
Great Dragon Julong - a Dragon Prince Yuan FanFic

When the Third Gods initial awakening ensued, the Ancestral Dragon Will formed a new blessing. From this, a boy was born. This is his story, the story of Wan Julong. (A Dragon Prince Yuan spin-off.)

Messianic_Complex · Book&Literature
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87 Chs

You Got the Horns

Julong watched as the group marched toward a mountain range, where the so-called Genesis Beast was. Both he and Zhou Yuan had stayed behind to trail behind without them realising. That was when Zhou Yuan finally realised that Julong was also at the meeting.



"So I'm assuming you heard what I heard?"

"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?"

"Stealing the spoils?"

"What else?"

An amused grin appeared on Zhou Yuan's face.

"It's about time I pay them back for what they did in the Auction House."

Following at the back of the pack of people who Xiao Tianxuan had recruited, they blended in rather easily.

It wasn't very surprising that so many people had joined the raid party. While they knew they wouldn't necessarily obtain much from the main attraction, most were there to gather Genesis Qi from the packs of Genesis Beasts that were on the way to the battlefield through the mountain range.

It was not long until they arrived at the area that the battle would take place, having killed every Genesis Beast in their wake.

In the middle of a clearing was a giant wolf similar to what Julong had fought during the first day inside of the Domain, only it was bigger and had antlers.

Julong and Zhou Yuan had stationed themselves at a vantage point a little bit away from the ensuing battle. There was no point in them getting involved until it was at the brink of death afterall.

They watched as Xiao Tianxuan immediately trembled in fear before ordering everyone in the party to attack it at once.

"Everyone! Attack it with me!"

Like a flock of birds they swarmed the Genesis Beast, doing about as much as you'd expect, almost equating to no damage, despite hitting it with hundreds of Genesis Techniques. That was when one of the front runners covered the Genesis Beast in a black muddy substance, suppressing it, surprisingly enough.

This was good news. It meant they might actually be able to do something to it.

"The Beast has been subdued by the mud, attack it all at once!"

Unlike before, it was really a non-stop bombardment of Genesis Techniques. The Beast wasn't even to fight back as the mud slowed its attacks so severely that it was impossible to not dodge its attacks.

Xiao Tianxuan then leapt forth with his High-Grade Black Yuan Spear and tore open a massive wound in the armoured body of the Genesis Beast. This only served to enrage the creature, however, as it magically dispelled the mud from its' body, growling at the group as a green and black sphere began charging up in between its antlers.

"Shit it's going to use its Little Heaven Genesis Technique!"

The sphere became larger and larger, compressing the fury of raging winds and thunder on itself continuously. Just when everything seemed to calm, a beam of destructive power blew from in between the antlers of the beast eradicating the mountains in the range.

What a terrifying Technique. Black Yuan Techniques don't even compare.

Xiao Tianxuan then threw a token at it. From how hesitant he was at first, it was probably a very expensive item.

As it activated, it trapped the Beast in large thorns made from the earth, protruding out of the ground, holding it to its exact location.

"Just go and kill it!"

It seemed as though Xiao Tianxuan was becoming restless at the situation.

It would obviously be bad if the Beast were to die at their hands, so spotting the moral of the group having dropped into one akin to defeat, Zhou Yuan made his move. All they had to do was set the Beast free and they would be able to give chase afterwards to slay it thanks to the injuries it had received already.

He fired a Genesis Qi attack at the tablet that had initially created the trap, immediately destroying it, freeing the Beast, which quickly turned head and ran away.

Julong became surprised though. Not because of how easily the trap had been destroyed, but because it was the first time he had seen Zhou Yuan's Genesis Qi. He was using Grade-5 Omni Python Qi. Though it was a weaker version of the Scripture he was currently practising, how on earth did he get his hands on the Technique?

Was it because of Yao Yao?

Shaking his thoughts away, he quickly followed the Beast with Zhou Yuan, leaving the original raid party to argue between themselves, having admitted defeat.

The Beast ran until it made it to a cliffside, where it laid down.

"Well, that's cute. Unfortunately, however, this one has to die."

Julong summoned the Heavenly Saint Edge to his hand. If he were to slay or even take part in slaying the Genesis Beast with the Genesis Weapon, it undoubtedly would be ready to evolve with the treasures he had gathered.

Charging it with his Genesis Qi, he launched the spear with the force of a solar flare. It gleamed brilliantly as it approached the Beast. When it struck a magnificent explosion erupted, however it was clear the Beast had survived on the brink of death. Zhou Yuan then swooped in and punched it in the head with a Genesis Technique, ending its life.

"That couldn't have gone any better, could it?"

Zhou Yuan smiled childishly at Julong who only shook his head at his antics.

"Quickly, we have to harvest it before someone gets too curious and finds us out."


Right on cue, an orb of Genesis Qi floated out of the Beasts body. Inside of the orb was the Little Heaven Genesis Technique and four treasures.

"I'll take three of the treasures, you keep the Technique and other treasure."

"Are you sure?"

"You're going to need everything you can get your hands on to kill Wu Huang. Take it. I have no use for it anyway."

"Okay, whatever you say."

Zhou Yuan excitedly, yet rather reluctantly took the Genesis Technique along with half of the Genesis Qi that appeared from the Beast, while Julong took the rest with the treasures. He would need them to ascend his Spears of Divine Light and Heavenly Saint Edge.

He channelled the Qi into his body and Genesis Weapon. With this, he could finally ascend both and become something akin to a monster to the others inside of the Domain.

All of a sudden, almost as if staged, Xiao Tianxuan and Gu Ling broke through the shrubbery with the rest of their raid party.

"I should have known this was your doing. Step away from the Beast, you two don't deserve any of the spoils."

Julong laughed coyly at him, watching as Zhou Yuan stepped closer to the edge of the cliffside.

"But we've already taken all the spoils, Xiao Tuanxuan. Why would we save any for fiends like yourself and Gu Ling?"

"Y-You! I'll kill both of you! Mark my words."

"How funny."

Zhou Yuan who was now at the edge of the cliff then spoke up.

"I'll be seeing you then, Xiao Tianxuan. We'll settle our debt when I step into the Heavens Gate Realm."

After that he simply let himself fall into the water below.

Julong had rather casually walked to the edge, about to do the same thing.

"You know, I can only think of one phrase that can sum up this karma for you. Mess with the bull, and you get the horns."

With that Julong fell into the water, but not before charging a Heavenly Super Nova and setting it off, eviscerating the surrounding area, and launching the remnants of the raid party away.

It not only served to make him look cool, but it also ensured that there would be a little bit of time for both himself and Zhou Yuan to run.

It took a few minutes, but once he had gained his bearings, Xiao Tianxuan grit his teeth.

"Chase them! Bring me their heads!"