
Reverend Insanity In Naruto World

Fang Yuan moved into the Ninja World of Naruto. That's it. Utterly ruthless and Scheming demon in a world filled with life. Doesn't it just make you want to read? Read then.

FamishedGod · Book&Literature
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47 Chs


It had been three days since she got here

And now she was already questioning her life decisions

And she was still, most of the time blind

But will get to see the world when her chakra replenishes itself

But she was calm, she had time, for now

At least, she believed so...


Sanae was a failure, but that didn't matter anymore, Why?

Because he already had found a perfect method to inheriting sharingan

It was quite simple actually

Why would there be an incomplete Gu in the descendants of the Otsutsuki, the Uchiha

It was very simple, otsutsuki too had one in them

And they too were incomplete as far as he knew

Probably, there were higher elders among them with a complete rank 9 sharingan

But the thing he found out was,

That the sharingan was a parasite

A parasite without its own thoughts

It ate on emotions and then, provided the host with its strength

And a kid of otsutsuki also inherited the kid of the parent parasite


So what was it that ordinary ninjas lacked which made the sharingan unable to turn off?

Simple, the chaos dao marks spread around their body

Only uchiha, and he himself had it

But even just that wouldn't do the trick

To truly inherit a sharingan, he will also have to inherit the original soul of the uchiha into himself

That meant one thing, which was that the sharingan and the uchiha shared one soul

Without their counterpart, no wonder stolen eyes can't work properly

And no wonder, Obito was able to give his sharingan to kakashi after he died

He just sacrificed his soul unknowingly

Ending up never seeing his Rin again...

So, to inherit a sharingan, he had to become the old owner too

One on thought, emotion and soul

And he absolutely refused to do so, since that would just taint his will with filth

And he had another solution for that

He will just have to assimilate with an Uchiha soul that was just an infant

A soul without thoughts or strong enough emotions to influence him

That meant he will have to start with a dormant sharingan and slowly upgrade it

Just like any other infant Uchiha should


Taking out a baby corpse from his big bag gu

He had already taken its eyes, so it was hollow

But there was still one soul remaining, he stored it in the body to help in his soulless gu refinement

But it was not needed in the end

So now, he had a soul and an Eye to fuse with

He was about to begin his fusion,

But before that, he better removes uncertainties and distractions


Moving near Sanae, Fang Yuan asked

"Do you know that I killed your Grandma?"

"wha..what?!''Sanae questioned

He took out a head from the side and poured some chakra into the girl, allowing her to see a bloodied head, her grandma's head

Blank for a second, then blinded by hatred and fury sanae screamed " I WILL KILL YOU!!!"

But just as she was about to stand up, she got completely blinded due to having used up her chakra, she fell down

And Fang Yuan looked satisfied after seeing the girl obtain another tomoe, the third magatama in her sharingan

And then, as he watched, a red hand came out of nowhere and touched her

A red flame erupted from her body and then seconds later, there was only charred remains and a faultless sharingan there

It could protect itself with its dao marks

Which meant that bloody hand gu can only kill mortals and very weak ninjas

Against uchihas, even the weakest of infants, it was useless

He had already known that for a while

Taking the sharingan, he turned around and went back to his business, singing a slight tone as he went...