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  • BookWorms007
    Replied to Seyitan_Odufalu

    Glad that I could clear the misunderstanding 🙂

    Manipulative Harem God
    Urban · SKuLL
  • BookWorms007
    Replied to Seyitan_Odufalu

    I thought that the MC was manipulating his enemies. But in this novel, the MC is manipulating his harem members which I seem to dislike. Again , I said that I was not hating on this novel nor the author. Didn't I ? I just said that it was not my type of novel. But now I see a CLOWN calling a completely unrelated stranger who had not shown any sort of hostility to the novel nor he himself calling out on other people . I think it's time to introspect on who the clown actually is ...

    Manipulative Harem God
    Urban · SKuLL
  • BookWorms007
    Replied to raccatas

    The first 25 chapters of a novel are crucial for bringing in more readers and to keep the current readers interested to purchase the remaining chapters. You can't expect readers to blindly buy the remaining chapters hoping that the novel would get better with time. The author should have provided some information regarding the MC and world background rather than focusing on unrelated people who we as readers have no interest in knowing further. The first 25 chapters provides nothing of value to the novel and does not keep the readers engaged and interested . This is why most of the readers such as me myself has deserted this novel.

    The Primordial Record
    Fantasy · BRICKTRADER
  • BookWorms007

    The novel has good drawing quality. But that is the only plus point in this otherwise worthless novel . The MC is a Simp ( a typical beta male) . He is ridiculed and bullied by his inlaws, slapped by his wife, cheated on by his wife ( she is bisexual. She cheats with another girl). His wife uses him as a shield criticises and questions all his actions. Yet , the MC still goes back crawling into his wife( and her inlaws).He says they have not done anything wrong . He is a typical pushover mc. I have never been so frustrated by a novel before. Dear future readers, stay away if you guys don't like beta low class MC.

    Rebirth of a Useless Son-in-law in Nirvana
    · NG+/HeiYan-ShanCunXiaoHuoFu
  • BookWorms007

    It is a good novel with excellent writing quality without much grammatical errors. However , this is not my type of novel. The author discusses in detail regarding dao,fate, reincarnation ...etc in the novel which made the novel seem far too boring for my taste. Even the romance aspect seems sidelined in this novel. I know that the author tried to reduce the number of cliches that are usually found in similar cultivation novels. But completely avoiding them makes the novel far too bland. We as readers are not interested in the intricacies of Dao or the cultivation world. ( We are not going to do a thesis work on the concept of Dao.) Most of the readers read such novels for gratification purposes which this novel fails to provide due to focussing too much on higher concepts that are not to out understanding. This novel would have been far better if the author focussed more on the main character ,his romance life, and world building. However this is a good novel for those readers who want to know more about dao and whatnot. But I am not one of that reader.

    Journey of the Fate Destroying Emperor
    Eastern · LazySageDao
  • BookWorms007

    This novel had huge potential. But the author failed to capitalise on the novel idea. Let me explain. Author fails to properly flush out the characters and hence they seem 2 dimensional. The world is poorly explained . The conversations seem bland. To top it all of, the MC thinks with his lower half. For a novel to be successful , plot should take the centre stage ( and not R18) . Otherwise , there is no difference between this novel and a p*rno.

    Picking up Girls With My System
    Fantasy · Ryongul
  • BookWorms007

    This novel had huge potential . But sadly, the author failed to keep the readers entertained. Let me explain.The first 10 chapters just describes a war between 2 nations . The MC is present only in 2 of those chapters .The author wants us to remember and sympathise with characters that we as readers have no prior exposure to. It simply feels as reading a war log. The author gives much unnecessary importance in fights that the MC has no direct participation in. The author should have read tyranny of steel to draw inspiration on how to keep the readers entertained . Also, the novel is too damn slow. It takes about 70 chapters for the MC to be free of his slave status (let alone controlling an army). I can't imagine the number of chapters that would be necessary for the MC to reach the position of a king. I don't have enough patience to wait for all those chapters. I came here hoping to see kingdom building and engaging in battles between nations ( for that to happen, the MC should be the king obviously ) . Also, the MC is a Simp to his harem members which is another let down. This novel would have been much better if the author had focused more on MC himself rather than all those unnecessary battles / schemes at the start..... I am out of this novel. Far too boring in my opinion.

    Herald of Steel
    War · FerriticMatrix
  • BookWorms007

    It is a very good novel. It has good writing quality without much grammatical errors. Despite being a harem novel, the character of the the MC is good. He is ruthless and intelligent ( and not a SIMP). Keep going author.💪

    Debauchery of a Soul-Eating Wraith
    Fantasy · NatePrince
  • BookWorms007

    I loved this novel initially. But as chapters went by, frustration began to build up. This novel is filled with info dumps. ( For eg: It takes about 10 chapters for the MC to transmigrate , About 40 chapters to get a system and awaken ) . Imagine a novel goes premium even before the MC gets his system/ hack. Also , the MC is a mess .He appears to be a siscon with mental issues pertaining to his unsavory past. A lot of chapters are wasted on his nightmares and internal monologues. I understand that as an author you have to properly flesh out characters. But don't you think it's too much????. Get to the plot already.The author could have tried adding the info dumps in between major plotlines. But rather he chose to provide all the info dumps at the beginning of the novel. Resulting in the plot crawling at a snails pace. And to top it all of, I hate the attitude of the system . Truly infuriating to see the system act all smug and high all the time . The novel gets boring way too fast seeing no real action or plotlines. Just plain old mc interacting with his family members.To give a perspective of how slow the story is, the MC started his training only at chapter 82. It took about 100 chapters for the plot to start .Sadly, this not my type of novel.

    Life Of A Nobody - as a Villain
    Fantasy · DevilDarkness
  • BookWorms007

    I am a very picky reader. I hate MC's who are not ruthless enough with a hero complex . Such heroes most often tend to be idiots/ simps . Hence , this novel provided me with a refreshing take on the usually bland MC genre. The MC in this novel is ruthless to his enemies yet loving to his family members. He most often keeps a cool head and does not rush into fights that he know he can't win . He keeps his calm and then dishes out revenge in the most satisfying way possible. He is not a hypocrite and is not aversive to killing for achieving his objective. The writing quality is excellent without much grammatical errors. His power progression is well paced ( does not make you feel bored) . The only suggestion that I have is to include the other girl as his wife as well ( since she bears the child of the MC ) . Eventhough MC had no direct physical role in the conception of the child, he should take responsibility . Moreover the attitude of the girl seems to be good and seems to care for the well being of the MC. Also, I would like the author to explain the stages beyond celestial stage. It seems confusing. We don't have an idea regarding the power levels of his enemies beyond the immortal stage . It seems vague. Also a little bit of kingdom building will do good to the novel. Let the common people understand that the MC is not heartless as his enemies seem to project.

    Hitman with a Badass System
    Action · don_offl
  • BookWorms007

    I loved the novel initially. But as chapters went by, frustration began to build up. MC is a typical beta male. He is ridiculed humiliated, beaten and abandoned even by his family. Yet , he has a hero complex. He is unable to extricate himself from those people who treated him as a peace of sh*t. ( spoiler: His first girlfriend dies as a result of Empire. He also marries a girl who has made his life a living hell ) Despite all these atrocities , the MC is not ruthless. He still works for the empire as a propaganda piece. His family disowned him.............The list goes on. I loved tyranny of steel. It had one of the best MC that I have seen. Yet the author failed to produce another masterpiece like TOS. Kinda sad considering the fact that writing quality was excellent with good world building. All hope is lost because of the character of the MC and the atrocities that he has to face . I can't continue reading this novel. I would come back if the character of the MC improves or he takes his own life in his own hands.

    Interstellar Age
    Sci-fi · Zentmeister
  • BookWorms007

    it is an okay novel. Writing quality is subpar and are filled with grammatical errors . It would have been far better if the author had seeked the help of a competent editor . Also, the MC is a typical beta male ( even befriends bully who had tormented him for years) Romance feels forced. The heroine seems to have fallen for the MC even without any attractive qualities. He is not ruthless enough. The MC is a not clever by any means and triumphs over others just because his foes have the brain capacity of a 2 year old.

    God of Tricksters
    Fantasy · Fixten
  • BookWorms007

    It is a good novel. It has good writing quality without much grammatical errors. However, world background need to be improved.( what disease does the MC have? Why was he ill in the first place? Is the game real? Would the strength that he accumulated in the game be applicable in real life as well? How did he go back in time? what about the family of MC? Why was he back stabbed? ......) We as readers are kept in the dark regarding these crucial information. A lot of these questions need to be answered atleast partially so that readers can empathise with the character that the author is trying to portray. All we see in the first 150 chapters is MC trying to do some quests and attaining a unique class. It feels as if we are reading the walkthrough of a game . Try to give more information regarding the MC so that we as readers can relate to the MC

    Zenith Online: Rebirth of the Strongest Player
    Games · ApexPen
  • BookWorms007

    I read upto chapter 25. This novel is too dark and complex for my liking. This novel is the most confusing one that I have read in webnovel so far. You are bombarded with a lot of new names, powers, terms and abilities. The author tries to put out a lot of info about the supernatural yet all this information is useless.You have no idea about the MC ? how did he transmigrate? how did he become a child? what are records? what is the world setting? who is his family? who are his friends? ..........Nothing.......... The first 25 chapters are written beautifully but provides nothing of value . Readers are kept in the dark all the time . In the amidst of all this, the author keeps shifting his focus to unrelated people. Entire chapters are dedicated to people who we as readers have no idea about ( or care about) . Keep in mind, the author is trying to give attention to other people without giving due attention and importance to the MC himself. What a mess. I was frustrated a lot of times due to the apparent lack of info about the novel or the MC ( yet this novel is filled with useless information) . If you are looking for a relaxing novel ...... then keep away. This novel is not it.

    The Primordial Record
    Fantasy · BRICKTRADER
  • BookWorms007

    I read upto chapter 400 of this novel. It has good writing quality without much grammatical errors . However , I did find a few things that were not to my liking.................1)Absence of romance element. ( Author could have added a romantic interest or even ...... a harem for all that matters). The novel feels bland due to it.2) Author could have made the MC more powerful ( slow power progression despite having good cheats). 3) Don't give a lot of soul traits for the MC without any apparent purpose. It makes the story more complicated.He is not even using most of these traits in his fights. The MC has the power to discard useless traits. So let him do so if the author is not planning to utilise his traits. A lot of soul traits makes it more difficult to level up as well.Despite having 8 soul traits( normal people have only one or maximum two) he is not overpowered and feels quite weak and vulnerable . 4) Also it does not make sense that the MC can gift the soul traits to his friends as and when necessary.( gifting one trait is okay but more than that ......is tooooo overpowered and unnecessary) 5) Lastly, the MC is not ruthless enough despite all the sufferings he has endured over the years. He seems to be an idealist . He feels too humane and has Hero syndrome. It would have been better if the MC was more ruthless and cunning yet loving to his family and friends

    Supreme Lord: I can extract everything!
    Fantasy · HideousGrain
  • BookWorms007
    Replied to Imperial77

    please name a few good novels for reading fellow daoist [img=update]

    Inheritor Of Magic: The Magi King
    Fantasy · Aoki_Aku
  • BookWorms007

    It is a good novel. It has good writing quality without much grammatical errors. The only suggestion that I have is regarding world building. The author could have explained more regarding MC, power levels , the kingdom he resides in, his political position, his family . It is also not clear regarding the power level of the MC. Despite reading 60 chapters, I am still not clear whether the MC is a good guy or the bad guy. He is manipulative. Yes. But what is his goal? .....

    A Villain's Way of Taming Heroines
    Fantasy · POWER_
  • BookWorms007

    It is a good novel. However , i got bored of the novel quickly because of the imbalance in pacing of the novel. The hero levels up quickly till level 42. And then booom..... There is no more progression for the the next 100 chapters. I understand that the author did this to describe the world building. However the author could have mixed levels ups and world building together so that readers would not get bored because of the stalemate in power progression. The MC could have built his kingdom while raising his power at the same time. There is no adrenaline inducing scenes ( fighting/ romantic ) during these hundreds of chapters which makes it seem boring. If the author feels the need to prolong his novel, he could have introduced power levels beyond level 100 . He can introduce new more powerful villains with higher power levels ( or infact new world's to explore) rather than slowing down the pace of the novel. You can introduce rebellions, traitors, new technologies , more lands to explore, more romantic interests more species ........The possibilities are endless. If the MC takes 100 chapters to level up once from level 42 to 43, I can't imagine the number of chapters required for the MC to reach level 100. I stopped reading because of it. I will come back to check it out later to see if the author incorporates these changes

    The Rise of the Black Plain
    Fantasy · RVN_1998
  • BookWorms007

    This novel had a huge potential. But a few flaws prevent it from being one of the better novels in this site.......1) Writing quality can be improved. (There are not much grammatical errors though). 2) The characters need to be flushed out more. Their interactions seems to be two dimensional at best. Give more depth to these characters , more emotions, more love, more friendship.....3) The world background is poorly explained. How did the apocalypse happen? why did it happen? How did people respond to the changes, what is the system? how did the MC become half zombie ( The novel could have shown MC preservering more agony to become half zombie.)4) This is one of those novels where more info could have worked wonders .I have read till chapter 50. I will come back if author improves upon his work.

    Supreme Couple In Apocalypse: Undead King & Demonic Queen
    Fantasy · Eminent_Vellichor
  • BookWorms007

    It is a good novel. The writing quality is excellent . However, I can't seem to like the MC. He is way too prideful ( even with pitiful strength) and arrogant. I hope he gets stronger soon. I would love to see an MC who is ruthless, cunning yet loving to his family.

    I Farm Demons : Unholy Necromancer In the Apocalypse
    Fantasy · Yonaas