
Review Detail of Empyrium in Great Dragon Julong - a Dragon Prince Yuan FanFic

Review detail


Honest review here Writing quality: It is perfect, I didn't notice any mistake, couldnt be better Story development: Really well done, not the typical cliché, it makes sense and I love it Character design: I don't really know what to say here, for me he is a perfect mc, strong yet humble, I give him a 10/10 Update stability: 4 chapters a week is great, would love 4 chapters a day more hehehe World background: It is a ff from Dragon Prince Yuan, so if you read it you should know it, if not, you can still understand everything Personal opinion: I love that the author explained the three cultivation methods in detail, that shows me that he know what he is writing, I will give you my votes, just hope you dont drop, because this is the best ff of it I ever found PS: Give me a like hehehe

Great Dragon Julong - a Dragon Prince Yuan FanFic


Liked by 5 people




Well, the prewritten chapters are piling up. I hit around 30 at some point before I took a small break haha. We'll see, I might even randomly drop a tonne of chapters at some point if I so feel like it. For now I'm just gonna get back to writing and freaking out about school exams :)

Empyrium:So, when is the 200 chapter mass release hehehe😗😂

I gotchu hombre. Also thanks for the support bro, I really appreciate it more than I can tell you in words. Just reading reviews and comments like this one brings a smile to my face.


Nah bro, you deserve it, great grammar, some small mistakes, story is great😁 As long as you dont drop, would be sad

Messianic_Complex:I gotchu hombre. Also thanks for the support bro, I really appreciate it more than I can tell you in words. Just reading reviews and comments like this one brings a smile to my face.

I'll only stop writing this when the story is finished :)

Empyrium:Nah bro, you deserve it, great grammar, some small mistakes, story is great😁 As long as you dont drop, would be sad

So, when is the 200 chapter mass release hehehe😗😂

Messianic_Complex:I'll only stop writing this when the story is finished :)

Bro I did it, fan value 1

Messianic_Complex:Well, the prewritten chapters are piling up. I hit around 30 at some point before I took a small break haha. We'll see, I might even randomly drop a tonne of chapters at some point if I so feel like it. For now I'm just gonna get back to writing and freaking out about school exams :)