

Noir, the heir of Astrophel Family heard a strange Sound. *The Evil Villain System is linking* *linking completion 10%...20%.....80%.....100%* *Linking Completed* He became a Villain, In the World of Demon King and Hero's Cliché. He came to know that The Hero would one day kill him and Slaughter him! He does not fear death, He is a Kind and Lazy person. However, That Hero is a Piece of Shit! The reason for Killing Him(Noir) is that He wanted Noir's Fiancée and Relatives(Cousins, Mom, Aunts etc.)! He wanted to make them His lovers(Slaves)! Now, What would Noir do?, When he has given a chance to teach the teach a lesson. Would he Simply follow the System like a Dog? Would he become a Ruthless and Cold-blooded Villain? ... Or, Will he be able to avoid Hero? When the World need him to counter the threat of Demon King! __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ *The Cover Image is not mine but It's still a Copyright free one. Maybe? If the Owner wants me to Change it then Just Comment on the latest Chapter.(^_^)

False_Sage · Fantasy
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53 Chs

It Began...*

The World's P.O.V,

It was February 13th, 2090,

5 o'clock in the morning,

Inside the top floor of the Chaos Tower, there was a research room adjacent to Noir's cabin. The room was painted canvas white and filled with all the necessary equipment for research: microscopes, mana devices, a medicine maker, notepads, three desks, and a large rectangular table. In one corner of the room lay many medicinal herbs and plants, while on the other side, there was a variety of magic devices. The room lacked any windows or glass for ventilation, instead being entirely closed and protected by high-quality mana barriers. The level of security indicated the room's importance.

Measuring 30 meters long and 20 meters wide, the room had enough vacant space to fit 50 people. However, at present, there were only three individuals present in this vast laboratory.

A young man with bluish-white hair, Noir, was surrounded by two identical beauties with aqua blue hair and deep green eyes. Both of them had perfect curves in all the right places, their charm undeniable.

Even a saint couldn't resist staring at them, but Noir sat at his desk with a stone-cold expression, writing something on his notepad. The nervousness and expectation were evident on the faces of the twins.


"9 Pascal."


"1 gram."


"All set."

"Mana Seeds."




"Mana Fruit."


As Noir sat at the research desk, he asked for the value and quantity of necessary materials, to which both women answered hastily, eager not to delay the process any further. It had already been two years.

After confirming all the processes, Noir placed every processed material inside a mana device specifically made for brewing medicine or potions. He set the vector values like force, pressure, spin, and power before putting the materials one by one into the container.

"Let's wait for five minutes. Aqua and Rain, wear these glasses."

Noir calmly closed the lid of the mana device, which was as large as a rabbit. Then, he took three glasses from his desk and gave one to Rain and one to Aqua, the twins.


The twins nodded and took the glasses with excitement evident in their eyes. These glasses were ordinary sunglasses with vision enhancement.


After waiting for five minutes, a golden light suddenly originated from the mana device, illuminating the whole room. Fortunately, no one was blinded by it due to the glasses.

"It's finally starting!"

"Yay! Noir, it's beginning!"


The blue-haired girls were pretty excited for the result. It was the culmination of two years of research.


[Ding! The System of Doom...]

However, a cracking sound was heard inside the room, and a void engulfed Noir, disappearing like it never existed in the first place, leaving only a small envelope where Noir was standing.

The twins, however, did not see or hear anything due to the veil of golden light and the call of doom.



The Origin City,

February 13th, 2090,

The Merlin Academy,

Morning: 5:20 A.M,

At the entrance of the best Academy on Orion, Merlin University, established by the only Saint-Ranked Mage of Humanity, Merlin Von Circe, a large crowd had gathered. Today was the day that every youth could get a chance to enter the best university. If they could enter, their whole life would be guaranteed, and they would even get the best guides and resources.

Among them stood a black haired guy with his crimson eyes named Chu Tianyu, an overly handsome guy standing out at any possible situation by the courtesy his righteous thinking despite his own lustful nature.

He was an orphan from birth and had lived in Hope Orphanage, maintained by Dren Skinner. Given the reputation of the orphanage's dean, it was safe to say that Ray's life was not a good one.

On this day, Chu Tianyu, who was 18 years old, received an offer to join the Great Merlin Academy, an academy that every person strived to enter. Its students were guaranteed a future envied by all.

"Token No.256486! Come to Hall No.7!"

As Chu Tianyu was busy contemplating his bright future, he heard a loud voice from one of the sound amplification devices, calling the token number of the boy before him.

Finding the correct place, He quickly strode to a large hall with dimensions of 200x100x100 meters, where he found himself among 100 teenagers, including himself, lined up with 10 staff members at the end.

All of them placed their hands on a crystal sphere displaying their basic attributes, classes, and potential. It was a normal procedure to verify that no one was falsifying information.

"Token No.256486!"

His predecessor eagerly arrived at the platform and followed the instruction of their guide.


As soon as his hand touched the sphere, it shone with a white light for some seconds. After it died down, a blue floating screen was revealed to all.

<Status >Name: Shawn Mendes.

Class: Shepherd.

Collective Attributes: 100.

Potential: Singing Shepherd.

Sins: Elementary Sins with No nothing major to mention.


It was the basic status for normal humans. Sins signified the character of the person, not necessarily indicating criminality or evilness. Most people had committed some minor sins in their life, so those with minor sins were not discriminated against.

"Token No.256487!"

After checking the status, the staff member registered Chu Tianyu in the Academy. Then, he called out Chu Tianyu's token number.

Chu Tianyu hastily arrived at the circular platform of 1-meter diameter. He stood there, staring excitedly at the crystal sphere, seeing his bright future within.

"Hurry up, put your hand on it!"

Seeing Chu Tianyu standing blankly at the sphere, the middle-aged staff member urged him to move quickly.

"Y-Yes, sir!"

Ray moved quickly and placed his hands on the sphere.


Ding! Orion...

As soon as his hands landed on the sphere, it shone with a blinding golden light, followed by a loud explosion and the call of doom.

On the same day and time, in a place surrounded by endless land, surrounded by infinite ice, lay the Altar of Abyss, the most sacred place of Demons.

Inside, a teenager named Velda stood at a stone platform with his hand placed on a crystal sphere similar to the one in Merlin Academy. He was surrounded by a large number of demons, all of whom were looking at Velda, or more precisely, at the shining gray light coming from the crystal sphere.

[Ding! Orion...]

As Soon as His Hands landed on the Sphere, It shone with a Blinding Golden light, Followed by a loud sound of Explosion and Call of The Doom!


On the Same Day and Time, In a place surrounded by Endless land, Surrounded by Infinite Ice, Lies the Academy of Abyss.

It is the Demonic version of The Great Merlin University/ The Great Merlin Academy.

Inside it a teenager named Velda is standing at a Stone Platform.

His hand is placed on a Crystal Sphere similar to the One in Merlin Academy.

Right Now, He is Surrounded by a large number of Demons.

All Demons Present there, are looking at Velda.

Or, More Precisely, At the Shining Grey light coming from the Crystal Sphere.

[Ding! Orion...]

However, There Too, A loud Boom was Sounded there followed by the Call of the Doom!



My Esteemed Readers,

You may find yourselves curious as to why I have yet to reveal what is happening here. Rest assured, this is only the first half of the chapter.

The mysteries and events will unfold in the next part.

So, I kindly ask for your patience as we delve deeper into the story.

Enjoy the journey!


Call of The Doom or Doom's Call: This term refers to the system announcements made by the Doom System in Orion.

In essence, Call of The Doom or Doom's Call = Doom System's Prompts.

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