
Reverend Insanity In Naruto World

Fang Yuan moved into the Ninja World of Naruto. That's it. Utterly ruthless and Scheming demon in a world filled with life. Doesn't it just make you want to read? Read then.

FamishedGod · Book&Literature
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47 Chs


The Fish was cooked and it smelled great

Naruto and Little Yuan ate the fish with relish while they bonded with each other

and when the fish was about halfway in, Naruto suddenly said "You guys are all ninjas now, except me, I'm really sad, by the time I become a ninja next year, you guys would have all left me behind"

And lil Yuan thought about this issue seriously, he didn't want to see his friend be sad, and being left behind now, will keep him behind forever

its not like he had something special on him to keep up with others, like a Sharingan or something similar.

Naruto was just an ordinary guy, he didn't have any strong or special parents either...

So little Yuan HAD to help him!

and even the Doppelganger him accepted Naruto as a great friend, so he also considered Naruto a true friend for lifetime

so, He thought about it deeply and suddenly had an idea "Hey, Naruto!"

Naruto Looked at him weirdly and asked "what are you yelling for?"

"I have an Idea to make you stronger, and really fast at that, but I want you to keep it a secret no matter what"

and seeing his serious face, Naruto nodded too, he had never seen him this serious, and he Naruto was a ninja who never went back on his words, he will take the secret to his grave

and with that, little Yuan started explaining the path of knights to Naruto, it took some time

but he explained everything about Knighthood from prepatory knight level to grand knight level to him

and it was pretty simple for someone with chakra to do that, and After understanding it

Naruto began the process of knighthood, that noon itself,

and I instructed him from the side while doing the exact same thing, I also wanted to become a knight today!

"Breathe in"....."out"..it continued for a while and afte they sensed their chakra and lifeforce

they directly skipped the rank of preparation and became Knights, as simple as that

and Naruto exclaimed."My body feels stronger!"

and started jumping around for a while before he calmed and sat in the lotus position again

Yuan only laughed and focused and then continued. "Your body has to be pushed to the extremes to reach the next level of this art, but to us, who are ninjas who had put many years of effort into straining our bodies in extreme conditions, that's pretty easy, what we have to do is, to do pushups now, do it until we're tired to the extremes"

and then, two boys of small age, started doing pushups

1, 100, 230, 400, 500!

this was pretty easy for them, they were ninjas with good bodies previously, with all stats around ten times stronger that of an ordinary adult

Yuan was that strong due to him training in his body art, and Naruto due to being an hidden Jinchuriki

and after becoming a knight, Naruto had every attribute of his stats around 15

and as for Yuan?

[ Strength : 17.00

Defense : 16

Stamina : 14.00

Agility : 13.00

Chakra : 24 + (56 inside the aperture) ]

17 times the strength might seem nothing much to some, but it wasn't just adding 17 peoples strength and body attributes into one single body!

How strong was that exactly?

you could break literal boulders with your punch, jump more than 6-7 metre high,

run at the speed of 150 km/h without much trouble, and a stamina that can keep you running at that speed for hours

this was no joke

and as they doing pushups harder,

600, 700, 800, 1000!




3500! within the first 10 minutes, they beat the highest record of human push up counts in an hour from Fang Yuan'd old planet earth

and this continued

4000, 5000!



and as they reached this level in a raw, they were as exhausted as a chicken who ran a marathon, panting, yet not stopping, they continued with gritted teeth

the rest of the push ups, they didn't count, yet soon, they were almost breaking down

yet just as Naruto was completely about to faint. his body trembled slightly and his skin seemed to light up, in orange colour, and when the light vanished, he was completely refreshed, and looking sideways, he found Yuan still continuing and didn't bother him, and just looked at his skin that just flashed orange

he kind of felt like he had sapped strength from somewhere else, deep inside himself, from some outside force for some reason,

thinking that it was a fleeting funny thought, he shook his head and focused on Yuan, why wasn't he finished yet?...

but as he thought that, he couldn't see a nine tailed fox deep inside himself shivering in pain in one of the deadliest abilities in the whole Ninja world, in the sealing space,

it's chakra was being extracted and supplied throughout Naruto's body, how can it not shiver in pain, it was being 'eaten' inside out

Naruto was becoming a kyuubi in human form slowly, atleast in chakra and strength department, and when he ate all of kyuubi, he will be a menace!


not knowing anything, Naruto focused on Yuan, and soon, Yuan's bodyskin also flashed white for a second, unlike naruto's reddish orange before it dimmed and everything calmed

after feeling refreshed, Fang Yuan stood up and patted the dust out of his ass before first looking at his stats without any other thoughts, and soon he was stunned! really so!

[ Strength : 17.00----> 23

Defense : 16-----------> 22

Stamina : 14.00------> 20

Agility : 13.00---------> 19]

there was no change in chakra but all other stats had increased by 6! A whole 6!!!!

then he asked to A.i in his mind

'what is my current comprehensive battle strength level at?!'

[ with a body somewhat equal to 2nd gate Might Gai, You can easily fight off ordinary chunins with general ninjutsu by using just taijutsu.

and fight in an advantageous position if you use all your learned genjutsu,taijutsu, and ninjutsu against average chuunins.

and fight on nearly equal terms against high level chuunins with advanced ninjutsu like Shadow Clone Jutsu or have Less powerful Kekkei genkais, or people who can't make full use of their Kekkei genkais but still have them like most Hyuga byakugan users, if you use your sharingan.

but you will be in an extremely disadvantageous position against a top level Chuunin with A Kekkei genkai and top grade jutsus with great knowledge too, against people like Itachi, Kakashi and Sasuke, the current you will not be able to do anything to them when they reach or were at Chuunin level, they can beat you to death] replied a lazy hissing voice, it was the longest it had ever spoken after all...

and continued as if it had forgotten for a second. [ of course, the landscape, special situations, opponent's cunning, and specialitys will change an outcome of a battle completely ]

and hearing it, almost jumping with happiness, yet still outwardly calm, he asked the A.i,

'Show me Naruto's Status'

[ status check failure, an ominous energy surrounds the objective's body]


at first startled, then nervous,

'what ominous energy, is it harmful?'

[its source is Naruto himself, tch tch, this brat indeed is full of secrets, listen kid, go touch him, so that I can scan him for real] replied the A.i with a completely new, yet, calm and imposing voice

completely baffled with the system's shenanigans, yet still not too mindful of it due to his unfamiliarity with it, he put his hands around Naruto's shoulders like usual and asked,

"How strong are you now?"

both to Naruto, and to the A.i in a sense

and Naruto was the first to reply,

"I feel like I could destroy boulders with my bare hands" while pumping his fists as if saying, believe it

and the Ai replied right after

[ strength: 31

agility : 27

stamina : 30

Defense : 26 ]

[found an anomaly in chakra networks, and body structure]

[Found a sealed source of energy, no further information]

And lil Yuan was FLABBERGASTED.