

Noir, the heir of Astrophel Family heard a strange Sound. *The Evil Villain System is linking* *linking completion 10%...20%.....80%.....100%* *Linking Completed* He became a Villain, In the World of Demon King and Hero's Cliché. He came to know that The Hero would one day kill him and Slaughter him! He does not fear death, He is a Kind and Lazy person. However, That Hero is a Piece of Shit! The reason for Killing Him(Noir) is that He wanted Noir's Fiancée and Relatives(Cousins, Mom, Aunts etc.)! He wanted to make them His lovers(Slaves)! Now, What would Noir do?, When he has given a chance to teach the teach a lesson. Would he Simply follow the System like a Dog? Would he become a Ruthless and Cold-blooded Villain? ... Or, Will he be able to avoid Hero? When the World need him to counter the threat of Demon King! __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ *The Cover Image is not mine but It's still a Copyright free one. Maybe? If the Owner wants me to Change it then Just Comment on the latest Chapter.(^_^)

False_Sage · Fantasy
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53 Chs

Joe and Jane*

On February 2nd, 2090, the world is gripped by anxiety as Chaos Walkers Company remains tight-lipped about the sudden crisis they are facing.

Speculation runs rampant in the media, with outlets worldwide suggesting that Chaos Walkers may be on the brink of collapse.

The lack of communication from the company only fuels the public's curiosity, leaving many to wonder if this truly is the end for Chaos Walkers...


Inside Chaos Tower, within the Finance Department of Chaos Walkers, a man and a woman sat side by side, chatting with each other in a carefree attitude, seemingly unaffected by the tension surrounding the company.

"Hey Joe!"

The brunette with brown eyes and a cute face called out to Joe, the head of the Finance Department, her voice tinged with urgency.

"What?" Joe, a blonde with brown eyes, answered her call, his tone reflecting a mixture of curiosity and readiness to address any urgent matter at hand.

Jane: "Why are you so chill? Aren't our company in a lot of debt?"

She asked Joe, her question reflecting the worry that had been gnawing at her until now. As they faced each other, their eyes locked in a meaningful gaze, awaiting Joe's response.

Joe: "Cough! It is. So what?"

Momentarily lost in her eyes, Joe coughed before answering in a monotonous voice, attempting to dispel the awkward atmosphere that had settled between them.

Jane: "Ugh! I mean, why doesn't anyone care about that?"

The woman, however, brushed off the little scene and remained focused on seeking answers from Joe.

Joe: "Don't worry. It's just a minor problem. Just believe in the President."

Joe's response was casual, showing little concern for her worries.

Jane: "Is our President really that good?"

The woman asked, her disbelief evident in her tone as she questioned Joe's assurance.

Joe: "Yes, he is. And don't go asking around about this. Otherwise, you'll be the laughing stock of the block. Haha..."

This time, Joe attempted to reply in a serious tone, though he couldn't help but chuckle in the end.

Jane: "Hey Joe, stop laughing! Tell me the reason. It's tough for me to remain calm with all these problems. Please."

The woman's anger was evident in her tone as she demanded an explanation from Joe. Despite her desire to scold him, she found herself unable to do so, already exhausted by the anxiety of the situation.

Joe: "Okay, let me tell you. Come here."

Joe, acting as a gentleman, stopped teasing her. He was fully aware of her condition and had even suggested that she take some rest. However, this girl refused to leave others in the midst of the crisis.

Jane: "Yay!"

Excited by Joe's affirmation, Jane hurriedly brought her ears closer to Joe's mouth, eager to hear what he had to say. She could feel Joe's hot breath against her ear, but she wasn't disturbed by it, too focused on hearing his explanation.

Joe: "Listen, the President is the very reason for our company's existence. He is the most hardworking boss I have ever seen. Even the President's friends who are the heads of major departments don't work that much. Because..."

Joe continued to share facts in a monotonous manner, his nerves evident despite his attempt to maintain composure. What an introvert he is!

Who among us hasn't had the chance to get close to a girl or share a hug?(A/N: I don't {-_-})

Jane: "Umm, then aren't they ungrateful? They should help the President, right?"

Jane, unfazed by Joe's awkward tone, listened attentively to his every word.

However, she interrupted him before he could finish his sentence.

Joe: "No, you're wrong. All of the President's friends are the best in their field. However, the President's work can't be done by just anyone. There was a time when they volunteered to handle his workload. Alas, it was a total disaster! Since then, even if the President wants to delegate some of his powers, no one dares to take them."

Joe continued to explain to her eagerly, momentarily forgetting their close proximity.

Jane: "But how does that have to do with our current problems?"

Jane asked the million-dollar question, a query that our esteemed readers are also likely curious about.

Joe: "Jane, listen~ Our President is the head researcher of our Pharma Company. He's working on a project big enough to raze all other pharmas to the ground. Our loan of 1 trillion was taken for research purposes. All of our company's medicines and technologies are the result of his failures in his research. And these failures have made our company the No.1 organization in Orion. Now, think, if we succeed, just how much progress we'll make on the ladder. We might become the Twelfth Pillar of Humanity!"

Joe finished speaking with his mouth just a breath away from Jane's, causing the back of his ear to turn crimson with embarrassment.

Jane: "OoO..."

Joe: "OoO..."

Now, Joe and Jane both are in deep shock, albeit for different reasons.

Jane is stunned by Joe's words, processing the weight of the information he just shared.

Meanwhile, Joe is shocked for a completely different reason...

A reason he knows...

I knows...

And, You knows...

Their silence hangs heavy in the air as they process their respective revelations.

Aren't We?...

[Note: Are you certain you're not a v-boy with a romantic experience level akin to Pogo watching kid?]



<Chaos Tower>

Number of Floors: 100

Height: 4000 meters

Capacity: 100,000 people

Protection: A-Rank

Owner: Noir Astrophel (18 years old)

Creator: Noir Astrophel (16 years old)

Date of Creation: June 1st, 2090

Materials Used: Mana Steel, Mutated Rocks, Myriad Crystals, etc.

Description: The tower stands as the sole human-made structure reaching a towering height of 4000 meters, surpassing any other building created by humans, which typically maxes out at around 600 meters. Unlike other taller structures acquired from the Doom System or bestowed by divine beings, this tower is a testament to human ingenuity and effort. Situated closest to the Core of Origin, a location of immense value, the tower is a marvel of engineering and resourcefulness.


Some Info Dump, PLEASE Read!

Company: A collective of individuals engaged in specific tasks or projects, organized in a systematic and hierarchical manner. Anyone with sufficient qualifications and capital can establish a company.

Guild: These entities can be founded by any High-Human with adequate credits and materials, or a regular company may evolve into a guild through significant contributions to Orion. Guilds are also referred to as Pillars of Orion, underscoring their importance to the entire realm, not just humans. Indeed, they provide various perks to both evolved races and the normal populace, serving as essential pillars of societal and economic stability within Orion.

Note: Currently, there are only eleven officially recognized guilds established by mortals, highlighting the considerable challenge of establishing a guild in Orion. This is due to the stringent requirement of acquiring the guild establishment token, which can only be obtained from the system of doom itself.



It's just a small side chapter to fill some Plot holes.

See you soon!^^

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