
Reverend Insanity In Naruto World

Fang Yuan moved into the Ninja World of Naruto. That's it. Utterly ruthless and Scheming demon in a world filled with life. Doesn't it just make you want to read? Read then.

FamishedGod · Book&Literature
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Body Art

Body Cultivation Technique?

what's the difference there between that and an ordinary cultivation technique?

ahh! it's all a mess...

thinking of it, he didn't hesitate to ask his A.i his doubts, and it answered

[ Body Cultivation Techniques are what allows a creatures physical body to grow stronger, whereas energy arts allow your energy control and quality of it stronger ]

oh that's simple, thinking that he asked again

"Do You have any Body Arts, that can make my body as strong as Might Gai at his 6th gate?"

[ No Host, but I can create a body art with enough calculation and computing, but the current computing power is occupied with energy creation arts, do you want to add this to the list while delaying energy art creation?]

'how long will completing both together require?'

[3 Y, 6M, 2D, 4H, 45M,20S] host.

too long!

'what if you only improved my so called self created body art to that superior level?' he asked that mentally with an awkward smile like sneer on his face

by now he knew he only had to speak mentally to the A.i

[ improving that to superior level is impossible host, without changing fundamental parts, which is basically the same as creating a new art ]

'then do you have something related to body arts that can help me with making my body stronger?' He asked that with no hope, but, A.i didn't disappoint this time

[Yes Host, I have a Method that can Make your body as strong as Might Gai at his 5th gate state, which is similar to the strength of ordinary jonins, but only your body will grow stronger, and there will be no side effects or promblems to your foundations if you use this method]


with delight flashing on his face, Little Yuan asked "What is that method?" aloud.

[ it's the improved version of the Magus World's path of Knighthood ]

Magus World?

even though intrigued, the body art was more important

so he said "Explain More"

[ Magus World's Path of Knighthood is a path that is usable in 'almost' all worlds,

this path is a very unique one, but it can only be used to become as strong as A rank 1 mage , basically chuunins ] the A.i's voice seemed to have gained a tinge of emotion as it continued, Fang Yuan, or rather little Yuan didn't understand what happened

But the Will's in his Aperture were startled for a moment before all of them smiled mysteriously

[ Whereas Konoha ordinary Jounins are as strong as Rank 3 mages, with The Hokage having Morning star level of strength ]

[ so to reach the rank of Jounins through The Method of knights are no easy task ] its voice seemed a bit ridiculous, a mix of hissing and mechanical, it was somewhat soothing

even though he noticed, Little Yuan didn't really know about the A.i and considered this normal,

its voice was ever-changing, he guessed,

and seeing it wasn't speaking more

he asked, "explain the complete method"

[Ok] it was back to normal,

and it continued in its mechanical voice

[ the new Knight path has 6 levels ]

Preparatory Knight,


Grand Knight,

after reaching here, its voice changed again to hisses as it continued

[until here is pretty simple,

because it's basically something like sensing deeper levels of lifeforce to grow stronger,

even though that might be hard for someone else, Chakra Users can achieve it easily,

as chakra in itself is the purest form of lifeforce, that you can use without effecting your lifespan]

[ and Leylin was at this rank too, this level of physique can give you strength enough to beat the shit out of Genins and stay alive against chuunins ]

[but even with chakra, Grand knight path's limits laid here, you can no longer go higher using simple lifeforce]

[ but that changed with the introduction of your aperture thingy, it's a source of lifeforce chakra without any attribute, yet it's still yours, that makes it a commodity of value ]

[ everybody's life force usually has a signature of their own, so someone can't absorb other's lifeforce, but you can, and using that absorbed chakra, you can fill your body with chakra in a single burst, that will allow you to breakthrough to the 4th level of knighthood ] and it turned mechanical again

[ do you want to name the 4th level ? ]

eager to continue , little yuan said "keep it level 4" that was easier to remember anyway

so the A.i continued again, with its hiss mode now [ how the rank 4 makes your body stronger instead of bursting it due to that incredible amount of chakra is by doing the filling of chakra through specific methods, that will...]

then it continued to list some methods and he remembered them for now, then he said

"You can stop now, Naruto is still waiting for me"

and left that hidden spot to where they were cooking fish earlier...

level 5 and 6 was far away from the current him, why should he bother checking it out now,

and luckily for him, he didn't check. or he would have been baffled by the mere level of troubles he will have to go through to achieve level 5, nonetheless 6!