
Reverend Insanity In Naruto World

Fang Yuan moved into the Ninja World of Naruto. That's it. Utterly ruthless and Scheming demon in a world filled with life. Doesn't it just make you want to read? Read then.

FamishedGod · Book&Literature
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Fang Yuan Dies

as he looked at Leylin who was being eaten from inside by the chaos and who's soul had already died

and the surrounding world slowly shattering

Fang Yuan was not calm

not calm at all

This Leylin was too powerful, he should have atleast been able to fight back

as far as he could say, Leylin's peak power was much stronger than what he remembered his peak to be

but when push came to shove and he went for the kill, he instantly released a chaos blade instead of any Gu

and this sensation was exactly like using ninjutsu

but a million times more profound

he didn't even know where it came from

after all he didn't have memories of his unparalleled strength after he absorbed chaos


the world cleared up

and as he looked at it, Leylin's body disintegrated and turned into flashes of light and went inside him

for a moment, it was a very warm sensation

then, it started to hurt like hell

but just as the process was midway

he heard

[analyzing the host, similar soul fluctuations

A.i reactivated]

and then he lost consciousness


when he woke up

instead of having gained more supreme powers and abilities

he had turned into a slave

a slave to emotions

and had reached the weakest point ever in his ninja life

even weaker than when he was just born


due to usage of laws without having any contact to it beforehand

his soul had lost all of his previous life memories

in fact, he was only alive because of his chaos soul

and until he had it back somehow

he was just a 3 year old idiotic kid

with some good instincts and a cheat A.i

he was dumber than dumb

he could even get brainwashed

or even worse, end up becoming righteous

like the konoha had already planned beforehand

it was like Leylin's revenge

as insidious as he was

this might just be the end of 'fang yuan'

whatever the case was, currently, little Fang was like a kite, which was carried around by the wind,

which doesn't even know if it had someone holding its string on the other side

and on top of everything,

Leylin still had a card up his sleeve

which was the a.i chip itself

it had the ability to grow back his soul slowly

that meant, he could devour fang yuan anytime back, as long as he didn't have control of his powers and himself as soon as possible and destroy Leylin completely