

Noir, the heir of Astrophel Family heard a strange Sound. *The Evil Villain System is linking* *linking completion 10%...20%.....80%.....100%* *Linking Completed* He became a Villain, In the World of Demon King and Hero's Cliché. He came to know that The Hero would one day kill him and Slaughter him! He does not fear death, He is a Kind and Lazy person. However, That Hero is a Piece of Shit! The reason for Killing Him(Noir) is that He wanted Noir's Fiancée and Relatives(Cousins, Mom, Aunts etc.)! He wanted to make them His lovers(Slaves)! Now, What would Noir do?, When he has given a chance to teach the teach a lesson. Would he Simply follow the System like a Dog? Would he become a Ruthless and Cold-blooded Villain? ... Or, Will he be able to avoid Hero? When the World need him to counter the threat of Demon King! __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ *The Cover Image is not mine but It's still a Copyright free one. Maybe? If the Owner wants me to Change it then Just Comment on the latest Chapter.(^_^)

False_Sage · Fantasy
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53 Chs


Our P.O.V,

It's been Seven Days since Noir's return from that Strange Space.

In this Vacuum period, Noir had been catching up with all the Absurd Events that took place in his absence.

And, Honestly, It was pretty hectic Seven Days for him.

It's like Noir was in a complete different World.

A Peaceful World filled with Minor Crimes, has Now, become a Den filled with Fanatical believers and War Fanatics.

In a Single Night, It's genre Changed from slice of life to Adventure and Tragedy!

That's the Story of Orion till Now...

Let's explore the New Orion!!!


Noir's P.O.V,


With a long sigh I sat on my chair. The previous seven days were very tiresome for me, More so when Lina was unable to do Work with her Unstable emotion when facing me.

Unfortunately, My Dear friends had also gone away due this Chaos of Orion.