

Author: imyoursbabe
Ongoing · 30.3K Views
  • 19 Chs
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What is ROCT删除

Read ‘ROCT删除’ Online for Free, written by the author imyoursbabe, This book is a Fantasy Novel, covering REINCARNATION Fiction, MAGIC Light Novel, SUPERPOWERS Internet Novel, and the synopsis is: After struggling to become the greatest person in history because he wanted to protect himself, Abercio was instead cons...


After struggling to become the greatest person in history because he wanted to protect himself, Abercio was instead considered a threat and accused of doing many bad things. "Humans are terrible," according to Abercio. Humans are afraid of other humans who are much stronger so they want to eliminate that strong person. During his life for hundreds of years, Abercio has been used to being hunted by heroes who pretend to be good-natured as if they are protectors, even though they are jealous of the power that Abercio has. In the end, Abercio died from being poisoned and stabbed by the sword of the servant and the only student he had. Savio betrays him and teams up with the heroes to kill Abercio. That's all? Not. Abercio is reborn back to when he was young, in the days when he lived as a foolish outcast. This time, Abercio would not allow it again. He would torture those who made him like a loser in his past life. Including his own family. Then, Ravin the holy knight who slashed his head.

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Seraphim: The Chronicles of Universe

The story is set in an interchange rebirth of the primordial Ancient Realm with numerous locales and states resemblances with realistic matching parts from that time. In this domain, all existing beings possess bioluminescence atoms, well-known as Angel. When they kick the bucket, this substance returns to the colossal stream "Center of the Universe." Creating a vast stream of Soul springs natural life to all consequent existences in an unending cycle of providence called "Reincarnation." Once an individual is overwhelmed with disbelief, despair, and hatred, their Angel becomes tainted, unbalanced, dark, and turns into demons and veers off from the most guidance in a handle known as "Falling into Hell." Several enchanted chateaus full of treasures and ploys were known as "Gates," Each is the lair of a powerful magical being, a Celestial. Individuals who manage to oversee a Gates's judgments and earn the dependability of its Celestial are known as Astral Seeker. Picking up the capacity to utilize its powers imbued in the blood contract known as a "Celestial Gears" and make less strong "Spirit Guidance" for their acquaintances as well. Individuals can utilize the Angels in their physiques to form a vitality known as Mana to control their mystical weapons and abilities. This energy must be used with care, as despite the circumstance that an individual's Mana can be reestablished with nourishing and repose, it causes their death once wholly depleted. Among those that can execute magic with their own Mana, there is a tremendously aberrant class of magus known as Seraphim, which can also use Mana directly from the Center of the Universe, enormously expanding their capabilities. A Seraphim usually chooses Astral Seeker to bid guidance and fortification, making them into their Papal Candidate. Several countries in history were instituted or developed by the law of such entities.

UnitedEmCee · Fantasy
13 Chs


Ini adalah kisah fantasi yang tidak bermaksud untuk merendahkan atau melecehkan pihak manapun, kurang dan lebihnya mohon maaf dan terimakasih. Alkisah, Di suatu tempat yang tidak diketahui. Muncullah suatu cahaya yang membelah dirinya menjadi 2 bentuk sinar cahaya, kemudian salah satu dari sinar itu, membentuk suatu kehidupan dan juga peradaban. Di Dalam kisah ini, terdiri dari 3 makhluk. Yaitu Malaikat, Jin dan Manusia. Pada jenis makhluk malaikat terdiri dari 3 golongan yaitu, malaikat langit, malaikat bumi atau peri dan malaikat kayangan/akhirat. Kemudian untuk jenis makhluk Jin pun terdiri dari 3 golongan yaitu, Jin yang memiliki bentuk dasar binatang atau suka disebut siluman, lalu Jin yang mampu berubah-ubah bentuk menjadi manusia atau hewan kemudian, yang terakhir Jin yang terlahir di angkat akhirat/khayangan, karena perbuatan baiknya selama di dunia. Lalu yang terakhir adalah manusia. Manusia pun terdiri dari 3 jenis, yaitu manusia berukuran normal, selanjutnya manusia berukuran raksasa dan manusia berukuran kecil seperti hewan. Cerita ini dimulai, dari seorang malaikat yang berteman dengan malaikat lainnya, kemudian dia melakukan kesalahan yang tak terbayangkan.  Akhirnya, setelah pengampunan. Dia kembali lagi terlahir menjadi sesosok Jin akhirat/kahyangan. Dirinya tidak pernah mengetahui kehidupan masa lalunya, setiap dia kembali dihidupkan menjadi makhluk lain. Maka pada waktu itu pula dirinya terlupakan dari asal mula penciptaannya.  Sehingga suatu kesalahan yang dilakukan oleh pihak jin yang tinggal di akhirat/kahyangan. Membuat dirinya pun ikut terusir menuju alam dunia.  Di suatu waktu, Takdir kembali datang kepadanya yang tidak pernah diduga oleh dirinya kembali sebelumnya.  Dia melakukan pergesekan dengan kaum malaikat, yang kembali membuat dirinya dan malaikat itu terlahir kembali di dunia. Kali ini sungguh tak terduga, Jin itu dilahirkan untuk ketiga kalinya, dan kini menjadi manusia sedangkan malaikat tersebut menjadi Jin yang terlahir di dunia. Keseruan apakah yang terjadi dalam perjalanan kisah ini, sebaiknya kita ikuti bersama-sama.  Selamat membaca ^•^

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The Arcane Chronicles: A Journey of Legends

In a world where ancient prophecies intertwine with extraordinary powers, a young adventurer named Aiden embarks on an epic quest that will challenge his strength, test his courage, and shape his destiny. Joined by a diverse group of companions, including animals blessed with the ability to speak, Aiden must unravel the secrets of a long-lost magic to protect his kingdom from impending darkness. As the journey progresses, Aiden discovers his own latent magical abilities, unlocking immense power within him. Alongside his trusty talking animal allies—Zephyr, the wise owl; Ember, the fiery fox; and Luna, the enigmatic panther—they traverse treacherous terrains, face menacing creatures, and engage in intense battles against formidable foes. In "The Arcane Chronicles: A Journey of Legends," readers are transported to a mesmerizing realm filled with mysticism and wonder. From ancient ruins to soaring mountains and enigmatic forests, Aiden and his companions uncover long-forgotten secrets, encounter ancient beings, and forge unbreakable bonds. Will Aiden master his newfound powers and fulfill the prophecy that foretells the world's salvation? Can he overcome the darkness that threatens to engulf everything he holds dear? Join Aiden on an unforgettable adventure as he confronts his inner demons, unravels the mysteries of magic, and fights for the future of his world in this spellbinding webnovel.

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I must say that I really like this style. No romance or harem, as there are a lot of novels out there. The author's writing is very satisfying and I'm really enjoying the story, despite having few chapters. Like other previous reviews, the only negative point would be the extremely slow update of the chapters, but it's worth the wait.


Heya Author!Your novel is quite interesting but honestly it remind me of a novel the demon lord is kind.I hope your novel derailed from that novel so it will be unique and different


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