
Reverend Insanity In Naruto World

Fang Yuan moved into the Ninja World of Naruto. That's it. Utterly ruthless and Scheming demon in a world filled with life. Doesn't it just make you want to read? Read then.

FamishedGod · Book&Literature
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Looking at the slightly desiccated corpse in front of him, he shook the filthy sacred liquid out of his hands and then moved near her face

Then opened her eyelids, and there were dead black pupiled eyes inside

Uchiha Mai was a beautiful young woman but at the same time an exceptional ninja, She was someone with a two tomoe Sharingan, just this was enough to make her special

And if it was any other inexperienced person who tried to kill her while asleep, they might have ended up being discovered

But not him, even if he was discovered, her subconscious would not wake her up, since she didn't see him as a threat and he was a constant part of her life the past half a year

And he had immediately used the traceless Bloodless Gu to make things easier

But before he digs the eyes out he needed to know something first


Sitting cross-legged above her abdomen, he closed his eyes and concentrated inwards

His aperture was roughly 20% filled, and it was not fire attribute chakra inside, but pure attributeless chakra instead

He was trying to come up with a food path method that will help him in absorbing and digesting the thousand-plus chaos dao marks inside the eyeballs

And the base of the technique was still the chakra bridge method

He first planned to refine a Gu using the sharingan, but he lacked resources and knowledge regarding chaos

So he would work on that endeavour later


After an hour or so, a very rough method had been already decided upon, so he easily pulled an eye out without letting a drop of blood fall on the bed and then simply threw it in his mouth

This eye contained roughly 500 dao marks and as it reached his stomach, chakra started to pour inside of it nonstop like it was Gu being refined

And yeah, he was doing exactly that, he was trying to see what will happen if the sharingan was considered as a gu instead of a material and tried to be refined...

And as he expected the material disintegrated and the chaos dao marks in it all escaped and scattered throughout his body and then started to leave it, but just before that happened his chakra completely blocked his pores, which was impossible without a Gu meant for it in the gu world, and trapped the dao marks while the attributeless chakra devoured as much as it could...

And roughly three minutes later, he had got an extra 170 dao marks with his previous record, he now had 270 daomarks of chaos in total, and all of them were otherworldly dao marks too

It had succeeded, but with much losses...

...just as he had expected

And he knew, this will only work with chaos dao marks, because it didn't scatter immediately because it had a certain attraction to his otherworldly dao marks

And those were mostly useless since as he had known earlier, Dao mark amplification wasn't much of a thing in ninjutsu, since they are not made of dao marks in the first place but rather made of specific energy which is surprisingly made not of dao marks at all

Just like immortal essence


In the gu world, immortal essence moves into Gu which are made of countless dao marks and they are the true beings which release abilities instead of the gu master themself

But here, ninjas had abilities of their own

they used the energy for themself

They were the gun, and they were the bullets too...

He already had a path for himself in his mind

If he wanted, he could become slowly a great ninja, or even the hokage very simply

And be the king of the village his entire mortal life

Because with his insights, he will be the most talented

BUT, he simply disdained that

"There is only immortality, only eternal life should be the goal one should pursue! If one cannot live forever, is there any difference between a rank nine Gu immortal and a pile of shit in the gutter?! I am a huge fool, but I do not wish to be a fool that is made of shit... But if I cannot obtain immortality, I am also a pile of shit in the gutter… hehehe."