

Noir, the heir of Astrophel Family heard a strange Sound. *The Evil Villain System is linking* *linking completion 10%...20%.....80%.....100%* *Linking Completed* He became a Villain, In the World of Demon King and Hero's Cliché. He came to know that The Hero would one day kill him and Slaughter him! He does not fear death, He is a Kind and Lazy person. However, That Hero is a Piece of Shit! The reason for Killing Him(Noir) is that He wanted Noir's Fiancée and Relatives(Cousins, Mom, Aunts etc.)! He wanted to make them His lovers(Slaves)! Now, What would Noir do?, When he has given a chance to teach the teach a lesson. Would he Simply follow the System like a Dog? Would he become a Ruthless and Cold-blooded Villain? ... Or, Will he be able to avoid Hero? When the World need him to counter the threat of Demon King! __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ *The Cover Image is not mine but It's still a Copyright free one. Maybe? If the Owner wants me to Change it then Just Comment on the latest Chapter.(^_^)

False_Sage · Fantasy
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53 Chs


I followed behind My Mother and bashful Lina while carrying Leo on my shoulder.

My Mother a.k.a Estella Astrophel is truly a beauty! She has what every women wants like a fair skin, a face that outshines even Moon, and the wealthiest Man as Husband.

Today, she is wearing a 'Saree' a type of dress found in Asia. It's a silver colored cloth embroidered with golden silk threads. It magnifies Mother's beauty as well giving her a subtle holy aura.

Add the above with a loving family, She would had been the happiest woman of Orion, yet fate sure likes to play with peoples.

From birth she is suffering from a illness that would kill her in a few year, one of the reasons for me leaving home to be a researcher and doctor.

Ah! This Villain's halo really sucks! If not for that I could laze around a bit more...

"You sure know how to come back, hmm!"

"Greetings Grandfather!^^"