
Reverend Insanity In Naruto World

Fang Yuan moved into the Ninja World of Naruto. That's it. Utterly ruthless and Scheming demon in a world filled with life. Doesn't it just make you want to read? Read then.

FamishedGod · Book&Literature
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47 Chs



with a whoosh one of Fang Yuan's will appeared in the garden and he looked around for a second before noticing Little Yuan near the bonsai tree and moved near him,

and just as Little Yuan was about to ask something. "Who are-"

"Don't speak, just listen" and not giving any time to think, Fang Yuan will continued. "I am You, yes you just have to know that I am you.

and I just want to tell you three things now, as we don't have much time left.

"one, don't, in any case, allow the A.i to stimulate and try to awaken your memories, that can kill us directly, with mine and Leylin's memories both there now, our brain will overload, so do that only when your body strength alone is enough to defeat 6th gate Might Gai without you yourself using any sacrificing type ability like him " Continuing. "second, don't trust anyone other than yourself completely, except Naruto, but don't reveal even to him, your full strength, keep 60% of your strength hidden" the Will's eyes seemed to flicker with the light of scheming as he said that.


taking a breath, the Will again continued.

"Ask the A.i this question too, Give me the best cultivation system for the Ninja world with the most balanced and strongest intricacies".

Fang Yuan knew the A.i will create the best cultivation path, that can thrive here,

a path created out of all the knowledge the A.i now had, from the magus world and all the other magic society's cultivation and the Gu world cultivation system and chakra,

the Ai was the only thing strong enough in computing that can come up with a system including the best of everything, but with chakra.

"You can question my intentions after you leave and everything, and I know you will do that, but just know, we're one and the same, I know you feel atleast a bit that I'm true, so no matter keep yourself safe, and always try to be stronger than the you yesterday"

and the world crumbled like broken mirrors infront of Little Fang Yuan as everything went Black again, he didn't even have enough time to think through everything

everything just seemed like a dream...

and seeing the world breaking, The Sober Fang Yuan's will calmly looked around and with serenity, it thought while vanishing...

'as I thought, the chakra aperture's ability to turn all kinds of energy attributeless is truly powerful, it even transformed Leylin's true soul into chakra, of course he was too weak then,

but this has a lot of potential, I hope my Foolish self uses it well..' and vanished.