

Noir, the heir of Astrophel Family heard a strange Sound. *The Evil Villain System is linking* *linking completion 10%...20%.....80%.....100%* *Linking Completed* He became a Villain, In the World of Demon King and Hero's Cliché. He came to know that The Hero would one day kill him and Slaughter him! He does not fear death, He is a Kind and Lazy person. However, That Hero is a Piece of Shit! The reason for Killing Him(Noir) is that He wanted Noir's Fiancée and Relatives(Cousins, Mom, Aunts etc.)! He wanted to make them His lovers(Slaves)! Now, What would Noir do?, When he has given a chance to teach the teach a lesson. Would he Simply follow the System like a Dog? Would he become a Ruthless and Cold-blooded Villain? ... Or, Will he be able to avoid Hero? When the World need him to counter the threat of Demon King! __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ *The Cover Image is not mine but It's still a Copyright free one. Maybe? If the Owner wants me to Change it then Just Comment on the latest Chapter.(^_^)

False_Sage · Fantasy
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53 Chs


In that Same unknown space,

Inside Noir's Mind,

Noir's P.O.V,

I'm Noir, Living a life full of Up and Up's.

There are some minor Issues here and there.


Right now,

I'm now witnessing the greatest misery of my life!

When I just successfully finished My project, I was sucked by a strange black hole.

Then, I was brought to an Empty Space.

My Eye's closed, My Ears not working.

Neither Move from my place nor fell anything.

This was my condition in first couple of Minutes.

But then started My Nightmare...

I felt my consciousness going away...

I was unable to feel anything...

After an unknown amount of time past, I was awoken by something.

I felt Myself floating in a Place filled with Huge darkness.

However, This time I saw myself Infront of me.

Suddenly, The Space Changed, My Body Disappeared.

I found Myself turned into an Illusionary figure like a Ghost, Unable to touch Myself.

Then, I felt a suction force that took me to somewhere.

After it stopped, I saw a Huge and Majestic Campus of an Educational Institute, Deciphered By the Sounds of Children studying in the Classes.

The Scene changed again, I found myself in above a ground filled with Students.

They are practicing Swordsmanship or other Arts.

A while later, I found The younger Ophelia entering the Ground in her School Uniform. And with her, Their was an Unknown Kid whom I don't know.

The crowd was pretty excited seeing the Duo entering the field.

However, Out of Nowhere, I found my younger version, Seven years old with black color hairs, running towards Ophelia with ragged breath and dirty clothes.

It seems like I had received quite a Beating.

But, It's not the thing that took my attention.

The Thing was, Even after seeing my sorry state, Ophelia didn't even looked at me.

Looking up close, I found her undisguised disgust for Me.


Actually, It's something that shocked me a bit too much.

But, I recovered quickly.

When I tried to Understand what was happening there, The scene changed again!

This time, I found Myself at the Battle hall of the Academy.

Here, The Crowd was cheering loud for a Teenager whom I saw with Ophelia before.

He is Beating a black haired teenager.

And Yeah, It was my Teenage version at Thirteen years old.

In Spite of all the Beatings My Teenage version was receiving, He still keeps fighting.

He falls with a punch and stood up to receive a Punch again and again.

The Whole crowd was overlooking the perseverance of Me, They were all cheering for the One who's beating me.

It's like that blonde was the center of World, The Whole Orion revolves around him.

'How infuriating!'

The Dreadful scene changed again,

This Time, I found Myself outside the Entrance of Academy.

Here, Ophelia and The Blonde Teenager standing while talking to each other in a sweet tone.

Although, I couldn't hear the conversation due to the distance. However, From their expression, I could definitely say that they were happy.

After being forced to Witness this scene for a few seconds that seemed like centuries Where they were spreading dog food, Arrived Me or My Teenage version of 16 years Old, walking from inside the Academy.

My Version was furiously walking towards the Blonde-Boy with Bloodshot Eye's.


Just When He was about to grab the Blonde-Boy's Collar, He felt two sharp Punches on his face.



He flew through the Air due to the Huge amount of Force in the Punches.

My Teenage version 2 stopped after hitting a wall with a Thump.

He fell to the Ground with a concussion in his Head and Blood flowing like a River from his Back.

His Bones most likely had been broken due to the Impact.

As for the persons who hit him, They were My Lina and Ophelia.

Despite seeing my Sorry state, They walked away with that Bastard Boy While holding hands and Talking merrily on their merry way!

Instead of Anger, I felt a Huge number of question marks filling my head.

'Just What is this?'

Even with My Brain, I couldn't make any logical explanation for the current state I'm in.

Between My self-doubt, The Scene Changed again,

This time However, I felt my Body.

I found Myself in My current Body but with Black hairs.

Since My Eye's were closed, I tried to move my hands albeit I can't felt them.

It's like they were not there anymore...OoO

I tried to move my legs but I can't!

It's like someone had severed them.

I took slow breaths to calm myself down...

Then, I opened My Eye's...

And that's my first Mistake!

I found myself lying on my belly with no arms and Legs.

The Blood was gushing like crazy from the severed holes yet I was not dying.

I was surrounded by a World dyed crimson by Huge amount of blood.

Slowly and Stealthily, I tried to move my head to look more...

It's my Second Mistake,

I witnessed a reality painted from the Deepest and Darkest fear of My life!

I saw heads and Limbs of My Father, Mother, Aunts and Uncles. All of them seemed either pierced or slashed by a Sword.

I saw the rolling eyeballs of My little cousins like they were carved out while they were alive.

On the Faces of My family, Instead of Pain or Fear, I saw anger.

Huge rage!

Surprisingly, I felt nothing even while seeing these creations of Madness.

Even the pain of flowing blood, I can't feel it.

But, It's still disturbing seeing the One I loves and Care for lying in the pool of their own blood.


Breaking My thoughts, I heard a sound of something heavily walking towards me on this Crimson stone floor.

The Sound stopped near My ear.


I saw that same Blonde Bastard Boy standing beside My lying body while Staring into My eye's.

"Oh, You are still alive after that torture~ Poor Soul~ Let me end it for you... Now DIE!!!"



He said some bullshit in an annoying tone and before even waiting for my reply, even though I couldn't, He stomped my head like a Pumpkin.

I literally felt the feeling of Another me at that time.

And... Neither He was cowering in fear...

Nor was he crying for death...

His only thought was...

'Why them!!!'

With that, I found Myself back to my Original Body,blankly staring at the endless void...


To Be Continued...

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