

Noir, the heir of Astrophel Family heard a strange Sound. *The Evil Villain System is linking* *linking completion 10%...20%.....80%.....100%* *Linking Completed* He became a Villain, In the World of Demon King and Hero's Cliché. He came to know that The Hero would one day kill him and Slaughter him! He does not fear death, He is a Kind and Lazy person. However, That Hero is a Piece of Shit! The reason for Killing Him(Noir) is that He wanted Noir's Fiancée and Relatives(Cousins, Mom, Aunts etc.)! He wanted to make them His lovers(Slaves)! Now, What would Noir do?, When he has given a chance to teach the teach a lesson. Would he Simply follow the System like a Dog? Would he become a Ruthless and Cold-blooded Villain? ... Or, Will he be able to avoid Hero? When the World need him to counter the threat of Demon King! __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ *The Cover Image is not mine but It's still a Copyright free one. Maybe? If the Owner wants me to Change it then Just Comment on the latest Chapter.(^_^)

False_Sage · Fantasy
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53 Chs


World's P.O.V,




After waiting for Five minutes, a rude Knock was heard outside Noir's Cabin.

However, This time the Visitor entered the Room without waiting for permission. A rude individual indeed!

He entered the Room, unceremoniously, acting like the owner of this place.



Noir and Lina both observed the visitor, Only to see a Miracle of Nature approaching the chair placed before the desk. His every step shook the mana-reinforced floor with his sheer weight (figuratively).

That Person possessed Brown hair and pupils, from his posture and expressions, he was insulting Noir...

Both Noir and Lina were a little amazed at the sight of such an individual the size of a hulk struggling to bear his weight.

His hands are comparable to an adult's head in thickness while his legs are a foot thick.

His every step was making a slight tremor on the Ground reinforced by Mana barriers.

I am not insulting him for his fat body, but, he was sooo huge!





Under the strange gazes of Noir and Lina, Dren sat down on the Empty chair, which might have cried tears of blood...

Its creaking was indicating its misery...

Rest in peace Mr. Chair 

"Ah! President Noir, Good Morning. Donation Money please!^^"

After sitting on the Chair, Dren with the utmost respect he had given Noir in recent years, nonchalantly asked for the donation money with his thick face, thicker than the walls of Tiamat.

Lina, though furious By his behaviour, remained silent.

She was just standing on the side while waiting for Noir's reaction. If Noir orders, She won't hesitate even a little to personally wipe this abomination!

As Noir was about to respond, some sharp sounds of some ominous bells rang in his ears. 




Description: As the Owner of the Evil villain system how can you not do something evil?

Owner, Choose one of the three choices:

1. Seduce your assistant.

Reward: God-level artifact (random)

2. Make your subordinates overwork themselves.

Reward: God-level abilities (random)

3. Help the 'poor' person who will arrive shortly to ask for your help today!

Reward: The Ultimate Fool (title).>

When Noir looked at the sources of noise, disturbing his conversation with the vile Dren, He found some nonsensical words shining in Azure black light on the crimson panel of this system.

His only thought at that time was,

'What is this crap?'"


"Mr. Noir!" While Noir was spacing out for a bit, Dren called out to him disrespectfully to get his attention.


Unfortunately for him, Lina heard his tone and glared at him furiously. Following this, some translucent wisps of dark smoke started materializing beside her. Clearly warning Dren to not try his luck too much. 

She swears, If not for Orion's protection she would have torn Dren into shreds.


"My Apologies Mr. Noir and Miss Lina, I just want to draw Mr. Noir's Attention."^^ However, Dren, A Normal Human was aware of the power difference between a high-human and him.

In Orion, Humans use an adult maximum power as a unit of strength to calculate their combat power.

Despite his aloofness, He understands one thing for sure, Even though, He might get away from Normal Humans Humans can be exempted from Punishment by contributing to Orion. Depending on the severity of their crimes. 

As for the punishment for killing him? It will be to kill the creatures of the abyss for 5 years. A rather small period for high-human with the least life span of two hundred years but a torturous one, indeed.

It is one of the reasons why No Human dared to challenge High-Humans and High-humans did not eliminate normal humans, willy-nilly.

Aware of the danger, He took a deep breath and turned into a metaphorical stone

He Knows it's not his Home Turf. 'So... better be cautious.'

Noir, Who had closed the System panel was secretly praising Dren for his freckle personality.

He behaved as a meek person bullied by the big-bad bullies (us), contradicting his previous arrogant self.

Noir didn't care about this little greedy bastard. So he replied perfunctorily, "Sorry for spacing out, Mr. Dren. I hope you don't mind it." 

"Mr. Noir, You don't have to apologize. I just came to receive the Donation Money that You might have forgotten to send this Month."

Dren very smoothly changed the topic from his Earlier disrespect to Noir's negligence in Sending Donation Money.

Hearing his answer, the wisp of dark smoke materialized in the air and slowly moved to engulf Dren.

But, Just now, Noir had read the condition of his first quest like those games in the novels. It piqued his interest a bit. Hence, he gave Lina a side glance, enough for her to retract her shadows.

From the three conditions, Noir decided to choose the easiest one, that is to [Help the 'poor' person who will arrive shortly to ask for your help today!]

Aside from this one, the other two were something, Noir would have never chosen anyway. No matter the lucrative and attractive rewards, It seemed like a sham! 

As stated before, {Nothing good comes out from the combination of 'Evil' and 'Villain'}

"Mr. Dren if I am correct then, I had already sent the things like Rations, Toys, and clothes for the orphanage's Children. Am I right Mr. Dren?"

Noir tried to remind Dren, hoping for a better future.

"Oh! That's not it, President Noir. Your supplies have already arrived at the Orphanage but It seems like President Noir Forgot to send this months fund's for the development of Orphanage. So, I, poor head come here to take it!"

Despite the sound logic of Noir, Dren shamelessly insisted on getting Money. He... was a lost cause.

Dren was like those Money-hungry mongrels who were deemed not worthy of their positions. Even, Though, they were not capable of doing anything and yet, they acted like they owned the world with the meagre support of their over-confidence.

Dren is like those people, Who like to hide their true nature with good identities but never try to hide their vulgar nature.

Amid the conversation, the crisp sound of the system rang in his ear, again.






Reward: God-level Body. (random)


Reward: God-level Skill. (random)


Reward: The Ultimate Hero (Title).

*Owner, If you don't choose any options then your company will lose its 50% net worth.* >

While Dren was staring at Noir to see his Reaction, Noir was busy reading a Quest Notification that popped up before Him.

Noir is confused, Just Why That Vixen is not coming or Talking to him? Instead, she is sending these stupid Quest.

He knows that the First and Second options were traps, If getting any Divine Artifact was that easy, his home would have been filled with them. 

You know? He's quite rich.

In Orion, Killing and Beating Ordinary People is a Crime. Hence, The Initiator would disappear after the Deed is done.

More so when the crime was committed by a not-so-normal half-evolved like Noir.

So, The First Two quests are a Big No!

<Ding! Does the Owner wants choose third Option!>

<Yes No!>

<Yes! >

<Ding! Owner, please complete the Quest to get 'The Ultimate Fool' Title>

After reading the options of both quests, Noir opted for the third option of the first quest, due to his curiosity.


During that time, he looked like a fool to others. Thereby, Lina, pulled the corner of his shirt to bring him out from his daze.

"Oh! Mr. Dren, you are still here?"

Seemingly aware of his fault, He gave Lina an embarrassed smile before confronting Dren with his Oscar-winning acting skills.

"Umm, President Noir you have not given the funds for orphanage."

Even then, Dren remained shameless.

Dren thinks that the amount of a hundred mana that is enough to Run a thousand children orphanage for a Year is too little to run an Orphanage sheltering 100 Children for a Month.

"Ah! My bad Mr. Dren. How can We let you leave empty-handed? You can follow Lina and She will transfer a hundred mana coins into the Hope Orphanage's account. You can leave Now."

Lina standing beside him is also puzzled by Noir's Decision but as His Childhood friend, She was aware of many shenanigans of.

In the past, he acted akin to the most naïve person before striking at the worst moment possible, rendering his opponent incapable of even responding.

As for what awaited them... was a painful death after experiencing hell...

Therefore, Lina silently offered a prayer for this vile creature who was unaware of the future adversaries...

"Come with me, Mr. Dren."


Thereafter, She escorted him out of the office and transferred one hundred mana coins to his account, before sending him away.

Finishing her job, She gazed at Noir's office as some inexplicable emotions surged inside her.

<Ding! The owner had not chosen Any of the Following Options.>

<Ding! The owner failed the Quest! 'The Punisher!>

<Ding! Initiating Penalty.>

<Time 14 59 Remaining: Hours,59 Minutes, Seconds...>

After Lina and Dren left the Office, Noir opened the System panel.

He was not the least surprised by these system prompts.

<Ding! The owner has completed the Quest 'The First Step of Evil'.>

<Ding! Giving Rewards...>

<Ding! Acquiring Title...>

<Ding! Congratulations to the Owner Acquire title 'The Ultimate Fool'. Please open Title description for More Info.>

While reading these Prompts, He saw another Notification.

Signifying the departure of the Dren from his tower.


"Hello!, President. What can I do for You?"

After reading the texts, Noir dialed the receptionist's number, he anticipated the pleasant voice that would greet him on the other end. After a few rings, the call connected, and a warm, melodious voice filled his ear.

"Hello, President Noir's office, this is Rose speaking. How may I assist you today?"

Rose's voice was like a gentle melody, soothing and reassuring. Despite the mundane nature of her job, she always managed to infuse her words with a touch of elegance and grace. More so, Whenever she chatted with Noir.

Noir couldn't help but smile as he listened to her. Rose was more than just a receptionist; she was a trusted confidante and a dear friend. She had been together with him and Lina since the beginning.

"Rose, it's me," Noir said, his voice filled with warmth. "I have a little announcement to make."

As he spoke, Noir could almost picture the soft smile that graced Rose's lips. She wasn't the epitome of professionalism but a friendly neighbourhood girl, a much-needed quality in a receptionist.

"Of course, President Noir," Rose replied, her voice tinged with curiosity. "What can I do for you?"

Noir took a moment to collect his thoughts before delivering the news. "Rose, I've decided to give everyone the afternoon off. Furthermore, Don't cut their wages."

"Alright, President."

Noir straightforwardly told her the Bizarre news.

Although, Holidays were not that uncommon on Orion.

However, It's the First time that President Noir has sent Everyone on a Paid Vacation.

Alas! Rose just like Lina is a loyal supporter/Childhood Friend of Noir.

Additionally, Noir has been her crush since childhood. So, like a woman in love, She handles anything stated by Noir without any context, whatsoever.


Noir put his Mana-Phone down and sat on his Chair.

His thoughts drifted away into the void...



NAME: Lina.

AGE 20 years 31 days.

HAIR: Black.

NET-WORTH: 300 Million Dollars.

EYES: Crimson.

TRAITS: Perfectionist.

PERSONALITY: Loyal, Strict, Kind.

INTEREST You knows/ I knows/ We know!

TALENT: Seeker(S-Rank).

ABILITY: Sovereign of Shadows.

Story: Lina was an Orphan in Orphanage till the Age of 5. At The Age of 5, She was taken in by Noir's family as per the request of Noir. Till then, She is the Personal Maid/ Friend/ Caretaker of Noir. She is very hard-working and will do anything for Noir. Furthermore, Lady Astrophel and other treats her as their Daughter.

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