

Noir, the heir of Astrophel Family heard a strange Sound. *The Evil Villain System is linking* *linking completion 10%...20%.....80%.....100%* *Linking Completed* He became a Villain, In the World of Demon King and Hero's Cliché. He came to know that The Hero would one day kill him and Slaughter him! He does not fear death, He is a Kind and Lazy person. However, That Hero is a Piece of Shit! The reason for Killing Him(Noir) is that He wanted Noir's Fiancée and Relatives(Cousins, Mom, Aunts etc.)! He wanted to make them His lovers(Slaves)! Now, What would Noir do?, When he has given a chance to teach the teach a lesson. Would he Simply follow the System like a Dog? Would he become a Ruthless and Cold-blooded Villain? ... Or, Will he be able to avoid Hero? When the World need him to counter the threat of Demon King! __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ *The Cover Image is not mine but It's still a Copyright free one. Maybe? If the Owner wants me to Change it then Just Comment on the latest Chapter.(^_^)

False_Sage · Fantasy
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53 Chs


Our P.O.V,

A few minutes passed since the appearance of Noir.

Noir was still staring blankly at the endless Void.

However, This time, at least we know the reason for this. Aren't we?

The reason for this absent mind-ness of Noir should be because of that Nightmare of his.

'What was it?'

'A Dream?'

'Is that real?'

'Who was that Boy?'

These were the current questions that are troubling Noir.


Not reaching an answer after so long, He simply gave up.

Isn't it Nice to not overestimate yourselves.

If you can't get an answer from your point of view, Just leave it for the time when you have enough knowledge to solve it.

And, Noir just did that very thing.

<Ding! Owner, System has been updated Successfully!>

<Ding! Distributing the Rewards!>

<Ding! Congratulations the Owner for founding the Recipe of '< strong>Miracle Drug'!>

<Ding! Owner has made an Achievement '< strong>FOUNDING THE FORGOTTEN'.>

<Ding! Owner has been awarded with the title '< strong>THE FORGOTTEN WISE'.>

<Ding! Owner has been awarded by the < strong>SYSTEM OF DOOM for his achievement.>

<Ding! Owner has been granted an Exclusive access to establish the First and Last Eternal Guild of Orion.>

<Ding! Owner has completed the Hidden Quest of Evil Villain System, Triggering evolution System.>

<Ding! The System has blocked the Access of Doom!>

<Ding! The Evil Villain System would only belongs to you, Owner!>

<Ding! Transferring Ownership...>

<Progress: 0%... 50%... 100%>

<Ding! Owner acquired the Hidden title 'My EVIL'.>

<Ding! Owner acquired the Passive skill 'Villain's Halo'.>

<Ding! Owner has awakened < strong>The Forbidden Memories.>

<Ding! Does Owner wants to fuse it?>

<Ding! Yes No.>

Just when Noir gave up, He was waked up by the barrage of notifications from his personal System.

He read all of them and found something good from the System for the First time.

However, What took his attention was the last one.

In Normal time, Noir might skip everything and first redeem the last one.

Albeit, Noir hanging in an Unknown space with No-way to return has a large amount of free.

So, He decided to view his rewards.

'Erebus, Show the descriptions of My Titles'

Noir commanded his System which had previously stated it's name as Erebus.

<Ding! loading Descriptions...>

<Ding! Owner's Titles,< p>



-Cause the Holder to immune to Any mind spell.

-Makes Holder's actions unpredictable to Others.

-Others would never be able to Copy any of the Holder's skill/ability/blodline.



-Increase Chances of Researching Forgotten or Forbidden Things.

-Increase Mana Aptitude to Divine-Level.

-Holder can communicate with Every living being.

-50% Chances of Surviving a life threatening Ordeal.



-Exempt Holder from the current common sense of Orion.

-Holder can freely do anything without any interference from Evil Creatures.

-All Evil shall learn from the Holder.

-90% Evil Immunity.>


Noir's P.O.V,

It's Awesome!

I had nothing else to Add but these titles are really Awesome.

Especially the tile of 'The Forgotten Wise', even a Snot nosed brat can become a Demi-God just from it, alone.

This system proved to be very good at this time.

At first, I thought that this was just a nonsense from the Vixen.

Despite that I slightly believed in her and made a gamble.

And, This Gamble is turn out to be better than I thought.


'Erebus, What's up with this Evil Immunity?'

<Ding! Owner, You are not yet qualified to understand it.>

I asked the System as I was a little curious about it.

Alas! the System pour cold water on My Curiosity just like Girls did with the Boys Desires.(A/N: Bro spitting fact.)

'Hmm, Okay, I understand. Show me the description of Villains Halo.'

After facing a rejection, I solemnly commanded the System while still flowing in that damn Space.

Although curious and wants to ask about this damn Fiasco to My System, I still patiently waited for The Vixen's message.

<Ding! Skill 'The Villains Halo'< p>

Tier:- SSS-Level.

Description:- Why only Protagonist have the Plot Armor and Villain's Don't? An Wandering Cosmic being thought so. He studied the Villains of all multiverse and created this Skill tree for the Villain. So behold the Might of Villain.

Remark: Villains should be OP too!!!

Proficiency: Elementary.


-Grants the Skill 'Appraisal' to the Holder.

-Grants the Skill 'Fast learning' to the Holder.

-Grants the Skill 'Unparalleled Brain' to the Holder.



-???(A/N:- These skill are locked since the Noir's efficiency is too low.)

{Note: The Granted Skill's level is equal to the level of Passive skill.}>




I can't believe My eye's.

Aren't they Too Op?

I mean is this System broken or What!

What the hell is a Cosmic Being and that Too a Wandering One!

And, Why would it create a Skill for Villains!



'Be calm.'

I took a deep breath or this System would kill me from it's stupidity.

I am already exhausted.

What is the point of these Overpowered Skil-


There is!

How could I forget that Damn Boy who killed slaughtered My family in that Vision.

If it's false then, Alright.

If not, Then I would show hell to that Boy.


Forget it for now...

Let's see the Last one...

'System, I Choose Yes.'

I commanded Erebus to press the Yes button.

Only If I know at that moment that I fuc*** up.


To be Continue...


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