
Reverend Insanity In Naruto World

Fang Yuan moved into the Ninja World of Naruto. That's it. Utterly ruthless and Scheming demon in a world filled with life. Doesn't it just make you want to read? Read then.

FamishedGod · Book&Literature
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47 Chs


The Masked Man looked at Itachi calmly, while the latter looked at him calmly too

They were both war-hardened veterans, with already cold hearts, living only for the sake of their obsessions

But the thing they were about to do filled them with grief and disappointment too, they too were humans, at least Itachi was and he couldn't bare to look at his hands that were about to be washed with the blood of his own kin

Still, they weren't little girls and were not going to show their bitter emotions to each other, nor were they that shallow

Otherwise, they won't have started on this sad crusade

They didn't say much to each other,

"One week, finish your business in Konoha in one week" The masked man said while the Sharingan under his mask shined a bit brighter

Itachi just nodded before disappearing as a crowd of crows


just as Fang Yuan was wondering why a young lady had breast milk while drinking it and thought about whether she had any children...

He got ever so slightly uneasy

Even though Fang Yuan didn't know the impending crisis, he still got slightly uneasy and if it was anyone else, they might have shrugged it off, but not him, because he had almost reached the realm of 'simple omniscient senses'

That only spectral soul had unlocked before him

And even though his instincts were much less keen now, in a sense it was also much more potent, just like his soul and eyes were different due to being tempered by chaos, his self-protecting instincts were too

And he could feel that danger was approaching, and he was nothing if not meticulous and instantly focused on this matter instead of the tasteless breast-milk


During the past half a year, one great accomplishment of little Fang was that he had learned the language and, with his insight, he had long guessed the current timeline of this world

And the major events that were about to happen too were already among his concerns

And the most major and deadly event that was near was probably, the Uchiha Annihilation by obito and Itachi

Thinking of this Fang Yuan wasn't the slightest bit afraid but instead was incomparably excited


Of what?


''Humans only live for a hundred years, it is as unreal as a dream that ends in an instant. What is the point of a person living in this world? No more than just being on a journey, and witnessing interesting things. Although I do not want to die, I do not fear death. I am already on my right path, I have no regrets even if I die.''


The moment he had become a rank one gu master and refined bloodless gu, he was already able to walk due to the slight enhancements to his body that the aperture provided and his special soul's nourishment made it so that he was even capable of running now as just a child

Of course it had its own limits, they wont be of much help anymore than this after his body grew up to a certain degree

To others, it wouldn't help much to just be able to walk and run, but simply that was enough for him to have escaped the Uchiha grounds even now, with his cunning he would have escaped

But he didn't want that, uchihas were top-class research material into the chaos path and ninjutsu in general

And after the current event, they will become incredibly rare, to the point that Sasuke and Itachi will be their last vestige

Of course, there was Danzo too...but he will ruin most of the materials with his inexperience and idiocy, Heaven refining demon venerable can do a much better job in this regard

So he was ready to accept this gift gladly

But there was something that he had to prepare beforehand, which will determine the final victor...

As he thought of this, he continued drinking milk while giggling at often times

Thinking of the happy times ahead, where he will go digging eyeballs and collecting dead bodies

With the body of a child nonetheless...