
Reverend Insanity In Naruto World

Fang Yuan moved into the Ninja World of Naruto. That's it. Utterly ruthless and Scheming demon in a world filled with life. Doesn't it just make you want to read? Read then.

FamishedGod · Book&Literature
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47 Chs


Sanae woke up

Slightly muddled but still, after opening her eyes, she was dumbfounded

Her dynamic vision, clarity, and all sight-related capabilities were many times greater than before

But only for mere moments, as just after that, her chakra ran out

Making her completely blind instead

"wh..what is happening?, Grandma..gra...God! My God, please help me, I can't see" Panicked, Sanae first called out to her grandma by instinct

But immediately after, remembered the whole situation

She calmed down slightly and breathed in heavily to calm her beating heart

Nodding in approval Fang Yuan said

"Very Well, You have now inherited my heavenly eye,

but you don't have enough chakra to use it effectively yet, so try turning it off using the chakra in your aperture, or try to connect it with your aperture somehow,

Try everything you can...''

This was the plan, he wanted to know if having an aperture allowed him to manipulate sharingan since it was a Gu, even incomplete,

having an aperture might help


He waited for an hour

Seeing no progress, he said gently "Don't worry,

Time spent here is inconsequential, even if you spend a year here, you will wake up in the real world, the same tomorrow"

Even though his tone was gentle, he had already lost hope...this was just the last struggle

After waiting some more time and seeing no progress, he put some food for her and guided her hand to it, then went to do his other things

He will give her a week, if it didn't succeed

She can only die

There was no way he will allow someone else to have an aperture

"Weak had no rights, you either do as the strong wishes, or die trying to go against the tide,

If you succeeded in going against the tide,

You were never weak in the first place"

He muttered to himself before beginning to plan his next way of action

He either had to go completely rogue or join a village when he still looked like a baby, since the village will believe him to be easily brainwashable as a baby and will have no fear of having a soldier with no loyalty when looking at him

And no matter what, if he is to join a village, it must be konoha, since the destiny of this world revolved around there

But he has yet to confirm how much of the story 'Naruto' and this world were relatable

Maybe, it had already changed so dramatically that his knowledge was no use anymore

Or, his knowlegde was shallow or outright wrong in the first place

Who knew?

Atleast, he didn't , Yet.

'This is it, the excitement of not knowing, yet the desire to know more and control..

Man, no matter which world they live in, all lives to conquer; conquer the enemy, conquer themselves...'

For that to happen, they first needed the adaptability to understand and overcome every other situation they come against

Like the wise men once said

"its not the strongest who survives,

It's the most adaptable"