
Great Dragon Julong - a Dragon Prince Yuan FanFic

When the Third Gods initial awakening ensued, the Ancestral Dragon Will formed a new blessing. From this, a boy was born. This is his story, the story of Wan Julong. (A Dragon Prince Yuan spin-off.)

Messianic_Complex · Book&Literature
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87 Chs


The six clouds of Genesis Qi that had previously stationed themselves on the titanic pillars had moved into the air, hovering there, preparing to move down.

They were releasing undulations of Genesis Qi so powerful that everyone was in awe of them, even Julong was inspired to reach such heights, even if it was just like a small fish in a large pond in comparison to some of the power that the known world held.

In the face of the Divine-Dwelling Experts, none of the arrogance that the experts had shown prior shun through. They were all extremely patient and respectful as they waited for their descent. It was in all honesty, quite funny seeing them act so different, though it was obvious why. The 6 Envoys basically had control over their Cultivating future, so it was best not to start anything with one of them.

As they descended the first to speak was none other than the Envoy from the Sacred Palace. Naturally, because he was from such a Sect he felt entitled to the position of speaking first. All it proved to Julong was that no matter the level of cultivation, people were still unruly and arrogant.

"Just because you are the Geniuses of the Cangman Continent, does not mean it will be easy to enter our Sacred Six Sects. There are millions of Continents in the Cangxuan Heaven, and the Geniuses from the Cangman Continent don't really stick out in comparison to most of them."

Julong couldn't help but roll his eyes. He was obviously just trying to instill fear. But it was at that point that Lu Luo spoke up, bringing something to his attention that only made him think less of the one above him.

"How heinous. I managed to gather some information, and the one who saved Wu Huang's Spirit was none other than that Zhao Pan, the Sacred Palance Envoy. Just seeing him makes me angry."

Mu Wuji began to chuckle at the words from Zhao Pan.

"No need to be so stern, I feel that there are some pretty good seedlings among these ones. If we provide them with the correct training and resources, they might even have the potential to become pillars of our Sects."

The Envoy from the Hundred Flowers Fairy Palace, known as Shang Yi nodded in agreement.

"I have a feeling you're right. Let's not waste any more time and begin the selection process then, shall we? Those who reached the Saint Stairs may step forward."

The gazes of the Envoys washed over the 28 or so Geniuses that had stepped forward. Those who had won on their platforms were quickly distinguished and the others who had not were immediately swept up by different Genesis Qi's, sorting them into different sects based on the Envoy's choice, uncaring of the willingness of the Geniuses.

Soon, only a small group remained. It was made up of 11 figures; the platform winners, and Yao Yao, who had purposefully not allowed herself not to be swept up by the several forms of Genesis Qi by standing right beside Julong.

It was then that the Envoys began to eye each of them properly, seemingly competing with each other. The Envoy from the Sword Seeker Sect was the first to jump.

"Li Chunjun, our Sword Seeker Sect lives for the sword, are you willing to join us?"

The blindfolded swordsman who won the Eighth platform nodded his head.

"I am willing."

None of the Envoys contested his placement, the Sect would undeniably suit him better than the others.

Seeing that one of them had just been taken, the other envoys also began to try and take each of the remaining Geniuses.

"Zhen Xu, the King Yama Sect you previously Cultivated at was founded by someone who was once an Envoy of the Heavenly Ghost Sect. Are you willing to enter our Heavenly Ghost Sect?"

"I am."


"Ning Zhan, your body Cultivation will surely benefit in tremendous ways if you join the North Sea Dragon Subduing Hall. Are you willing?"

"Yes, of course."


"Lu Luo, Zouqiu Quinyu... These little lasses aren't bad at all. Why not both join the Hundred Flower Fairy Palace?"

"I accept."

"As do I."

"What about you, the one known as Zhou Xiaoyao? Would you also like to join the Hundred Flower Fairy Palace?"

Shang Yi was getting rather greedy, wasn't she? It was amusing seeing her try though, especially because the other Sects immediately began to object, it was clearly felt by the tension of the Genesis Qi rising.

"Sorry, but I must decline."

Just like that, the Genesis Qi returned to how it was. Julong smiled evilly, he really was enjoying their silent squabbling.


The group of 11 had soon become three. Yao Yao, Zhou Yuan, and Wan Julong all stood silently on the platform. Out of courtesy for stealing all the other Geniuses, the other Envoys finally allowed Mu Wuji to try his way at selecting them. It seemed as though Wu Muji was actually rather well respected among his peers from the other Sects.

It was quick, but Mu Wuji immediately locked eyes with Zhou Yuan and Yao Yao.

"Zhou Yuan, Zhou Xiaoyao, are you two willing to join my Cangxuan Sect?"

Both nodded immediately, bringing a smile to Wu Muji's face.


He then swept them both up with his Genesis Qi, leaving Julong to his own devices on the platform.

"Now all that is left is you, Wan Julong. As the winner of the Saint Remains Domain, you get to decide on your Sect."

Before Julong could even respond to Mu Wuji, Zhao Pan had decided to slip into the conversation.

"Wan Julong, you should know that my Sacred Palace is the most powerful in all of the Cangxuan Heaven. Knowing this you should also be aware that you have incredible potential and you will receive only the best tutelage and guidance from my Sect."

"Zhao Pan, you..!"

Mu Wuji was interrupted almost instantly by Wan Julong laughing. He was laughing so boisterously it was like he was mocking Zhao Pan's offer. The Envoys could immediately tell what he was going to say was not going to be good.

"While I... what's the word, appreciate? Yeah, appreciate your offer. I will have nothing to do with the dogs and scum that your so-called 'Sacred' Sect produces, nor any of the cursed facilities that you offer. Better yet, it is quite frankly hilarious to hear you talk about the Sect as if you own it. It belongs to the Palace Master, does it not? Either way, it does not matter as he is nothing but a dog for another."

Silence ensued at his bold words, words which had the ability to scorn him the wrath of the Divine-Dwelling Expert above him. It was dangerous to say, but it proved a point of him not liking the Sect, something he would like to make clear as day. It also held a hidden message that only the Envoys understood. He was unmistakeably talking about the Sacred Race, calling the Sacred Palace nothing but a lap dog to them. What a bold claim!

Mu Wuji was the first to make any noise, that being his own boisterous laugh at the insult Zhao Pan had just received.

"You unappreciative, disrespectful, hateful, barbaric little thing! What right gives a Second-Layer Alpha-Origin Expert to say such words to me, and to deface not only the Sacred Palace but also the Palace Master himself!?"

Zhao Pan's power exploded, unleashing unholy pressure upon all of the Geniuses around. Only Julong could fight the power and manage to stand. It was easy to see he was struggling severely, but he would not lose face the way Zhao Pan intended.

Mu Wuji instantly stepped in and began to unleash his own Genesis Qi, attempting to protect Julong from Zhao Pan's wrath.

"Mu Wuji, do you intend to stop me from protecting my Sacred Sects face?"

"Of course I am. Who do you think you are to attack a potential Disciple of one of the other 5 Sacred Sects!"

Zhao Pan didn't listen to his words and came to his own conclusion.

"Since you are unwilling to let me kill the boy. Excuse me for being disrespectful!"

Zhao Pan soon sent a large attack of Genesis Qi barrelling toward Julong in the shape of a fist. In response, Mu Wuji sent his own Genesis Qi to counter the attack. Zhao Pan only laughed however, in a much too menacing tone.

"Mu Wuji, do you really believe I am not prepared for your Dragon Bind Technique? It is quite famous, how would I dare to do such a thing without being prepared?"

All of a sudden Zhao Pans body faded, appearing inside of the fist made of Genesis Qi, dispelling both Genesis Qi's. He locked his eyes onto the unfazed Wan Julong and sent his palm forward, creating a large palm of destructive Genesis Qi. To the trained eye, this Technique was called the Space Lock Palm.

"Wan Julong! How do you intend to escape your fate!? This is what you get for offending my Sacred Palace!"

Julong only stood still, watching as it came down. He was not scared in the slightest. Just because he was no longer in the presence of Cang Xuan physically, did not mean Cang Xuan was not aware of the occurring events.

The attack came to a freeze above him, soon turning into nothing but standard Genesis Qi.

"What did you do boy!?"

Wan Julong tilted his head at Zhao Pan, a small chuckle escaping him.

"Me? I didn't do anything."

Suddenly powerful Genesis Qi erupted around the area, one that belonged to someone a lot more powerful than a Divine-Dwelling Expert.

"When I died back then, I said that the mangey dogs of the Sacred Palace would not be allowed near here! You little piece of shit, what made you feel so entitled to come here, let alone attack my Cangxuan Sects', Wan Julong!?"

Horror crossed everyone's faces.

"This voice! Patriarch Cang Xuan!?"

"How is this possible!?"

Wan Julong laughed at Zhao Pan's misfortune.

"I told you I did not do anything. It was the Heaven Master that protected me, you heinous mutt."

Zhao Pan's expression became one of regret as he immediately began running, knowing that he stood no chance against a Supreme Sovereign. He was also incredibly stiff about what Wan Julong had called Cang Xuan. It was indeed a sore spot for their Sect that their Palace Master Sheng Yuan was not able to achieve that role.

"Bastard, do you really think it will be that easy for you to escape!?"

A golden fist of Genesis Qi of unimaginable power appeared out of thin air and struck Zhao Pan from behind, launching him off into the distance, making him strike a mountain.

The fist soon turned into nothing just like Zhao Pan's prior attack on Wan Julong.

Mu Wuji stared longingly at the fading Qi, negligent of Zhao Pan's condition. It didn't last long though, as he soon shot out of the rubble.

"Blasted! I was clearly far away, so why did this still happen!?

Mu Wuji looked over at him with a smug grin.

"It seems as though you are so loathsome that even Patriarch loathes the very sight of you!"

"I will not forget what happened today. The Sacred Palace will not let you off!"

With that Zhao Pan took his cloud of Genesis Qi, opened a portal, and left with the Geniuses, much to Julongs now even further growing amusement. Though this now incited the Envoys to stare at Julong. Shang Yi, despite being in a girls-only Sect was rather regretful of not being able to take him.

"So is it true? Are you a part of the Cangxuan Sect?"

Mu Wuji was also understandably rather interested.

"I promised Cang Xuan that I would join his Sect, as such I am keeping my word."

His statement brought great joy to Mu Wuji, though it also brought a great sense of urgency. He would have to take Julong straight to Qing Yang, the head of the Cangxuan Sect. It was clear Cang Xuan and Wan Julong had some sort of connection, and Qing Yang as the first Disciple of Cang Xuan would certainly need to be made aware. Julong would luckily get to skip the next selection process, he would instead unluckily have to be put through his paces by a Law Domain Expert though.

Mu Wuji wasn't sure if that was overall lucky or unlucky. He only knew that time would tell.