
Reverend Insanity In Naruto World

Fang Yuan moved into the Ninja World of Naruto. That's it. Utterly ruthless and Scheming demon in a world filled with life. Doesn't it just make you want to read? Read then.

FamishedGod · Book&Literature
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The Magus

In front of the ninja school, near the legendary swing

Lelyin couldn't help but be dazed for a moment

Looking in front of him, the yuan guy who had never given him a feeling of danger was currently giving him a slight sense of danger

'This guy had gotten stronger!'

But how?

It had only been one day...

'This prey seems rather big to be devoured in one fell swoop' he mused


'A.i. Scan him'

Within seconds, a hologram flashed in front of his eyes, with Fang Yuan having so much radiation emitting from him

It was like a cloud,

Seeing this, Leylin gritted his teeth in frustration

His A.i chip couldn't even scan a mortal-level existence completely now

In Magi standards, Fang Yuan hadn't even become a proper magus yet

Not even rank 1

He hated Wang Wei, The Fate Destroying Emperor, even more now...

That guy had come out of Nowhere and destroyed him completely in body and soul

He wasn't even as powerful as himself, but he seemed to have some supreme entity give him infinite power

Giving him strength incomparable to his own

He believed that was someone who had already reached rank 11 helping behind the scenes to eradicate him

Even his morning star was destroyed

Completely removing his chances at ordinary rebirth

And even his Laws were stolen from his fate line itself

Only his Ai chip was left intact, which teleported out after sacrificing his bloodline source

Which was probably unexpected even by the other party

And this part of his soul, which was currently alive, was regenerated from the bits and pieces linked to his Ai after all his soul was so powerful, it could completely regenerate to at least an ordinary human level

And the A.i chip and his soul were both practically one, so he had slumbered for a thousand years in this little backwater world, where nothing interesting seemed to happen and everyone was so weak

But his soul had already recovered with time until 4 years ago when he finally had enough power to posses a body

And then he implanted a bloodline source into that body and started on his warlock path again

of course, this was a weak bloodline, but it didn't have the bloodline lock that can end his path if it happened in this little world

And he could recover his old bloodline if he reached at least rank 7


And he became a rank 1 in two years,

It took too long because converting chakra to mana took too much effort

He had planned to continue and go straight back to his peak with time

but, this world restricted his powers to a rank 1 magus at best

It had warned him after he became a rank 1, that he should stop, that this was the limit for otherworldly abilities

It, The Will of this world

And it was then that he found out that this world had a supreme Will of its own, that was even stronger than the Will of the Magus World

It was probably at the level of both the Magus's world and God's world combined

Which was practically his peak power

Rank 9

The magus path was practically blocked

And he then understood that this was no weak world as he had expected

But a stronger world than even the magus world itself

And then, he had to use the chakra and create a method to become stronger

With the a.i chip helping him analyse, he could create a solid cultivation path

But it required massive amounts of information for it to do its magic

And just as he was about to begin his plans

His instincts tingled him not to start it yet

It was an instinct from the Law of destiny that he had understood a bit of in the past

Which remained the only Law that wasn't stolen from him, because fate was below destiny

Even though he didn't have a complete understanding of the Law

It told him that some truly powerful Son of destiny was going to appear in Konoha

And he knew for a fact that the Son of destinies were made when the world faced danger

And with danger came opportunities

So he entered Konoha and slowly assimilated himself into the village

While even though he didn't create a cultivation path yet because he believed that a better opportunity to do that was coming soon because of his destiny law

He still did not slack off in growing stronger

Creating an outside source of strength instead

Which was an Ouroboros Snake Totem

Which prayed to, The Warlock, Leylin Farlier himself and asked the god itself for power

And of course, he agreed, since it was requested to he himself

And this only granted him peak rank 1 level of strength

Which was similar to mid-class Chunin

And this was the limit of it after all his hard work

And this 2-year-old, who had not even sipped enough milk

Gave him a sense of danger

He couldn't consider this guy easy prey anymore

He was too dangerous a variable...

But, Was he,

the son of destiny?

Otherwise, what was this guy, who had the same scent as him

A scent of demonism