

Noir, the heir of Astrophel Family heard a strange Sound. *The Evil Villain System is linking* *linking completion 10%...20%.....80%.....100%* *Linking Completed* He became a Villain, In the World of Demon King and Hero's Cliché. He came to know that The Hero would one day kill him and Slaughter him! He does not fear death, He is a Kind and Lazy person. However, That Hero is a Piece of Shit! The reason for Killing Him(Noir) is that He wanted Noir's Fiancée and Relatives(Cousins, Mom, Aunts etc.)! He wanted to make them His lovers(Slaves)! Now, What would Noir do?, When he has given a chance to teach the teach a lesson. Would he Simply follow the System like a Dog? Would he become a Ruthless and Cold-blooded Villain? ... Or, Will he be able to avoid Hero? When the World need him to counter the threat of Demon King! __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ *The Cover Image is not mine but It's still a Copyright free one. Maybe? If the Owner wants me to Change it then Just Comment on the latest Chapter.(^_^)

False_Sage · Fantasy
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53 Chs

Is this enough?*


1st February of 2090,

A piece of information shook the whole Orion!

Chaos Walkers! 

The massive organization, second only to the mighty guild, has collapsed under the huge debt!

Yes! You heard it right!

The No.1 Company of Orion is charged with 1 trillion Dollars of Debt by the Merchant Guild!

As a consequence, its valuation in the global market had dropped to only 50% of its actual value!!! 

Amidst the chaos and uncertainty surrounding Chaos Walkers' sudden downfall, whispers and rumours spread like wildfire throughout Orion. The news of the company's staggering debt and plummeting valuation sent shockwaves rippling through the business world and beyond.

Speculation ran rampant as people tried to make sense of the situation. Was it truly possible that Chaos Walkers, the titan of industry led by the genius of this era, Noir Astrophel, could collapse under such immense financial strain? Many found it hard to believe, given the company's reputation for innovation, success, and stability.

Most importantly, He is the son of the wealthiest person alive!


Any person with a sane mind can find something amiss...

It must be someone's conspiracy...


Morning: 6:00 A.M,

 A teenager with Bluish-White hair lay sleeping on his sofa within the confines of Chaos Tower, the epicentre of Chaos Walker's operations.

Unbeknownst to most, this seemingly ordinary youth was the catalyst for the myriad of problems and difficulties plaguing the once-mighty corporation.





As Noir's peaceful slumber was abruptly interrupted by the cacophony of messages flooding his Magicraft phone, he found himself rudely jolted awake once more. Groggy and disoriented, he reached out to grasp the device, his hazy vision blurred by the remnants of sleep.

In his haste to silence the incessant alerts, Noir's hand slipped, causing him to lose his balance and tumble to the ground with an undignified thud. "Ugh!" he grunted in frustration, the impact jarring him fully awake as he landed in a tangled heap on the floor.

Shaking off the daze of sleep, Noir pushed himself upright, rubbing the sore spot where he had landed. With a muttered curse under his breath, he cursed the intrusive nature of modern technology, lamenting the loss of his peaceful dreams.

Having experienced this unpleasant event in the early morning, He dropped his idea to silence his phone.

Instead, he moved to the bathroom attached to his office to freshen up.


Ten Minutes Later,

Noir, wide awake and indifferent, rises from the floor, dark circles under his eyes hinting at a long night spent working alone in his office.

In the minds of readers, thoughts about what he might have been up to in this whole tower, all alone. Right? After all, many teenagers' faces are covered with dark circles by the grace of the exo-! Ahem* Kind ladies.



Noir slowly reached for his personal phone to assess the aftermath of the System's penalty. 





As Noir activated the Mana-net, Orion's version of the internet, he was bombarded by thousands of unread messages and missed calls.

Unread Messages: 999 Missed Calls: 99

Surprised by the overwhelming number of notifications flooding his private phone, Noir couldn't help but wonder what could have prompted such a deluge.

While he was accustomed to receiving a high volume of messages daily, the sheer magnitude of this influx piqued his curiosity, especially considering that his private number was known only to select allies of Chaos Walkers.


At that very moment, Noir received a call from an unknown number, or perhaps from someone familiar whose name he had neglected to save in his caller list, a testament to his laziness in such matters.

"Hello, Noir speaking," he answered, his voice carrying the same indifferent tone as he addressed the unexpected caller.

"President Noir, it's Lina. I'm terribly sorry to disturb your rest."

Realizing that reaching out to Noir during his private time could disrupt his peace, Lina quickly apologized for her error, expressing regret for any inconvenience caused.

"No need for apologies. What's the matter?" Noir responded, displaying his characteristic indifference towards the incident.

"President, all of our major allies have canceled their agreements with us. Additionally, our intermediate companies have also canceled their orders. Now, we're left with only 100 small groups. On top of that, we're burdened with a debt of 1 trillion dollars. While I wanted to mobilize personnel to investigate the exact cause, some minor employees and shareholders are causing trouble on the first floor. What should we do?"

Lina, demonstrating her expertise, skillfully outlined all the major and minor problems plaguing Chaos Walkers.

"Lina, fire all of those employees who are causing trouble. As for the shareholders, buy back their shares at the price before the drop, then kick them out of the tower. One more thing, tell all of our allies to wait for a day. We'll answer all of their questions with a bang!"

Noir listened attentively to Lina's every word, a small smile creeping onto his lips. As he reclined in his chair, he coldly issued instructions to Lina. He was pleased that his plan had succeeded, and the troublemakers were finally being dealt with. 

Now, he would let them feel the utter despair!

No matter what people say, the feeling of revenge is indeed sweet.^^


Lina called out in an almost inaudible voice, her tone laced with hesitation.

"Yes?" Noir responded, taken aback by Lina's uncharacteristic demeanor. He spoke to her in a gentle voice, sensing her unease.

"Noir, is this the end? Are we going back home?" Lina's voice trembled with uncertainty as she posed her questions.



Before Noir could respond, the line went silent, leaving him with only the echo of her words ringing in his ears.


Noir slowly placed his phone on the desk and made his way to the outer world, standing at the top of the highest building in Orion. Through the transparent glass, he observed the vibrant and busy people below, resembling ants scurrying about their daily lives.

As he gazed out over the cityscape, Noir pondered a single question...

"Is this enough?"



Name: Ares Astrophel

Age: 40 Years.

Hair's: Bluish-White.

Eye's: Golden.

Traits: Workaholic.

Personality: Neutral.

Family: Estella Astrophel(Wife), Noir Astrophel(Son).

Title: The Wise.

Position: Leader of Merchant Guild.

Talent: Saving Grace(S-Rank)

Description: A charismatic and accomplished individual, with a charm index of 97 out of 100. Renowned as a lady killer in his youth, he nonetheless only had eyes for one woman: Ella Astrophel. Despite his past reputation, he proves to be a devoted son to his parents and a capable leader for his guild. Under his guidance for a mere five years, the guild has successfully navigated various difficulties, earning him the admiration of many who consider him their idol.

However, within his family circle, he is regarded as a Simp and klutz. Despite his outward charm and leadership qualities, he has a penchant for breaking things and frequently finds himself tripping over his own feet. Despite these quirks, his loved ones undoubtedly appreciate him for the genuine care and affection he shows them.

Enjoy reading~

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