
Reverend Insanity In Naruto World

Fang Yuan moved into the Ninja World of Naruto. That's it. Utterly ruthless and Scheming demon in a world filled with life. Doesn't it just make you want to read? Read then.

FamishedGod · Book&Literature
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47 Chs

Battle of wits

Looking at Laylin, Fang Yuan felt immensely uncomfortable,

with the help of rank1 despair gu, he had unlocked a one tomoe Sharingan, but this guy still felt too insidiously dangerous to be around


He seems to see right through him...

He felt as if he was standing infront of Star constellation, A bit.

And that was very much irritating to a Demon with a hide made of lies

But he had to understand what his motives were by telling him about the sharingan at least


Eyes cold, Fang Yuan said with a smile


Leylin, dazed for a millisecond, replied

"Nice to meet you, classmate, you seem to be in a better mood than yesterday"

Which meant you seem stronger than yesterday

They were speaking the language of demons


Without a change in expression, fang yuan said

"and your eyes seem clearer too"

which meant he already knew that the otherparty had a super powerful investigation method

"just like yours.."

which meant he knew that Fang Yuan has the one tomoe Sharingan now

"mm...but why are you standing here?"Fang yuan

why did you call me here?

"Because it's cool here"

that mean't no one was listening in

which was not the answer to Fang Yuan's question

irritated but still calm, Fang Yuan asked

"When you walk near a river, your foot often gets wet, do you know why?"

"oh...? Why?" intrigued, Leylin asked back

"it's because they have feet, if they didn't have one, they wouldn't have reached the riverside,

and the fear of having their foot wet is not as heavy as falling into the river, do you understand what I say?"

this was a plain threat

if you don't mindid your own business and snoop around him too much, he should also have much to hide about, so stop fooling around if you don't want to fall in this together

which meant, he, Fang Yuan too had some investigation abilities that could end up causing some trouble for the Leylin

if they fall, they will fall together

'What an empty threat' thought Leylin

Not knowing that he had already fallen in the trap

already started underestimating the other party a bit

after all a child was not something everyone will be always on guard about in a verbal fight

even though it was a very small bit of underestimating,

he might just pay for it with his life...