


something, that's for sure-

2021-12-02 JoinedAustralia



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  • Messianic_Complex
    Replied to global_flatline

    Maybe, senior year of school so focusing on that for now

    Ch 77 Third Layer
    Great Dragon Julong - a Dragon Prince Yuan FanFic
    Book&Literature · Messianic_Complex
  • Messianic_Complex
    Replied to ben10rocks

    The reason for moving to a more canonical timeline is simply because I want him to meet Yao Yao, I plan for him to explore the different Heavens like the Qiankun Heaven since it was only vaguely mentioned. That will be happening pretty soon, assuming I can find time to properly write again..

    Great Dragon Julong - a Dragon Prince Yuan FanFic
    Book&Literature · Messianic_Complex
  • Messianic_Complex
    Replied to VAITAS

    LUCK LEVEL = 10 TRILLION!!!!!!

    "This is the Low-Grade Heaven Genesis Technique Ancient Dragon Body, an External Cultivation Technique that leads into the legendary Ancestral Tianyuan Body Technique."
    Great Dragon Julong - a Dragon Prince Yuan FanFic
    Book&Literature · Messianic_Complex
  • Messianic_Complex
    Replied to Empyrium

    Well, the prewritten chapters are piling up. I hit around 30 at some point before I took a small break haha. We'll see, I might even randomly drop a tonne of chapters at some point if I so feel like it. For now I'm just gonna get back to writing and freaking out about school exams :)

    Great Dragon Julong - a Dragon Prince Yuan FanFic
    Book&Literature · Messianic_Complex
  • Messianic_Complex
    Replied to Fallenknight

    Doing it on purpose, if you haven't guessed that's going to be his main growth point. Don't worry, it will be over by the end of the Alpha-Origin Realm.

    Ch 52 Qing Yang
    Great Dragon Julong - a Dragon Prince Yuan FanFic
    Book&Literature · Messianic_Complex
  • Messianic_Complex
    Replied to Empyrium

    I'll only stop writing this when the story is finished :)

    Great Dragon Julong - a Dragon Prince Yuan FanFic
    Book&Literature · Messianic_Complex
  • Messianic_Complex
    Replied to Empyrium

    It's going to follow a somewhat similar structure, like most of the major domains that occur throughout the series will take place, eg. Fallen abyss in the Divine Dwelling stage, or the Guyuan Heaven in the Heavenly Sun Stage. Yes, I have already planned most of it out.

    Ch 51 Inner Mountains
    Great Dragon Julong - a Dragon Prince Yuan FanFic
    Book&Literature · Messianic_Complex
  • Messianic_Complex
    Replied to Empyrium

    I gotchu hombre. Also thanks for the support bro, I really appreciate it more than I can tell you in words. Just reading reviews and comments like this one brings a smile to my face.

    Great Dragon Julong - a Dragon Prince Yuan FanFic
    Book&Literature · Messianic_Complex
  • Messianic_Complex
    Replied to Venerable_Yoriichi

    oh it is very dangerous ;0

    "While I... what's the word, appreciate? Yeah, appreciate your offer. I will have nothing to do with the dogs and scum that your so-called 'Sacred' Sect produces, nor any of the cursed facilities that you offer. Better yet, it is quite frankly hilarious to hear you talk about the Sect as if you own it. It belongs to the Palace Master, does it not? Either way, it does not matter as he is nothing but a dog for another."
    Great Dragon Julong - a Dragon Prince Yuan FanFic
    Book&Literature · Messianic_Complex
  • Messianic_Complex
    Replied to Venerable_Yoriichi

    He's in the alpha-origin realm which can have upward of around 300,000 genesis qi stars. You might be thinking of the next realm which is the divine dwelling realm, which has a qi star cap of 100 million.

    Ch 47 Blessings
    Great Dragon Julong - a Dragon Prince Yuan FanFic
    Book&Literature · Messianic_Complex
  • Messianic_Complex
    Replied to eschantor

    (ꈍoꈍ🌸) Do I need to say more? (It's a yes.)

    This paragraph has been deleted.
    Great Dragon Julong - a Dragon Prince Yuan FanFic
    Book&Literature · Messianic_Complex
  • Messianic_Complex
    Replied to eschantor

    Nah, I was just kidding, Zi Xiao, if you decide to read further is like Julongs mother. I personally think that'd be a little weird, but each to their own. If I was going to add other people to the line of romance, it would either be Wu Yao, or Li Qingchan.

    This paragraph has been deleted.
    Great Dragon Julong - a Dragon Prince Yuan FanFic
    Book&Literature · Messianic_Complex
  • Messianic_Complex
    Replied to eschantor

    10,000+ year old and 11 year old boy forbidden romeo and juliet relationship

    This paragraph has been deleted.
    Great Dragon Julong - a Dragon Prince Yuan FanFic
    Book&Literature · Messianic_Complex
  • Messianic_Complex
    Replied to Fallenknight

    This might be a little bit long of an explanation but bear with me here. I think I mentioned it, I might not have, but I want Zhou Yuan to have a little brother-like relationship with Yao Yao since I want Yao Yao to be the fmc of Julong. In the original novel, there are multiple things that draw the two together even just as friends (spoiler alert - the Sacred God made them friends as revealed at the end), as such I can't really ignore the influence of a god if that's part of the lore. So instead of majorly hindering the relationship, since I personally don't think it would make sense, I decided to make them friendly as to make it a way for Julong to further gain Yao Yao's favour for her so-called 'little brother'. In addition, they had already reached that stage when the Outer Mountains of the Cangxuan Sect began in the original novel, it turned romantic when they reached the Inner Mountains. Hope this clears some things up and makes sense. Also, as always I appreciate your support. I'm currently nearing my major exams in my last year of school, so I can relate to the exam pressure. I hope you do well on yours, good luck!

    Ch 45 Mountain Passage
    Great Dragon Julong - a Dragon Prince Yuan FanFic
    Book&Literature · Messianic_Complex
  • Messianic_Complex
    Replied to Fallenknight

    I understand what your saying, but in my opinion, I feel like I miss plot points if I don't involve him to a certain extent. As for the old friend manner of speaking, it wasn't exactly my intention for their relationship to come off like that, it was more supposed to come off two people with common goals. Either way, I was planning on re-writing some chapters at some point, not now since that would just be stupid, but maybe when we reach a decent way through the story.

    Ch 40 The Not So Easy Scale
    Great Dragon Julong - a Dragon Prince Yuan FanFic
    Book&Literature · Messianic_Complex
  • Messianic_Complex
    Replied to Venerable_Yoriichi

    Not yet, feel free to link any you want me to consider, though I can't guarantee that you will find one like what I had in mind. I'll probably get one eventually anyways.

    Ch 39 Saint Tower
    Great Dragon Julong - a Dragon Prince Yuan FanFic
    Book&Literature · Messianic_Complex
  • Messianic_Complex
    Replied to Fallenknight

    I was a little worried that he was coming off as a nanny to Zhou Yuan, but unfortunately, Zhou Yuan is still vital to the world and story, but I do have some ideas on how I can create quite a lot of original work. Most of it will occur after the Domain closes and the Cangxuan Sect arc begins. Also to answer your question, Yao Yao is the fmc.

    Ch 37 Pursuit
    Great Dragon Julong - a Dragon Prince Yuan FanFic
    Book&Literature · Messianic_Complex
  • Messianic_Complex
    Replied to DaoistVn50Eg

    Don't worry, I don't plan on dropping it, only doing slower uploads every now and then due to school etc. Thanks for the support!

    Ch 36 Tuntun?
    Great Dragon Julong - a Dragon Prince Yuan FanFic
    Book&Literature · Messianic_Complex
  • Messianic_Complex
    Replied to VAITAS

    I’m doing good man, how about you? Thanks for your continued support, as always!

    Ch 35 Troublesome
    Great Dragon Julong - a Dragon Prince Yuan FanFic
    Book&Literature · Messianic_Complex
  • Messianic_Complex
    Replied to VAITAS

    I'm doing well, thanks for asking. The reason I made the Heavenly Saint Edge a spear was to have synergy with the Spears of Divine Light. As for the original rank of the weapon, I feel like disposing of Triple Lotus Saints is too big of a deal in the series, so I only made it the weapon of a late Double Lotus Saint. The spear doesn't have a rune progression system like the Heavenly Yuan Brush, and to be honest, when I came up with the idea for the weapon, I didn't realise how similar they sounded, even the name stupidly enough, lol. Either way, I have plans for the weapon, you'll see ;). As always, thanks for giving me comments to think about, helps with story continuity. I appreciate it.

    Ch 33 You Got the Horns
    Great Dragon Julong - a Dragon Prince Yuan FanFic
    Book&Literature · Messianic_Complex