

Noir, the heir of Astrophel Family heard a strange Sound. *The Evil Villain System is linking* *linking completion 10%...20%.....80%.....100%* *Linking Completed* He became a Villain, In the World of Demon King and Hero's Cliché. He came to know that The Hero would one day kill him and Slaughter him! He does not fear death, He is a Kind and Lazy person. However, That Hero is a Piece of Shit! The reason for Killing Him(Noir) is that He wanted Noir's Fiancée and Relatives(Cousins, Mom, Aunts etc.)! He wanted to make them His lovers(Slaves)! Now, What would Noir do?, When he has given a chance to teach the teach a lesson. Would he Simply follow the System like a Dog? Would he become a Ruthless and Cold-blooded Villain? ... Or, Will he be able to avoid Hero? When the World need him to counter the threat of Demon King! __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ *The Cover Image is not mine but It's still a Copyright free one. Maybe? If the Owner wants me to Change it then Just Comment on the latest Chapter.(^_^)

False_Sage · Fantasy
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53 Chs

The Demon King.*

World's P.O.V.,

Meanwhile the races of Orion were praying to the celestials, thanking them for the timely aid in the form of the Angels.

Albeit, there was a single race who was still facing the threat of monsters.

A race which has been destined to survive in the harsh coldness of previous Antarctica, bereft of any dirt, trees and… land. The only continent which hasn't been graced with the rays of sunlight for the last five centuries…

Also known as… Niflheim! The abode of Orcs, Ogres, Goblins, Werewolves, The Fallens and many other subsidiary races who fell under the authority of the Demons!

The beings graced with blessings of chaos, making their affinity with mana to rival even that of Dragons!

In the only city of Niflheim, also known as Babylon, surrounded by the tens of small towns established by their subsidiaries, the demons along with their true comrades were still engaged in the deadly confrontation with the abyssal beasts.

In reality,

Though the Angels helped other races, they didn't care about demons at all. To them, Demons have been a vile race, akin to that of abyssal monsters.

Actually, it was the order of the celestials to not wipe the Demons, or… The Angels would long have wiped them from the face of Orion! 

Apparently, whether the mortals or celestials, none of them regard demons as the true inhabitants of the Orion.

Both on Orion and Heaven, Demons had been hated for their Origin from hell which fell under the authority of the Familia of Death. They weren't even acknowledged as the true residents of Orion.

For other races, Demons are nothing but the refugees who had escaped from their real realm of pain. The chaos loving freaks, filled with greed for wealth and women, battle hungry mongrels and idiotic individuals who crave to rule the world.

That had been the picture of demons among the humans, elves, dwarves, dragons, and mermaids for ages.

Albeit, it is far-far away from the truth…

A truth hidden beneath the deepest part of the hell… which remained to be uncovered by someone, daring enough to challenge the heavens!

On the Outskirts of Babylon city surrounded by towering walls made of ice and the plethora of guardian barriers.

Despite not obtaining the support of the celestials, the Demons bravely fought against the never-ending waves of monsters with their unyielding wills and tough bodies.

The Ogres, the Goblins, the Orcs, the Werewolves, the Fallens, all worked seamlessly under the leadership of Ovan-the elders of the Demons to stop the advance of the Monsters, stopping their horde far from the reach of their only city, The Babylon.

On one hand, there were the Demons and their subjects numbering to a mere million. On the other hand, were the millions of abyssal creatures who had encircled the whole city from every direction.

Every defender had to face ten or more creatures at once! Even then, none of them lost the will to fight!

Instead, it fueled their fighting spirit even more!






And yet, it wasn't enough to stop the foul beast…

With each passing second, the casualties of the Babylon increased at a terrifying pace, almost touching the ten thousand mark!



"For her!"

"For them!"

"For us!"

"For life!"

Despite that! No one lost the hope to win!

Against the creature, capable of making the mincemeat out of any silver ranked explorer, there wasn't even a single ounce of fear present in them.

Rather, they gladly offered even their bodies by detonating them, among the horde of monsters to buy even a little bit of time…

""Naamah! Naamah! A'aimeh! Sheminah!""

""Naamah! Naamah! A'aimeh! Sheminah!""

""Naamah! Naamah! A'aimeh! Sheminah!""

During the time the valiant warriors were sacrificing their own life for the sake of their kin, a single eighteen-year-old boy with grey hairs and unkempt clothes was reciting some mysterious chants while kneeling on the ground, atop the highest places of the whole Babylon.

His eyes were tightly shut, his hands on the ground with his head as if was praying to someone.

The crimson tears of blood flowing from his eyes and his bleeding knees were the clear indication that this simple action of his had brought immense pain to him.

With each passing second, his knees sunk into the ice which was unable to bear the pressure of the invisible force.

Even then, it was incapable to break the focus of that boy.

A few moments later,


"Haa…. Huu…."


The infinite hours of pure torture and that invisible force finally disappeared from the teenage boy's body, granting the long-needed relief to the boy who soon passed out after taking two deep breaths…

And yet, there was a little smile plastered on his face as he finally did something to be worthy of his position as the…


At the same time,

The battlefield outside the walls of Babylon, which still remained untainted from the blood of Abyssal beasts by the grace of the sheer number of fallen warriors, who had sacrificed their lives for this great cause.



Unaware of the success of their new king, the warriors thrashed the monsters until there wasn't even a speck of life remained in their bodies!



Unfortunately for them, the chances of victory seemed very faint with the new arrival of the hundred saint ranked monsters, hungry for the blood of their only saint ranked elder, Ovan, who had been at the forefront against the monsters!

If not for his grace, the casualties of the Demons would long have reached in hundred thousand!


"Die Monsters!"

"[Falling Sky!]"

"[Ice Spear!]"

But, even the walking harbingers of death weren't enough to shake the unrelenting spirits of the demons!


On gazing at the ongoing spectacle, the saint ranked abyssal knights called out the hordes, which provided the demons with a short respite.

And yet, no demon relaxed for a bit. For they know… it was but the silence before the storm.



With the movement of abyssal knights who collectively raised their swords up in the sky, the demons took a deep breath and attentively waited for the upcoming calamity…



However, before the abyssal knights could even use their skill, a single voice echoed in the battlefield, freezing everyone, whether demons or monsters, in their places.

This single voice... which was definitively feminine but emotionless filled the monsters with utmost terror while…


Warm tears of water dropped from the eyes of the Demons. Though, they were unable to do anything else.


In a matter of moments, a huge crack appeared in the middle of the battlefield. Following which, the demons finally get their mobility back. And…


Under the lead of their elder, all of them sincerely knelt on the ground, awaiting arrival of the sacred individual, which had been a myth in the history of demonic texts.

And they were right as… from the humongous crack, an ethereal looking figure of a huge black fox with six tails dancing in the air emerged while graciously hovering above the ground.



She expressionlessly gazed at the demons and saw their sincerity. While her tails swayed in the air as they released a gentle breeze towards the side of abyssal creatures, they turned into dust which was taken by the wind into the cracks beside the black fox, completely wiping even the trace of their existence.

Doing so, she wiped her squishy black tails with her soft paws before she addressed Ovan-the elder of the Demons, who dared not speak a word in her presence, "Beware of the celestials."



Leaving behind these words which rang in every corner of Babylon and the long-lost Sun-shine which shone on the surface of Orion for the first time in the last five centuries, she vanished from her place.

Even then, the demons remained in their positions as her words were deeply engraved onto their very souls…

Never to be forgotten, until the very end…

To Dear Readers,

I wouldn't be able to post chapters for some days.


My Laptop got busted!


Enjoy Reading!^^


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