
Reverend Insanity In Naruto World

Fang Yuan moved into the Ninja World of Naruto. That's it. Utterly ruthless and Scheming demon in a world filled with life. Doesn't it just make you want to read? Read then.

FamishedGod · Book&Literature
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47 Chs

The Start

Being breastfed by a beautiful kunoichi and acting asleep most of the time

''aah....this is life

...The life of the ordinary''

Even though he had been severely restricted,

He continued to move on with life

He had been pondering things lately

And he ended up with a clear hard understanding

He will have to reach venerable strength solely using Ninjutsu and only then can he restart the Gu path with everything he got

Or even make the two paths combine

For everything of those sorts 'I need clear understanding regarding ninjutsu'

Fang Yuan continued his self-strengthening agendas

It had already been a week since he refined the Bloodless Gu, and he had tested it on insects the past few days and it worked like a charm

They were completely drained of blood

Of course, humans won't be that easy since they have much more blood but he didn't have to drain them dry since the severe loss of blood will make them faint and the rest was easy even for the current him

Now, he at least had a safeguard in case things went wrong


Uchiha Mai was currently breastfeeding Fang Yuan while half asleep

But she didn't know that the baby was currently looking at her breasts with bright eyes

His abyss-like eyes gleaming with greed

It was because he was looking at the dao marks the woman carried on herself, a whole cluster of chaos dao marks, at least a thousand

He had some Food path methods that should be able to serve her as a world-class delicacy of dao marks...

Alas, he was weak and he lacked food path gu worms too...what a pity...

'Men die for treasures like birds die for food'


Leaving that thought aside, Fang Yuan looked

Inside at his aperture and found that he had already filled 9% of it during the last half a year, in which his maximum chakra capacity had reached four baby fist sized

9% might seem meagre but in fact, it was the full amount of chakra his body had built up during the whole half a year...this was a tremendous amount, more than even the maximum capacity of Uchiha Mai in front of him

'even though having more chakra doesn't equal

more strength, that was the only thing I have access too as of now....

I have to learn some ninjutsu as soon as possible'

he was still very far from reaching 100℅, but he was anything but not impatient

As he was thinking, Fukaku came in and took him from the hands of the young Mai...

Taking the baby

Then putting him up in the air, he looked at the baby....and the baby giggled like a baby would

Little Fang didn't want any people screaming that he was possessed after all...

'This guy seem to have awakened the legendary Mangekyou, I wonder if it is true...'

Life was moving smoothly for him for now...

But he didn't know yet that as he was giggling happily, things were starting to move in the background...

Mere meters away from him, in another Uchiha house-front, a fierce argument was ongoing...

It was between Uchiha Itachi and three other Uchiha clansmen, it was something about the murder of someone called Uchiha Shisui

Uchiha Annihilation seemed near, and truly undefiable odds were about to be cast against fang yuan...