

Noir, the heir of Astrophel Family heard a strange Sound. *The Evil Villain System is linking* *linking completion 10%...20%.....80%.....100%* *Linking Completed* He became a Villain, In the World of Demon King and Hero's Cliché. He came to know that The Hero would one day kill him and Slaughter him! He does not fear death, He is a Kind and Lazy person. However, That Hero is a Piece of Shit! The reason for Killing Him(Noir) is that He wanted Noir's Fiancée and Relatives(Cousins, Mom, Aunts etc.)! He wanted to make them His lovers(Slaves)! Now, What would Noir do?, When he has given a chance to teach the teach a lesson. Would he Simply follow the System like a Dog? Would he become a Ruthless and Cold-blooded Villain? ... Or, Will he be able to avoid Hero? When the World need him to counter the threat of Demon King! __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ *The Cover Image is not mine but It's still a Copyright free one. Maybe? If the Owner wants me to Change it then Just Comment on the latest Chapter.(^_^)

False_Sage · Fantasy
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53 Chs

You are Saved...^^*

Orion, the heart of the universe, beats with the rhythm of events that shape destiny itself. On February 12th, 2090, the reverberations of a recent storm still lingered, a tempest that had thrown all of Orion into turmoil. But thanks to the swift intervention of the Eleven Pillars of Humanity, chaos was quelled before it could spiral out of control.

To the common populace, it seemed as though all was calm and orderly. Yet, those in positions of power and influence knew better. Behind the façade of peace lay the looming specter of impending upheaval—a deceptive calm before an inevitable storm. They understood that in Orion, as in life, every new beginning emerges from the ashes of a dramatic end.


<Our P.O.V>


1st February of 2090,

"Mrs. Lina, We all want to know President Noir's stance in this Matter. Please enlighten us!"

"Mr. Hop, Everything is under control. President has promised to bear all the losses. He thanked you all for your support in these Dire circumstance's of Company. He has..."

"You Don't have to worry about these problems. We would rise once again!"

"We Understand Mrs. Lina, We fully support him. Thanks for giving us your precious time!"

"No need Mr. Hop, It's My Duty. Hmm, I shall excuse Myself, Gentlemen."

Inside the Chaos Tower,50th Floor, Meeting Room, Lina is talking with the Spokesperson of Chibi leaders, Harris Hop. Chibi leaders is the name given by Noir to the President of Those 100 Small scale companies that are still in alliance with them.

Just Now, Lina was hosting a meeting instead of Noir as His Spokesperson to stabilize the situation between these People's.

As for Noir, He is busy in his research. Hence, Lina skillfully handled all of them and Resolved their worries about the Alliance.

Although, It's not that Important to care about these Chibi leader's. Alas! Noir as a Kind hearted person can't bear to watch his trustworthy Soon to be Subordinates to Worry endlessly.


The Chibi leaders saw Lina walking away graciously. To them, She seemed like a Majestic Angel walking with some ethereal Aura Oozing from her.

Fortunately, They are wise enough to not have any thoughts about her. Since, They had witnessed the horrifying end of the fool, Who tried to provoke her.

Despite her strength, Lina was never considered a threat in their circle, but Noir is. A flick of his finger had collapsed the lifeline of the third most richest person in garment industry.

Currently, he along with his partners are living in the slums, All alone!

In that dwelling of mutated beast without any protection, they have to live daily under the constant threat of death looming on Orion, the most peaceful of the worlds...


Umm... Now what?"

After Lina left, One of the Mob Character asked Harris, A question they all wanted to know.


Harris was very confused by Lina's answer's. Although, They did consoled him and others but it's very tough to contain all the Stress of 1 Trillion Debt! Even More so when Lina offered all of them a remuneration of a 100 Million Each!

Nowadays, Does Money grows on trees?

Their Net-worth is only 50 million on Average and She Offered 100 millions like She is giving pocket Money to them.

'Ugh! Rich People's.'

It's is the collective thoughts of Everyone present there.

"Mr. Harris, Shall we Open it?"

A Slender Man with Brown Hairs and Black Eye's suggested.

He diverted everyone's attention to a small envelope. It is the Letter written by Noir Himself. Lina told them that even She don't know it's content.

However, Before leaving she told them to not leak any information written in it. And, It's would burn after 10 Minutes of reading it.

"Sigh... Let's open it."

Harris is already exhausted by all the torture. He just accept defeat and this endless torment.


The envelope yields to Harris's hand, revealing Noir's proclamation—a blend of gratitude and arrogance, offering reprieve from the debt burden yet extending an audacious invitation to merge with Chaos Walkers.

"To Everyone who believes in Chaos Walkers, We are very thankful for your support. However, We don't need it. Although My words are very Offensive and Arrogant, But everything is under control. So, None of you have to worry about the Large sum of Debt. We shall not use the alliance to have you suffer with the Debt.

Hmm... I am very Pleased with your Will to cooperate with us. Therefore, I have a proposal for you^^.

I invite you all to merge your company with Chaos Walkers! If you agree, Please sign the Agreement behind this letter. If not, Then We would continue our prior alliance till 1st May 2090. After that You may leave the alliance. Thanks for reading. Noir Astrophel, The President of Chaos Walkers."



"I Quit!"

"Me Too!"

"I Agree!"


The outrageous letter of Noir, First part relived them that they don't have to share the Debt. But, the Second made some people's very angry.

Without Considering anything they all left with stomping their feet's, All the Way to the Ground floor.

At the Reception they submitted the termination of Alliance between their Companies and Chaos Walkers.

At last, Only ten peoples along with Harris hope remain in the Room.

"What would we do?"

"Mr. Harris, Shall we Sign or Not?"

"Hmm... let's sign it. Anyway, it's not a loss. Those peoples are Imposters, They most likely came to spy on our meeting. Their support of Chaos Walkers should be a façade."

"You are right Mr. Harris. I Saw them smiling when Mrs. Lina transferred 100 million Dollars to their Bank account's."

"Yeah, I think that their Anger is fake. They just wanted to terminate their Agreements."

"Hmm... let's sign!"

Harris Hop and Several other Man ranging from age of 25 to 30 year, Talked between themselves. Even though they are young, They do know some tactics of Merchant world.

Inside they all agree to leave, But they just can't leave Chaos Walkers in this dire Situation.


Hence, They all look into each others eyes and Nodded to each other.

Before all of them signed the Agreement. Shine! As soon as they signed the Agreement a light shine on the agreement.

"Hmm... Huh!"

Harris opened the letter and Read it. As soon as he finished reading, He froze on the Spot. There is only a Single sentence written on the letter.

{You are Saved. ^^}


A year prior, on Noir's birthday, Harris witnessed a distressing scene unfold as certain individuals attempted to belittle Noir in the presence of Lina, as he sought alliances for Chaos Walkers—an organization in its nascent stages.

Unfazed by their insults, Noir responded with grace, turning to address the gathering.

"Gentlemen, are you interested in an alliance with my organization?"

"Huh! Who are you, little pip-squeak?"

"Hey brat, I can join only if this girl behind you provides some entertainment! Hahahah!"

"R-right! Me too!"


Despite the crass remarks, neither Noir nor Lina displayed any hint of offense. Their composure, however, painted Noir as a passive figure in the corporate world, albeit temporarily.

"Mr. Noir, please forgive my father for his disrespectful behavious. I deeply apologize for the grievances caused."

One of the teenagers among the group of middle-aged men stepped forward, extending a sincere apology on behalf of his companions.

Noir patted the young man's back, offering cryptic words: "You are saved."

Leaving the teenager and others puzzled by Noir's enigmatic statement, they silently thanked their stars for refraining from further disrespecting Noir during the banquet.

However, the following day spelled doom for the offenders. Their companies faced a catastrophic collapse, losing their entire capital in one fell swoop. Shareholders withdrew their support, and partners severed ties. To compound their misfortune, they were burdened with a staggering loan of 1 billion, far surpassing their capital of a mere 100 million.

With the exception of the apologetic teenager, all others found themselves cast into the slums—a stark reminder of the consequences of provoking Noir.

Harris bore witness to the events and the aftermath, the words "You are saved" haunting him as a chilling reminder of Noir's power and influence.

Even now, that feeling of dread hadn't left him. 


<Status >Name: Joe

Wealth: 1 Billion Dollars

Family Name: Can't be found.

Hair: Blonde

Eyes: Brown

Position: Head of Finance Department at Chaos Walkers

His Story: Joe is the fortunate teenager who received Noir's cryptic assurance, "You are saved." Born into privilege, Joe enjoyed a comfortable upbringing with a loving family and loyal friends. However, his blissful existence was shattered at the age of 19 when he attended Noir Astrophel's birthday party. Meeting Noir, Joe was struck by his genuine kindness and humility, qualities rarely found in those of his stature. Yet, Joe's father and his companions tarnished the occasion with their lewd behavior and attempts to harass Noir's partner. Despite Joe's efforts to intervene, Noir departed with a sigh, leaving behind his perplexing words of assurance.

The following day, calamity befell Joe's father and his associates as their company collapsed, their business license revoked, and a staggering debt of 1 billion dollars looming over them. Forced into destitution, they vanished into the slums, leaving their families to fend for themselves. Amidst the turmoil, Joe's family awaited impending arrest for their debt, only to receive a surprising message offering absolution from their financial burden under one condition: they never use their family name again.

Joe seized an opportunity for redemption when Chaos Walkers extended him a position as Head of the Finance Department. Gratefully accepting, he became a devoted employee, leaving behind the shadow of his family's downfall. As for his father and friends, they disappeared into obscurity, never to be seen again.


<A N: Mr. Robloxian, Lemon Senpai, Nabibun, Daoist2U0rl, movwiz09, Sri_Ram_1496. Cristele_Hilay_3061,Black_Site, SpringBranch, champion123, Etc. Thanks for Voting P.S. to this Works.>

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