

Noir, the heir of Astrophel Family heard a strange Sound. *The Evil Villain System is linking* *linking completion 10%...20%.....80%.....100%* *Linking Completed* He became a Villain, In the World of Demon King and Hero's Cliché. He came to know that The Hero would one day kill him and Slaughter him! He does not fear death, He is a Kind and Lazy person. However, That Hero is a Piece of Shit! The reason for Killing Him(Noir) is that He wanted Noir's Fiancée and Relatives(Cousins, Mom, Aunts etc.)! He wanted to make them His lovers(Slaves)! Now, What would Noir do?, When he has given a chance to teach the teach a lesson. Would he Simply follow the System like a Dog? Would he become a Ruthless and Cold-blooded Villain? ... Or, Will he be able to avoid Hero? When the World need him to counter the threat of Demon King! __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ *The Cover Image is not mine but It's still a Copyright free one. Maybe? If the Owner wants me to Change it then Just Comment on the latest Chapter.(^_^)

False_Sage · Fantasy
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53 Chs

The Arrival of Angels~*

In Orion,

The of 13th February of 2090 was a very special one. On that day, each and every race present on Orion witnessed the descent of the creatures from the deepest part of the world...

The entire sky was dyed crimson while the ground was littered with corpses and their scarlet blood...

Their faces were twisted in unthinkable angles by the courtesy of the Abyssal creature who love to torture their preys.

"Someone! save me!"

"Oh great Zeus, help us!! Ah! No!!!"

"Waaa! Mommy!!! It's scary!!!"


Faced with such horror and terror, the weak mortals cried for help from the celestials they worship with a sole hope that they might show some mercy to them...


Albeit, their prayers remained unanswered, forever... for most of them were swiftly digested in the bellies of Abyssal creatures.


On the same day, 

At noon, (An hour after their* advent)

The great elders of the pillars of Orion (except the grandfather of Noir) were having a meeting as they chatted while leisurely resting on their sofas... even after knowing the current circumstances of the Orion...

"Hey Falkor, shouldn't we aid our children? I mean, they are fighting since an hour and yet, these vile hadn't lessened a bit." spoke an elderly woman with white hairs and weak body to another man sitting on the rightmost chair of the room.

"I agree with this old hag, we should act swiftly or... I fear many lives will be lost .." added a rather short man with thick limbs, indicating towards his Dwarven origin.

Hearing the suggestion of these two, the other eight elderly glanced at him with a questioning gaze. Seeing which, the man with two sharp horn on his head, the eldest of all dragons on Orion, Falkor spoke, "Heh... You think I desire for destruction? Would I gain anything from it?"

"No, you don't."x8 responded the others as soon as said this. After all, from their creation, dragons loved nature since it was the origin of their powers. Similar to Elves, they would never desire for destruction. Well... leaving aside a selected few.


Though, Falkor didn't want to reveal the truth, just yet. Nevertheless, the uncertainty on others faces forced him to say, "Listen, I have analyzed the total amount of the creatures of abyss from the influx of abyssal energy in our environment..."

"How much?" asked the elder of Elves.

When Falkor heard the eager tone of Elven elder, he mysteriously smiled and added in soft tone, "3 trillion."


His simple response left others with speechlessness and utter disbelief pasted right on their faces!

Seeing this reaction, Falkor felt a little relieved before he explained in an extremely grim tone, "Most of these schemers are lying in ambush, waiting for our arrival to eliminate us by sacrificing a minuscule amount of their fellows... This whole fiasco is a trap for us... without any assistance from the celestial, we can't win. After all... they have hundred saint ranked abyssal night knights..."

He added, "Now, are you willing to aid them?"


Hearing his explanation left them with nothing but endless regret for their inability to reach the Demi-God realm! It is just a minor realm away, a single level! 

And yet, they are still stuck in this cursed realm!

Thereby, other than using the fragments of their powers to aid their family and friends, none of them can do anything for the Orion.

If they did, it would make situation far worse than anyone can handle!

It forced them to helplessly observe the heinous slaughter with their very own eyes...



"Kill them!"





Meanwhile the nine strongest beings on Orion were hiding in the lair of Falkor, the Orion was busy confronting the endless waves of monsters!

With every passing seconds, their numbers has been increasing at an incredulous pace, despite seeing their kin being eliminated, right in front of their eyes!

None of them expressed any remorse or grief, rather they joyously stepped over their kin to reach the explorers!

In this indiscriminate war, the explorer bled seas of blood and yet... they stood still with hopes of halting the abyss, even for a moment, all while cursing their crave for violence!

Now enjoy! This is the freedom they wished for!

A freedom under the constant threat of abyss, bereft of any peace or tranquility, filled with endless deaths...

It was the freedom they had earned for themselves!


Nevertheless, as we know, after every night, there comes a bright morning...

Amidst the endless despair of all, the hope finally rose when they heard the voice of accursed System of Doom, once again...


These mere sentences were enough to ignite the hope to survive in everyone as they fought back with newfound vigor while waiting for the miracle to take place! 



As if something had cut through the very fabric of space, it was smoothly sliced into two pieces, creating an Oval passage. From these gates...


Numerous doves followed by millions of sage ranked Angels with six wings behind theirs backs, appeared from numerous slits across the space of Orion.

That day, above the skies of Orion, the mortals finally witnessed the might of heaven with their own eyes!



The ferocious beasts that have been plaguing others with immense fear of death. They...



Turned into dust with a simple stroke of the divine angels hovering above their heads, reciting a single chant,

"Pray to the lord~"

Wherever the Angel's passed, even the mere trace of the Abyssal creatures vanished into thin air, leaving behind gentle chants of the great celestials!

Whether it was the explorers or weak mortals, they knelt on the ground and devotedly prayed to the deities with utmost reverence which ultimately established the new order of Orion, surrounded by... Strength and beliefs!

However, it was unknown whether it was for good or bad?

Will the appearance of celestials promote the mortals to a higher realm of evolution or...

It would establish a world pitted between two sides, good and evil...

Only time will tell...

Late Chapter?

Sorry for this!

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