
Reverend Insanity In Naruto World

Fang Yuan moved into the Ninja World of Naruto. That's it. Utterly ruthless and Scheming demon in a world filled with life. Doesn't it just make you want to read? Read then.

FamishedGod · Book&Literature
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47 Chs

Little Schemer!

Late at night, inside the Uchiha orphanage

All eleven babies were sound asleep

With Uchiha Mai sleeping at the centre of the bed with the kids all in separate iron cradles

The room was silent except for the sometimes chirping cicadas

Fang Yuan slowly yet skillfully descended his cradle without making a single sound and then walked towards Mai

At the time of a moonless late night, a naked child with dark eyes slowly moved towards Mai and climbed her bed without making so much as a breathing sound

It was experienced and exceptional

And slowly moved near her 'openings', and put his hands near it, while simultaneously using the bloodless Gu

She was already asleep, but a guarantee won't be bad, so as he watched, mai's face grew pale and she completely fainted, she won't wake up anytime soon

As he confirmed that was indeed true, he stopped using his Gu, he had lost a whopping 1% chakra from his aperture

He didn't care though, since he was here to fix this problem forever with an infinite and smooth supply


He slowly yet meticulously removed mai's pants and put them aside, then removed her ancient-style panties too

Looking at the beautiful spring lands, his eyes twinkled and he slowly put his hand in there and rubbed it once then slowly made his entire baby fist enter inside it, the process was slow and mai seemed to slightly enjoy the sensation

As his hand entered deeper and deeper, he focused, his eyes calm and his mind clear like an ancient well, his hands reached the nearest place to the dantian in her body without hurting the other party externally

'Humans are like isolated islands, floating in the sea of fate.

Human encounters are like the collision of these lonely islands, and once they touch, there would be an effect. Sometimes, the islands would stick together, in the name of 'interest', 'kinship', 'friendship', 'love' and 'hate'. But eventually, they would separate, walking towards the path of destruction.

This is the truth behind life.

In the end its either I get destroyed, or I destroy you...'

He could have done this through her mouth, but the throat was more vulnerable and at the same time had more distance from the dantian

So this was much better, and it's not like he hated the sensation either...he just didn't care as long as he gets what he wants


His hands deep inside started releasing chakra and slowly moved inside mai's body and finally reached her dantian, then connected her dantian through a bridge-like chakra thread and then as he pulled his hands out, he watched, as her dantian connected with his hands through chakra starting to release its own chakra through the bridge to the other end of the bridge which was his hands, he took the hand near his mouth and bound that other end to his mouth

Then, slowly moved his head to her springland and started sucking it, drinking the chakra inside Mai's body slowly dry, while the girl in question first moaned in pleasure then in pain, she died slowly while asleep, not knowing whether she was in hell or heaven...

And the whole chakra in her body and the source of it was currently inside fang yuan's aperture, and just as it passed through the walls of the aperture, its special owner signature was completely removed and it became solely his chakra

In total, he got 12% more chakra and he now had

a near 20% filled aperture...

The chakra mostly came from her chakra source rather than the chakra she already had in her body


This was an idea he had as an inspiration after refining his first Gu here

The idea was based on two things,

First, it was the bone path gu that he and Bai ning bing once used to dual cultivate

Second was Giant sun immortal venerable's research on the Yin Yang path that he had once seen

And it succeeded


He then came to understand, truly understand

That even if Gu masters were useless without Gu, Ninjas were not

They didn'tcare about Gu at all

And now, he was not only a Gu master but also a little ninja too

And he had to get used to being a ninja first and gu master second

And this was a test, and he was proven right in two things

One, his attribute less chakra can assimilate and devour all kinds of chakra.

Two, ninjutsu and chakra in itself were much more flexible in comparison to Gu and premieval essence or immortal essence

All of this combined made his path, much much easier...

'This might even be a better path than Gu cultivation if done properly' Fang yuan mused

He had a whole road ahead of him to walk