
Reverend Insanity In Naruto World

Fang Yuan moved into the Ninja World of Naruto. That's it. Utterly ruthless and Scheming demon in a world filled with life. Doesn't it just make you want to read? Read then.

FamishedGod · Book&Literature
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47 Chs

Unbelievable Happenings

It had been a week since the Genin exams ended, but no one had been assigned a ninja team yet.

Konoha jonins were busy and unable to come together on a single day to assign students due to Leylin's missing case.

During these seven days, Naruto and Little Yuan had become the best of friends. Little Yuan was an 'open-hearted and pure boy', while Naruto was desperate for attention, so they quickly became friends and started hanging out.

One day, Sasuke noticed their friendship and seemed to be in a bad mood. However, Naruto and Yuan didn't care much about his mood. Sakura's attention on Sasuke hurt Naruto, but Yuan told him about some of Sakura's flaws and he calmed down.

Naruto even asked, "Now that I think about it, she really does seem like a bitch as you say, then why did I fall in love with her?" Yuan just shook his head and laughed, saying, "She does have pretty looks after all."

Despite his amnesia, Fang Yuan had exceptional qualities that made him different, but he didn't have any wariness against konoha ninjas which was a major problem, but still, he was a great schemer prospect

Their bonding continued for these seven days until the seventh night when Naruto and Yuan were cooking fish by a river after escaping from the orphanage.

Yuan's eyes suddenly shone untraceable blue and a screen was infront of him suddenly,

it stated,

[A.i Completely initiated, Auto Scanning feature turned on]

[no dangers in a 100 metre radius]

[Auto Body Scan]

[Status : Healthy ]

[detailed status]

[ 1 = normal standards for an ordinary human adult]

[ Strength : 11.00

Defense : 9.99

Stamina : 7.00

Agility : 9.00

Chakra : 24 + (56 inside the aperture) ]

[Auto Mental Scanning ]

[ Brain issues found ]

[ Found 23 blaggabytes of missing data, host is experiencing Amnesia]

[Do you want to trigger self healing protocols?

you can trigger your soul to try regaining your lost memories by taking it from your unconscious mind..]

Even though it was supposed to be an unknown language, he could read it easily and just as he was dumbfounded to know he had Amnesia and just as he was about to reply,

A cold, serpent like voice reached his ears,

"Oh Fang Yuan, the man of mysteries, look how bad your state is. I feel pity for you and even more angry. You sure know how to disappoint..." Then everything went black.