
Reverend Insanity In Naruto World

Fang Yuan moved into the Ninja World of Naruto. That's it. Utterly ruthless and Scheming demon in a world filled with life. Doesn't it just make you want to read? Read then.

FamishedGod · Book&Literature
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47 Chs

Son Of Destiny

Iruka continued his classes for some more time before concluding the classes with some homework in kunai practice.

And a "We will let the students spar tomorrow to see your progress in kunai practice"


After classes finished, Fang Yuan was surrounded by fan girls

Then suddenly Naruto barged in, pushing some girls aside

"Hey, Yoan...urgh Yuwan...what was it, Ah! Yuan!

Yes! Yuan, are you really the person who wrote the book? That's for the adults to do, right? how did you do it? Can I do it too?"

Before Fang Yuan replied though, Sakura said

"How can you write a book, to write a book, you need to be intelligent, like Yuan or Sasuke kun, but you are dumb"

Naruto just looked at Sakura with a frown, before it eased and he said energetically,

"But I am smarter than Sasuke!"

seeing this interaction, Fang Yuan just mused in his heart without interrupting,

'So naruto used to hide his inferiority complex, sadness and fear with a mask of nonchalance and energy

A good mindset, it is a mindset that will make you work harder and provide you with infinite motivation to prove yourself to others

But the flaw of this mindset is that the improvements will end when the crowd says you are enough, whereas a mind which seeks constant improvement to oneself rather than approvement of others will give you discipline instead of mere motivation'''' Fang yuan mused

Of course, he wouldn't enlighten Naruto, he can not change too much of Naruto's life, Since that will make Naruto choose different life choices

What if after hearing him speak, Naruto lost interest in the mere Hokage title and ended up wanting Eternal Life instead?

He might instantly lose his destiny then,

Destiny was a force even higher than fate

It was a very promising dao path, in which only Feng Jiu Ge had any notable achievements or any achievement whatsoever...

And he now had a conjecture about what the son of destiny in this world was

Naruto's situation was a great teacher for him

In his opinion, a son of destiny was related mostly to the karma of the previous generations

and a major change is about to occur

While also being a cornerstone of the chain of events about to happen,

and then having Heavens Will's approval

That meant, as far as he understood, this was the Heavens Will's plan, a supremely meticulous plan


Naruto's past generation's karma was too tremendous

With the Fourth Hokage sacrificing himself, the world benefitted because of him

In the eyes of this world, tailed beasts and the otsutsuki should be outsiders

And he had not just sacrificed himself, but also sealed the kyubi away

This was a major merit in front of a sentient Heaven

And this Heaven's Will in particular loved to seal outsider beings inside itself and allow its residents to learn of their power, making them benefit from it and then grow stronger, and then die after coming of age, giving all his accumulated refined chakra back to the world, making the world stronger

This will repeat over generations,

It was a virtuous cycle

Second, it had already understood zetsu's intervention and an upcoming major change in the world

And it didn't like the way the world was headed

Infinite Tsukuyomi will instantly make the world stop improving, and make it ever stagnant

How could the Heavens accept such blasphemy?

So it needed a hero to fight against that cause

A person who will even sacrifice himself for the cause of stopping Tsukuyomi

A person who is already a part of the cause

And Naruto fitted perfectly here

He was the nine tails jinchuriki, the strongest jinchuriki who actually stood a chance

He was also an Uzumaki, having a great amount of otsutsuki blood flowing in him

Making him special

Moreover, he didn't have any grand ambitions, that could in any way harm the ninja world,

So the world was ready to make him his son and use it as a meat shield

But if he had ambition like eternal life, he would immediately be abandoned

And even if he did not have that ambition when he became useless, it might just throw him aside and choose Naruto's Son if he ever had one

Moreover, in the process of doing all this, the heavens will can also make the seal on Kaguya which was being released slowly ever more powerful

If things seems to be going bad, it just had to appear in front of Naruto and Sasuke as Hogoromo and give them just enough power to seal Kaguya

By splitting the power between Naruto and Sasuke and not giving only one person the full strength

It can also divide and conquer, not having to worry about bringing a tiger into its own house

Making them strong, but not as strong to have the power to threaten itself

And when everything was settled, it could slowly take back everything that it gave

It was truly a supreme plan


It only took him a moment to think all of this since he had thought of all this long ago already, and was just recalling things now

After that, he looked at Naruto and shook his head in his heart

'A Man who knows not himself, Nor his enemies"

Just an ignorant kid,

But kids can grow up, so he has to be cautious of that too...