
Great Dragon Julong - a Dragon Prince Yuan FanFic

When the Third Gods initial awakening ensued, the Ancestral Dragon Will formed a new blessing. From this, a boy was born. This is his story, the story of Wan Julong. (A Dragon Prince Yuan spin-off.)

Messianic_Complex · Book&Literature
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87 Chs


It had been three days since Shen Taiyuan had left Julong and Yao Yao at their Dwelling. It was rather nice, filled with traditional monuments and art. Not to mention the Dwelling was a resourceful and extremely effective place for Cultivating, especially in the near Grade-8 cave Dwelling.

From what he had been told, the reason the Genesis Qi in the Cave Dwellings was so pure was that the mountain they were sitting on was one of the many peaks connected to an Ancestral Qi Reservoir deep in the Heavens' core, and while it could have been stronger, it was plenty for his current self.

It was around ten in the morning when Julong felt a mighty presence outside of his abode. Feeling the abundant and quite frankly terrifying power, and went outside to greet who was undeniably his new Elder, Elder Shen Taiyuan. While he was technically Julong's new Master he didn't dare refer to him as such. He felt that would dishonour Zi Xiao, not that Shen Taiyuan himself knew this.

"Is Yao Yao not coming this morning?"

Julong shook his head.

"She wished to remain undisturbed. She feels that she will not gain much from our lessons anyway. I mean no disrespect when I say this, but I believe she is right. She only Cultivates her Spirit, as such going into the Alpha-Origin Realm isn't on the top of her agenda."

"I understand, besides it is not like she is forced to attend anyway thanks to her unique sanctioned status.

"Now then, follow me."

Shen Taiyuan and Julong took, flying deep into the territory that had been occupied by Shen Taiyuan's faction. They were heading toward what Elder Shen had referred to as the Dao Seeker Hall - the main hall of his faction in the Saint Genesis Peak.

Upon arriving, they were greeted with a silent hall. Disciples from Black to Purple Sash all sat on the colour corresponding mats that lined the room in rows. In the front there were Purple mats, then behind them Gold, then Black, keeping true to the ranking system.

Immediately, Julong had spotted the one abnormality in the room - one of the four Purple mats was empty. Julong was assuming that it would be his position.

As the two entered, the eyes of the Disciples swept over them both. Without a word, Elder Shen led Julong toward the front where he sat on his chair at the front, leaving Julong to awkwardly stand there for a moment. It was then that Shen Taiyuan pointed at the fourth Purple mat to the left of the hall. It was only in that instant that the other Disciples noticed the sash around his waist.

"Julong, that is where you shall sit."

Silent uproar blew throughout the hall in merely a few seconds. Such an occurrence was almost unbelievable. It was almost negligible to think about someone immediately becoming a Purple Sash Disciple upon entering the Sect.

What on earth!? What gave a Second-Layer the qualifications to become a Purple Sash Disciple!?

The other Purple Sash Disciples seated in the hall barely gave him any notice at all, and if they did, it was in the form of a discerning and almost disapproving gaze. Their reaction was nowhere near as bad as the Gold Sash Disciples who almost had a fit. This was to be expected though, Purple sash Disciples were not only older but most of the time had been in the Sect for multiple years and knew that complaining would achieve nothing.

A Gold Sash Disciple known as Tong Long had other ideas though. After some consideration, he decided to speak up. A Gold Sash Disciple was nowhere near as mature as a Purple Sash Disciple. He had creamy brown hair which exuded province; eyes, and robes to match. He was not unattractive in any way, but despite all this, there was only one good thing about his looks. It gave him a good read on the kind of person he was. The way he held himself was filled with entitlement and arrogance.

"Master Shen Taiyuan, I mean no disrespect, but why is it that we now have a fourth Purple Sash Disciple, especially considering that he is merely at the Second-Layer of the Alpha-Origin Stage?"

Shen Taiyuan was naturally prepared for such a question and the outrageous response from his many Disciples. How could he not be, a situation like the current could be rather delicate. In fact, Shen Taiyuan had expected the reaction to be much worse.

"Do not mistake my words for disapproval, but I cannot do anything about it, even if I wanted to. Wan Julong's position in our faction was a direct request from Sect Master Qing Yang. It was an order that I promote him to a Purple Sash Disciple."

Another bout of uproar rung true throughout the hall.

"The Sect Master!?"

"How on earth does he have connections to the Sect Master!?"

Shen Taiyuan shook his head disapprovingly at his Disciples. How would they be able to focus on their own progress if they were fully focused on such a trivial matter? How could you move up from a Gold Sash to a Purple Sash if you didn't improve?


The hall quickly became so quiet that one could hear a pin drop. Shen Taiyuan clearly was not happy about the reaction his Disciples were showing him.

"Both the Sect Master, Peak Masters and I knew that this would be the response to such a predicament. As such, anyone who wishes to challenge Wan Julong for his position is free to. Though it must be known, the challenger will have to offer up something of similar value."

At the same time as bringing a certain kind of fleeting hope to some of the Gold Sash Disciples, it also brought a crushing reality down upon them. Most of them had not even the bare minimum of valuables to even initiate the challenge. Even that entitled Tong Long looked regretful. How could he wear such a look when he had not even the wealth to initiate the challenge?

Even so, just because some did not house the required resources, did not mean all of them were so unwealthy. Pan Song, another Gold Sash Disciple with emerald green hair tied into a bun, almost immediately jumped on it.

"Master Shen Taiyuan, then I wish to initiate a challenge in accordance with those rules."

Julong smiled at his mixture of arrogance and eagerness. As such, instead of allowing Shen Taiyuan to answer the request, Julong respectfully bowed to him and spoke up himself in Shen Taiyuan's place.

"I would be happy to accompany you, Junior Brother. But do you really have in your possession something of enough value? Such things are rather valuable after all."

Julong had purposefully used the term Junior Brother just to annoy the one who was challenging him. Unlike outside of the Sect, age did not determine seniority, but Sash rankings. Seeing as though both his Cultivation level and age was seemingly lower, yet was still a higher sash rank, it was sure to create some discord between him and the other Disciples. It was in fact something Julong wanted, if he could entice others into initiating challenges, he could be able to get his hands on some more Techniques to help him through the Alpha-Origin Realm, it would be extremely beneficial. Besides, why would he care what others thought of him?

The taunting proved to do its job, making Pan Songs' expression become murky. Clearly, he had just caused quite a bit of distaste toward his status. As such Pan Song replied in a tone that was nothing less than toxic.

"Oh Senior Brother, do not worry, I do believe I have objects in my possession that you may desire."

"Do enlighten me."

Pan Song grinned and pulled out a scroll. Just from gazing upon it, he could tell it was a Low-Grade Heaven Genesis Technique, even so, it was still quite terrifying. Such a Technique, begrudgingly, thanks to its abnormal power, was worth his seat as a Purple Sash Disciple. It was not worth his Dwelling, which he had been informed that he would keep whether he won or lost, but it was definitely worth his rank.

"This is the Low-Grade Heaven Genesis Technique Ancient Dragon Body, an External Cultivation Technique that leads into the legendary Ancestral Tianyuan Body Technique."

Now the abnormal power of the technique made sense. What a sly dog this Pan Song was.

The Ancestral Tianyuan Body Technique was one of the more legendary External Cultivation Techniques, this was because of its incredible difficulty and requirements to even begin its Cultivation. In turn, this difficulty also applied to the lead-in Technique that Pan Song had offered. The reason he had offered it to him was simply that Pan Song himself could not Cultivate it, and thanks to his arrogance, was expecting Julong to not be able to either, even if he did win, which was unlikely in everyone else's eyes. For Julong however, it was the perfect Technique, especially because the Ancestral Tianyuan Body would in the end be one of the more powerful External Cultivation Techniques prior to any of the Saint Genesis Techniques.

His eyes must have sparkled when looking upon the Technique, as Pan Song seemed to notice his glee toward the Technique, causing a menacing grin to overtake his features.

"I am willing to offer this Technique should I lose."

Julong could only look at Pan Song in anticipation of taking the Technique. A look of confidence spread on his lips, as a brimming smile proceeded to form.

"I am willing to take on your offer."

Pan Song must have thought he was incredibly smart, since he would not lose anything that would benefit him or Julong, but he could not be more wrong.

Julong received looks of astonishment from all the Disciples. Surely he wasn't so stupid to think he could Cultivate the Technique without extreme difficulty. Many had tried and failed, simply because their body could not handle the Technique, even if they were within the requirements.

"Then it seems as though we have a match. It will be scheduled for three days time."

Shen Taiyuan was rather upbeat. He simply could not wait to see the power that Julong was holding inside of his body.


All eyes were once again on Julong.

"If it is alright with you, Elder Shen, I would not mind taking on my Junior Brother right now."

Shen Taiyuan grinned in anticipation at his words.

"Generally I would not allow such a thing, though I will make an exception - I am most willing to see what exactly you have up your sleeve."

One collective thought swept across the minds of the other Disciples:

This Wan Julong wants to die, doesn't he?