


Artist/Writer. English/日本語/中文 OK. ko-fi.com/penougi

2017-05-10 JoinedUnited States



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  • PenOugi
    Replied to Amish_Scion

    It's not a major part since romance tends to take over the plot when it's around but there will be subtle romance in the latter half. A reader can easily ignore it if it's not their cup of tea. There will be a few secondary romances since it impacts narration less though, if you're just asking about romance in general. Mattheus will basically be with us watching people make fools of themselves because of love, haha. FYI, I don't care who readers ship together. Romance will not be a focus for Mattheus so y'all are free to go wild with your imaginations—or not. (Especially since best girl will not appear for a while yet.)

    The Healing Crown
    Fantasy · PenOugi
  • PenOugi
    Replied to KairenConan

    She "popped up later that evening" herself. I can't be an unbiased judged of my writing being rushed or not but if you meant the pacing, I don't like to drag things out unnecessarily. I don't want The Healing Crown to end up 4000 chapters long.

    Ch 14 A Father's Plea
    The Healing Crown
    Fantasy · PenOugi
  • PenOugi
    Replied to KairenConan

    Marquis is French so the title would exist in the country Panniore but not in New Albion, which has English influences. A female with the rank, by the way, would be marchioness(English) or marquise(French).

    Ch 8 Repercussions
    The Healing Crown
    Fantasy · PenOugi
  • PenOugi
    Replied to Dvaita

    Yeah. I never expected how expansive the cast would be when I first started writing this but have gotten to the point I'm resigned to cutting out a lot in narration to keep to the main storyline. Too much screen time and it would detract from the story of Mattheus Crown himself. (My outline is already pretty long and meandering would make it even longer...) On the other hand, I told my CE I didn't plan on adding side-stories once I finish this but have since changed my mind, haha. Too many unheard stories due to the main story following Mattheus instead of others like Lula, Holmes, or even Brunilda when she's off gallivanting around. Thanks for reviewing!

    The Healing Crown
    Fantasy · PenOugi
  • PenOugi
    Replied to Kisscraft

    Hehehe~ ;)

    Ch 145 Hekteus, Embodiment of Heresy (POV)
    The Healing Crown
    Fantasy · PenOugi
  • PenOugi
    Replied to Kisscraft

    omg I'm an idiot. I was going to start privilege chapters in January and must have pressed the wrong button. Let me publish more chapters now so everyone can see the last two updates. Thanks for bringing this up! And apologies for not noticing earlier.

    Ch 142 The Enchiridion
    The Healing Crown
    Fantasy · PenOugi
  • PenOugi
    Replied to LeWil

    Ah. I forgot to add the POV in parenthesis in the chapter title. Fixed and soz If you're asking why the perspective change, it's mostly because the world is pretty expansive and Mattheus is stuck in his little bubble. If you're asking why these kids, they're going to be significant secondary characters...? When... Just read on. How? Brunilda :) If it's Lula's abilities... You'll find out in Volume 3. XD;;

    Ch 30 A Change of Perspective (Lula and Liam)
    The Healing Crown
    Fantasy · PenOugi
  • PenOugi
    Replied to Scarlet_Embers

    LOL It's not BL. Not those kinds of feelings. Mattheus assumes Illarion didn't like the Original because of the bad relationship with the brothers before. That Illarion hated him because of how the strained relationship hurt his best friend Edgar. It'll be revealed eventually but what Brunilda knows and Mattheus doesn't is the answer to one of the ongoing mysteries so far. XD

    Ch 112 The Two Conversations
    The Healing Crown
    Fantasy · PenOugi
  • PenOugi
    Replied to Scarlet_Embers

    Pretty close! This is more something innate to the Lula's little group of orphans that grew up in a harsh environment. Brunilda definitely would not have *forced* them but she also understood why the kids are like that due to having seen some things in their old world. Mattheus, in contrast, is a bit sheltered since he's only grown up in NYC (not even the worst areas or projects).

    Ch 101 The New Assistant
    The Healing Crown
    Fantasy · PenOugi
  • PenOugi
    Replied to Scarlet_Embers

    Brunilda's name is on the rarer side and she uses her mother's maiden name too (Avis) since her paternal family is rather notorious *coughcough* Anyway, it's a regional version of Brünhild and most people shortened it to Nilda. "Brue" is an online nickname derived from a pun. We'll have a short trip to Mecane but Liam will come right after. ^-^

    Ch 98 Runaway Heir
    The Healing Crown
    Fantasy · PenOugi
  • PenOugi
    Replied to MikeN

    More like only Honoria Crown would care.

    Mattheus looked away from making sure Brunilda got her small plate of food (she wasn't allowed at the table during dinner but having her in the dining room was probably already very lenient).
    The Healing Crown
    Fantasy · PenOugi
  • PenOugi
    Replied to Scarlet_Embers

    Thank *you* for the comments! I hope the next chapter will cheer you up. I hate when I lose what I wrote due to connectivity issues too. Lady Iris's situation would be elaborated on more but it's essentially implanting a foreign object in her body, which would result in an immunogenic response without interference. Look up platinum poisoning if you're curious. The method Mattheus keeps it under control should be explained soon. My brain is a chaotic place so it's a pleasure to be told that at least someone is enjoying the ride. XD; It's funny you mention wanting someone to draw the scene with Mattheus. I drew the series cover and was considering taking requests to see what readers might be interested in seeing visually to celebrate the upcoming 100th chapter milestone. Originally I was thinking of a character you guys wanted to see illustrated but I suppose I can open it up to scenes too. Keep in mind I'll be taking suggestions on the 100th chapter for a single illustration I'll give as a gift to readers who have read for that long. So think about what your suggestion might be, haha!

    Ch 95 Tutors
    The Healing Crown
    Fantasy · PenOugi
  • PenOugi
    Replied to Scarlet_Embers

    Haha... This made my day. I hope you enjoy the next chapter. ;3

    Ch 92 Mattheus Was Confronted with a Dilemma.
    The Healing Crown
    Fantasy · PenOugi
  • PenOugi

    Hello, I am here to write my belated shameless review of my own novel. The Healing Crown is a story centered around a guy that has been transmigrated, isekai’d, or whatever you want to call it. His original world was much like ours, with only a slight addition of every human being hosts to a very basic System. Said System was useless in his old world with humanity itself being its host, until our MC finds himself in a world where he is now the sole host of the System… There’s a whole menagerie of characters in this story, all fully developed and complex individuals. No OP Gary-Stu main character and flat caricature villains to face-slap here. MC starts with advantages, of course, but he will have to work for those power upgrades. Character growth for the win! The world and its history, culture, and mysteries are also fleshed out. It’s slowly being revealed as the story progresses but there is a reason for everything. Including the fact the MC being dimensionally kidnapped might not be so random. ;) I’m not even going to say much about the plot, other than the fact everyone can probably find something to interest them. Politics, mystery, horror, humor, et cetera. The only thing The Healing Crown won’t have is a harem (unless the actual harem of certain kings counts). Try it out and make a judgment on my writing ability yourself. But if you like titles such as Plague Doctor, Lord of Mysteries, or Grandson of the Holy Emperor is a Necromancer, you should definitely give The Healing Crown a read. Daily updates at the moment, which might be increased if the demand is high. Now, back to being buried and entangled in all the subplots of The Healing Crown I go...

    The Healing Crown
    Fantasy · PenOugi
  • PenOugi
    Replied to Gojusensi_441

    Hahaha! To be honest, with how many threads of characters/plot I have to keep track of in The Healing Crown, writing a review has slipped my mind. 😂 I guess I'll go write one now. Thanks for the reminder, haha.

    The Healing Crown
    Fantasy · PenOugi
  • PenOugi
    Replied to Esther_Merriken

    You'll see soon ;) Also, you'd be surprised how much family could be in denial about abuse. Especially if they are not familiar with the signs.

    Ch 72 Older Sisters
    The Healing Crown
    Fantasy · PenOugi
  • PenOugi
    Replied to Esther_Merriken


    Ch 70 Spying a Tail
    The Healing Crown
    Fantasy · PenOugi
  • PenOugi
    Replied to Vitamorte

    Now that would be telling. :3

    Ch 10 Grand Theft Gato
    The Healing Crown
    Fantasy · PenOugi