthless and Scheming demon in a world filled with life...


Fang Yuan moved into the Ninja World of Naruto. That's it. Utterly ruthless and Scheming demon in a world filled with life. Doesn't it just make you want to read? Read then.

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浮梦公子 · General
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The execution is just bad, starting right from the first chapter that serves no purpose whatsoever and his unnecessary demise or the way he loses is pointless, and what's the point of having a backstory if he loses all memories after reincarnation? In the Naruto universe, there is only Chakra, not premeval essence, or some made-up energy, get your facts straight. If you're going to introduce something new at least explain how it works, and a logical explanation how it's fits in the new world, like having stronger and purer Chakra that allows him a better control of jutsu using his experience of refining and current skills. His abilities are poorly presented, and his thoughts and goals are badly ordered and structured, His previous life is from ancient China not a modern word, so he can't have future knowledge unless he saw a glimpse future events in the river of time during reincarnation. The protagonist is adopted by the Uchiha clan, instead of an orphan or a member of the Hyuga clan, and him having Dao marks and Gu worms after reincarnation is ridiculous. Dao marks, Gu recipes, ranks, masteries, and Heavens Will, Last time I checked there was no such absurd concepts in the Naruto world, they simply do not and cannot exist in that universe. This is not even Naruto at this point, the lack of understanding of a Naruto fanfiction is evident, the events don't have a natural order, the writing style and pacing are bad, with broken sentences and random ramblings scattered throughout, along with constant mentions of the previous world which has no relation to the current one.




Reverend Insanity x Naruto, that alone is amazing.


Automatic 5 stars.Please make it a multiverse after naruto.


The novel has very high potential, although the loss of his intellect seems pointeless to me but mehh it’s this kind of thing that makes people want to read it more sometimes but i still feel it is pointless. The paragraph can use some distinction when scene change tho!!


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