

Author: False_Sage
Ongoing · 521.2K Views
  • 53 Chs
  • 3.3
    15 ratings
  • NO.200+


Read ‘THE EVIL VILLAIN SYSTEM’ Online for Free, written by the author False_Sage, This book is a Fantasy Novel, covering REINCARNATION Fiction, SYSTEM Light Novel, COMEDY Internet Novel, and the synopsis is: Noir, the heir of Astrophel Family heard a strange Sound.*The Evil Villain System is linking* *linking completion 10%......


Noir, the heir of Astrophel Family heard a strange Sound. *The Evil Villain System is linking* *linking completion 10%...20%.....80%.....100%* *Linking Completed* He became a Villain, In the World of Demon King and Hero's Cliché. He came to know that The Hero would one day kill him and Slaughter him! He does not fear death, He is a Kind and Lazy person. However, That Hero is a Piece of Shit! The reason for Killing Him(Noir) is that He wanted Noir's Fiancée and Relatives(Cousins, Mom, Aunts etc.)! He wanted to make them His lovers(Slaves)! Now, What would Noir do?, When he has given a chance to teach the teach a lesson. Would he Simply follow the System like a Dog? Would he become a Ruthless and Cold-blooded Villain? ... Or, Will he be able to avoid Hero? When the World need him to counter the threat of Demon King! __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ *The Cover Image is not mine but It's still a Copyright free one. Maybe? If the Owner wants me to Change it then Just Comment on the latest Chapter.(^_^)

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Vanessa_Lynx · Teen
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Please, someone get me out of this world of swords and magic

Betrayed and abandoned by the people who gave him life. Turned into a tool of murder without the chance to choose another path. Death and blood became nothing but a nasty routine. Tired of all, he put an end to that life. And now a new world welcomes him. Either to be its savior or its doom. Roberto Díaz Medina, the once right hand of the Mexican mafia boss is summoned to another world along with a group of teenagers to become the heroes that will defeat the demon lord. Unluckily for Roberto, the blessing of the gods was not provided to him. Instead, a curse that demands the essence of every living being is his main weapon. A weapon that comes with an evil conscience that waits patiently to take control over his body, and command an entire army of undead beings to erase every light of life in their way. Roberto will have to face many obstacles to go back home. Lethal magical beasts, mad cultists, disgusting demons, and aristocrats are just some of the obstacles Roberto will have to surpass. Whether he uses violence or words, he will try to walk through the path of virtue. But what virtue can achieve a cruel and machiavellian murderer like him? Only results will answer that question. What´s sure is that blood and lifeless bodies will kiss the ground. Hearts and minds will suffer. And new monsters will be born from the ashes of the old ones. Have the gods gone tired and decided to exterminate that world with the ultimate killer? Or is this the most clever of their strategies? Let´s see if the monster in search of humanity can justify the means of its end

Y0Y1S · Fantasy
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Kanaya hanya gadis SMA biasa. Dia ada namun terabaikan. Sifatnya yang tertutup membuat teman-temannya enggan berteman dengannya. Kanaya hanya tidak ingin semua orang yang dekat dengannya terkena sial. Semua ini karena kemampuan istimewanya. Andai kata kemampuan itu menghilang, mungkin ia dapat hidup dengan tenang dan bahagia. Apa daya, Kanaya hanya gadis sebatang kara dengan segala ketertutupannya. Semua orang takut padanya, takut bila sewaktu-waktu kemampuannya keluar dan membuat kekacauan. Bisikan-bisikan selalu terdengar, hingga membuat telinganya terasa pecah. Suara hati mereka membuat sosok Kanaya tidak bisa tenang. Belum lagi kemampuan yang ia miliki—kemampuan yang bisa membaca alur masa depan seseorang. Semua hal itu membuat Kanaya merasa jauh dari kata normal. Di saat semuanya mulai normal, berbagai kejadian mulai berdatangan. Dia hanya sendirian, hanya dibantu oleh sosok arwah perempuan yang kini menjadi temannya, arwah itu bernama Clara. Hingga kedatangan siswa baru sukses membuat kehidupan Kanaya terombang-ambing. Jika dulunya hidupnya terasa monoton, kini semenjak kedatangan lelaki itu mampu membuatnya merasakan debaran-debaran aneh. Hanya Kenzo yang bisa membuatnya merasakan perasaan melankolis itu. Namun sayang, saat hubungannya telah berjalan normal, ada saja halangan yang merintang. Latar belakang kehidupan Kanaya dipertanyakan, ketidak setujuan pihak Kenzo, juga muncul sosok baru yang mengaku menjadi tunangan dari lelaki itu. Ingin sekali Kanaya membaca masa depan Kenzo, namun selalu tidak bisa. Ia hanya bimbang, apakah mempertahankan hubungannya dengan lelaki itu adalah hal yang tepat atau justru sebaliknya?

Septiyan_Wulandari · Fantasy
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Table of Contents
Latest Update
Volume 0 :Auxiliary Volume
Volume 2 :Skip this volume!


  • Overall Rate
  • Writing Quality
  • Updating Stability
  • Story Development
  • Character Design
  • world background

Novel is pretty average. Writer is Newbie but keeps improving his writing quality. You can read it as it keeps better with each chapter.


I recommend this novels the writer is pretty honest and did not hesitate to admit his mistakes. Also, It's pretty rare to see a MC getting everything we wanted without sufferings too much like all other novels. You can try it. It's a decent story.


This book is rather average looking, but still good to read if you wait for it. The Chapter update is truly the best part of it as writer never miss a single day. Also, It have some skits with some adult jokes mixed here and there. I believe that the writers quality will improve in the future.3


I've read it till the 18th chapter and it's pretty decent. Although it is somewhat lack luster in the beginning but the novel is now improving at a Good pace. Also, you can skip the first 3 chapters and read them later.


This is my second story readers. So, there might be plot holes and grammar mistakes. Also there will only be One chapter a day so don't be disappointed.(=_=) I gave these ratings honestly. *********************************************************************** Now, The story is pretty decent with a genius and realist Mc. He is a good person but not a saint. The whole plot will be based on the idealistic world and contains some brutual scenes. One last thing, The Hero and The demon king are not typical Good and Evil respectively. So first read the chapters before have any paranoid thoughts about the story. Anyways, Enjoy yourselves!! ***********************************************************************


im sorry but I dont feel like reading a story, it feels like reading an unfinished plotline with author comments and incomplete dialogues.


I would say that this novel is improving steadily along with his other Fan-fic. Looking forward to the new developments in the story. Also, Writer please decide a proper writing style and don't change it regularly.


The novel does not look promising....The author does a poor job in writing the prologue and there is also annoying timeline without explanation


I Would ask,Am I Simping? If not then read it after it reaches at least 20 chaps


I like this book ❤️😁.... I have deducted star from your updating stability only ... Every version of this book has been improving rapidly ... Love you Author 😚💗💗💗


Bad grammar.Author please improve! Don't be an A**.


Noob writer.Bad and Slowly starting. Good after chapter 10.Read after Author post at least 75 chapters.


This is for the Author. He is improving with each passing chapter.


It's My first novel on this platform and It's pretty generic with a noob writer.The first thought I got was just drop it.But, reading till chapter 20(latest Chapter), I'mma gonna give this a chance.You can try reading but skip first 7-8 chapters.


Well writing review after a long while anyway. It has wack prologue i have ever seen from multiple POV changes (some of which are of random side characters) to 4th wall breaks to flashbacks in future timeline. Overall it was really weird close to none flow in the story It was getting interesting around chapter 18 but it's paid after 20 and I'm not really invested to continue reading. Hope you progress in your writing bro.


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General Audiencesmature rating