
Reverend Insanity In Naruto World

Fang Yuan moved into the Ninja World of Naruto. That's it. Utterly ruthless and Scheming demon in a world filled with life. Doesn't it just make you want to read? Read then.

FamishedGod · Book&Literature
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47 Chs

A Cultivation Path

after gawking at his own status for a while, little yuan finally came out of his reverie, and with some seriousness, he finally asked another thing, that truly mattered

"A.i, Make me the best cultivation system for the Ninja world with the most balanced and strongest intricacies,

which is suitable to me"

and waited with bated breath

[.... calculating..... registering...processing..]

[A.i is calculating, [231d, 3h , 23s] more for the answer]

seeing the answer and disappointed by the wait, Little Yuan pouted and asked "Is there no way to reduce this time?, this is too much waiting!"

[ Getting more knowledge regarding Chakra can lessen the duration of this calculation ]

oh..! that's great!

thinking until now, and realising that he didn't have anything more to do for now that the will told him to do,

he asked another question, another important question,

" So Ai, what are you?, what can you do ?, and how did you end up with me?"

[A.i is the best assistant a scientist can ask for, and this a.i in particular can help you do calculation on anything, from future possibilities to cultivation problems, you can ask it for computing and calculations]

[ Ai lacks information due to the interference of your memory loss on how you ended up with it.]

filled with doubts, he asked one last thing regarding this problem. "was Leylin your previous owner?"

[Yes] came an instant answer

and Little yuan smirked, so I don't have to care about any of this until I grow strong enough to take back my memories

I just have to focus on growing stronger


it was as simple as that

so thinking of it, he finally asked another question. "How do I make my body as strong as might Gai's 6th gate state?"

[ might gai, according to a databook collected by the previous owner of the A.i, is a jounin of konoha, he can use his own life force to grow stronger for a period of time through unlocking unknown gates in human body, and his 6th gate should be as strong as a weak Kage level powerhouse, to achieve a body like that, you need at least near 200 status points on strength and defence department, one to have strength, the other to help the body hold that much strength..]

[to achieve that, you will have to use a chakra Body cultivation technique, or Body Art for short which is atleast of superior quality, or use your self made bodybuilding art for 3 centuries daily for 3 hours each day..]

[ more than 3 hours a day using that ability won't increase the stats and will lead to body breaking down.]