

After struggling to become the greatest person in history because he wanted to protect himself, Abercio was instead considered a threat and accused of doing many bad things. "Humans are terrible," according to Abercio. Humans are afraid of other humans who are much stronger so they want to eliminate that strong person. During his life for hundreds of years, Abercio has been used to being hunted by heroes who pretend to be good-natured as if they are protectors, even though they are jealous of the power that Abercio has. In the end, Abercio died from being poisoned and stabbed by the sword of the servant and the only student he had. Savio betrays him and teams up with the heroes to kill Abercio. That's all? Not. Abercio is reborn back to when he was young, in the days when he lived as a foolish outcast. This time, Abercio would not allow it again. He would torture those who made him like a loser in his past life. Including his own family. Then, Ravin the holy knight who slashed his head.

imyoursbabe · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
19 Chs

Dangerous for A Duel

There was a slight lag each time Abercio used a skill against Vino, showing as though he was using something his body wasn't used to. It was a very thin gap, but Vino's instincts could sense it.

'In any way! I have to drop him!' Vino's heart was burning with emotions that staggered between justice and killing intent. He will not let Abercio feel great, let alone win. Where can Vino put his pride as a knight who is called a genius if he loses to Abercio?

But, even now also not a good situation for Abercio.

'My body is starting to weaken a little,' thought Abercio who felt the limits of his body. Even if Abercio made use of the experience he gained during his life as a Crazy Tyranny, he was slowly reaching his limit. His current body had not gone through the same training and his experience was still lacking. Abercio also used many advanced techniques, but that was only because he was able to control his mana to near perfection.

Although in the past many misunderstood Abercio's techniques as still crude skills due to his nickname as Strength Crazy Tyranny, it was simply because the results of his actions were so destructive, that many of his techniques were actually very powerful.

But that's it. Abercio is lacking in everything that doesn't require mana control for now. Furthermore, because his body wasn't used to the technique, there were slight cracks in his movements appearing here and there. Moreover, at this time, he was even in his body when he was young.

'Right now, I should start thinking about every move I'm going to make, calculating it wisely, so that no energy is wasted.'

Now, it's time for Abercio to make a serious move. Enough playing around.


The distance between the two, Abercio and Vino widened again.

"Looks like you've been training in secret for quite a while, huh? You even know how to use Mana Synchronization," said Vino.

"It's an easy thing, like boil water," Abercio replied casually. He didn't mean to provoke Vino. For Abercio, who had near-perfect mana control, Mana Synchronization was an extremely easy skill to master.

"Then keep holding on like that," Vino hissed, getting more and more emotional.


The sound of clanging iron resounded. The situation was the same as before, rather it just looked like that, but it wasn't. Vino's attacks poured out in powerful waves, and Abercio fought them carefully according to his body's abilities.

But anyone with common sense would have noticed.

"This will be over soon."

Zola guessed the end of this shocking and unexpected duel. Although Abercio's abilities were surprising, as expected of the best young knight from Bronka, Vino knew Abercio's weak point.

As Vino started poking at these weak spots, Abercio's hands and feet started to lose control, it seemed.

'But Young Master Abercio's skills are truly shocking. Has he always had this much talent in the past?' asked Zola in his heart.

Seeing the gap in his technique, it seemed that Abercio had studied it recently, but the completed execution was surprising.

'Young Master must have been practicing some techniques for a while, and after learning how to control Mana, that doesn't mean he can win over Vino,' Zola thought.

Although the technique Abercio used was impressive, it was also widespread. Zola thought that Abercio could have chosen several people to teach him after displaying this kind of ability.

'I had no idea how amazing this was. Young Master Abercio could push Young Master Altezza out of the position people thought Altezza belonged to if Abercio wanted to." Zola glanced at Altezza who was biting his lip while staring intensely at the duel in front of him.


A certain amount of blood spurted out, and groans or exclamations came out of the audience. The place where the blood came out was from Abercio's right forearm.

'That's a pretty deep wound. I thought it would end like this.' Zola was sure the duel would end with Abercio's surrender, and he prepared to take to the stage.


Blood spurted out again, but this time, it wasn't Abercio's. This time, it was Vino's blood.

'He stabbed back? Still able to retaliate?' Zola's body froze on the spot. The completely unexpected happened on the battlefield.


Vino looked at the wound, deep and long on his left arm, and blood was pouring from it.

'What the hell is this bastard!'

Vino remembers what just happened. He aimed to attack the vulnerability created by the gap in Abercio's technique. The gap in Abercio's technique grew, and he finally managed to break through the defense to land an attack on Abercio, injuring Abercio's right arm.

But a moment later it was the other way around, he was injured by Abercio's sword.

'No way!' Vino suddenly realized what was happening.

'No, he can't protect himself anymore. He will give up soon!' Vino thought confidently.

Knowing that it was getting harder and harder to hold on due to the difference in their abilities, Abercio would give up on holding. Abercio has sacrificed a little to get more, and soon Abercio will surely lose.

'Stay calm! Keep calm, Vino!'

Vino had heard of situations like this in his education many times before, and considering the situation, he still benefited. His opponent was cornered to the point that he had to let go of his defenses, and although the wound was painful, he had suffered injuries like this many times before. Vino can still hold it.

However, Vino's heart continued to beat like crazy without any sign of calming down. Even though Vino had seen many people rush into fights in desperation like mountain bandits, it was the first time he had fought a tactical opponent at a different skill level but could keep up with him. His experience was lacking, but he was a genius knight.

"You're nervous, right?" asked Abercio.

Unlike Vino who was desperately trying to calm himself down, Abercio smiled instead. Vino started to feel scared.

"This is just the beginning. This would be a deathmatch rather than a duel. Stay alert."

Abercio rushed towards Vino. It wasn't like the complicated moves he had shown so far but ran straight ahead with lots of open points, but Vino couldn't attack. He knew that if he tried to attack Abercio's weak point, then Abercio would counter him with a bigger attack.

Vino helplessly blocked Abercio's attack. And after that, just as Abercio had said, a bloody battle ensued. Really a dangerous fight, rather than a duel.