
My Billionaire Hero

Author: KayLee
Contemporary Romance
Completed · 132.3K Views
  • 120 Chs
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  • NO.200+

What is My Billionaire Hero

Read ‘My Billionaire Hero’ Online for Free, written by the author KayLee, This book is a Contemporary Romance Novel, covering COMEDY Fiction, MYSTERY Light Novel, SURVIVAL Internet Novel, and the synopsis is:


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Im Solarischen Reich wurden die Menschen durch ihr Blut getrennt. Die Adligen genossen ihr Leben in Reichtum, mit feinem Wein und hervorragendem Essen. Sie herrschten über das gemeine Volk. Das konnten sie nur, weil sie über die mächtigste Kraft der Welt verfügten - die Magie. Die Adligen verhinderten, dass ihr Wissen an die Bürger weitergegeben wurde, was es ihnen erschwerte, Magie zu erlernen. Leo, ein junges Waisenkind in Solaria, hatte eine unglaublich starke Affinität zur Magie. Er wusste nicht einmal davon, weil er nie Magie lernen konnte - er war zu arm, um an einer Magie-Akademie zu lernen. Er versuchte einfach, auf den Straßen von Solhaven zu überleben, bis er den verlorenen Folianten des Arkanen Kaisers fand. "Ich kann einen Magier des 7. Kreises besiegen." "Wow! Du musst viele Jahrzehnte lang trainiert haben. Wie alt bist du?" "17." "..." Die Welt sollte auf den Kopf gestellt werden. HINWEIS FÜR MEINE AMAZIN-LESER: Nehmen Sie KEINE Privilegien in Anspruch, wenn sich der Monat dem Ende nähert. Ihr Zugang zu den Privilegien endet, wenn der Monat zu Ende geht. Sie bleiben NICHT einen ganzen Monat lang bestehen, nachdem Sie sie erworben haben. Bitte kaufen Sie die Privilegien in der ANFANGSHÄLFTE des Monats, um den besten Gegenwert für Ihr Geld zu erhalten. Für Leute, die denken, dass Discord der letzte Schrei ist, hier ist der Discord-Server für dieses Buch. Fühlt euch frei, auf dem Server zu diskutieren, was ihr über dieses Buch denkt. https://discord.gg/TbX8MCUg7

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The Rise Of Hebe

•Princess Graciana Syrcouse Princess Graciana/Grace is the adopted daughter of an alpha king of Syrcouse pack, Mateo and her wife Aurellia. Grace is the lead protagonist of this story. Events in her life will slowly unfold the storyline as she is a human and only heir to the throne of her pack. But no body in her pack knows that she is adopted and a human. But in reality she is not just a human but more than that, she herself doesn't acknowledge her powers yet. Whole story will revolve around her journey to explore her true identity. •Alpha king Aloysius Corinth King Aloysius/Aloy Corinth leads the Corinth pack, a fearless and cruel king. He is the male protagonist of this story. Her father was killed in a war with Syrcouse pack and now Aloy lives only for revenge. He wants revenge, he wants to destroy the whole syrcouse pack. Story will slowly unfold different shades of his character from ruthless husband to Grace to a loving son to his mother and caring brother to his sister. •Synopsis Story takes place in year 1111, when Mateo and Aurellia find Grace in a forest to their way back home. They are a childless couple so they raise grace as their daughter and never reveal to anyone that she isn't their real daughter. Mateo becomes the Alpha king of his pack after he loses all his brothers in the war and by rules, Grace, a human, becomes the next heir to the throne. She grows up into a beautiful princess, unaware of the fact that she is adopted. On the other side, when Aloysius loses his father in the same war, he sits on the throne, promises to his pack to avenge every death of that pack. He grows up into a ruthless, merciless, cruel king. Now the only motive of his life is to avenge his father's death and that's how he will end up marrying Grace due to revenge, unaware of the fact that Grace is not Mateo's real daughter and she is only a human, but later in the story it will be revealed that Grace is not just a human but incarnation of goddess Hebe, she will slowly acknowledge her powers and now Aloysisus's fate will be in her hands. Will she forgive him? Will she fall in love with him, forgetting all the hell he put her through? Or will she kill him for good? Destiny will decide the consequences of this forbidden love.

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Table of Contents
Latest Update
Volume 1 :Dreams Come True
Volume 2 :The Fight For Justice 1


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