

After struggling to become the greatest person in history because he wanted to protect himself, Abercio was instead considered a threat and accused of doing many bad things. "Humans are terrible," according to Abercio. Humans are afraid of other humans who are much stronger so they want to eliminate that strong person. During his life for hundreds of years, Abercio has been used to being hunted by heroes who pretend to be good-natured as if they are protectors, even though they are jealous of the power that Abercio has. In the end, Abercio died from being poisoned and stabbed by the sword of the servant and the only student he had. Savio betrays him and teams up with the heroes to kill Abercio. That's all? Not. Abercio is reborn back to when he was young, in the days when he lived as a foolish outcast. This time, Abercio would not allow it again. He would torture those who made him like a loser in his past life. Including his own family. Then, Ravin the holy knight who slashed his head.

imyoursbabe · Fantasy
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19 Chs

His Great-Grandfather?

And.. begins the fight against the monsters which is more like a fireworks game than a real fight. Abercio easily continued to burn all the Skelime monsters that appeared.

Every time Abercio moved his hand, the sound of explosions and flames burning something continued to be heard. And it all happened so quickly that the monsters didn't even have the chance to respond, escape, or fight back in the slightest. It didn't take long for Abercio to finish his business here.

Abercio was sure that no one would believe him if Abercio said that he had only started training a month ago. Well, even though Abercio actually had hundreds of years of experience in his first life.

After finishing taking care of all the Skelime that appeared, Abercio began to explore the mountain wilderness to continue his journey.


However, it turned out that along his journey Abercio met more monsters, not only Skelime but also Kobolds. Most of the monster's heads exploded on the rocks that Abercio flicked playfully, and for those who didn't die against the rocks, Abercio easily chopped them off with his sword.

*Kobold : a green monster, with a slightly shorter body than the average human, but has the strength of an adult man. Usually always carry a weapon, whether it's a club or an axe.

After finishing off the monsters that kept popping up, Abercio sighed as he stretched his body. His Mana was indeed used up quite a lot as he continued to use magic to burn the Skelime monsters that appeared, he also applied Mana to his sword to cut down the Kobold monsters.

'As I thought, there really are quite many monsters in this forest. Moreover, I also passed a path that was rarely or even rarely passed by other people,' thought Abercio.

Since these monsters lived deep in areas where no humans lived, it could be said that they weren't that dangerous, unless a human dared enter the forest alone. Because if the humans entered the forest with an entourage, then they might be able to take care of the monsters more easily.

'But a monster is still a monster. A creature can't be labeled as a monster if it doesn't harm humans at all.

There is nothing truly harmless among the monsters in the forest because after all monsters are always hostile to humans and make humans victims. There were many cases where monsters like Mini Kobolds—Kobold monsters as small as toddlers, killed small children who had accidentally played on the edge of the forest.

'My actions may not help much, but at least it's enough to quell the monster population around the forest that might attack the residents.'

This was the reason why Abercio left the path that people usually walked and chose to walk through the dangerous and obscure forest path. Abercio continued to encounter monsters non-stop. Finally, Abercio looked up at the sky which showed a dark orange tinge.

"The sun has set, I guess I'll just rest until the sun rises again," muttered Abercio.

After Abercio prepared the sleeping bag he bought while in town, he continued to collect firewood to light up the night.

The sound of burning branches and dry wood could be heard faintly, and the air around Abercio felt warm thanks to the bonfire he had made. After lighting the fire, Abercio cooked the improvised ingredients he had brought on his journey this time.

Abercio' brown eyes stared up at the night sky sprinkled with stars. The atmosphere was peaceful, maybe because Abercio had cleared the area of monsters.


However, that peaceful atmosphere changed when Abercio heard the sound of hooves from a distance, and slowly a faint light approached the place where he spent the night.

Abercio frowned, "who are they? Are they merchant troupes, mercenaries, or…"

"No, judging by the sound of the horses' hooves, they don't seem like merchants."

It appeared that the people approaching Abercio might have been nobles, as there were many knights clad in iron armor. In addition, there was a quite large and luxurious-looking carriage, protected by those knights.

'They are the Knights of the Sacred Shrine of the Goddess Phytyche,' Abercio thought as he recognized the crest on the chariot.

The holy shrine of the Goddess Fitiche is a collection of powerful congregations. Those in the shrine serve the Goddess Fitiche who is considered the Goddess who protects and blesses this continent, which is attended by congregations from royalty, and nobles, to commoners. In short, those from the Sacred Shrine of the Goddess Fitikhe were forces not to be trifled with at all times.

'To think that I would meet people from the sacred Shrine of Goddess Fitikhe in the wilderness like this.'

The reason Abercio didn't expect it was that they weren't just anyone. The Holy Knights and the carriage continued toward where Abercio and stopped near him.

The horses being pulled by their reins snorted. Abercio stood up with a deep sigh.

'Maybe they just want to stop over or spend the night in the same place as me. No bad intentions..'

Followers of Goddess Fitikhe are a religious family. However, that does not mean that they are not evil. And, Abercio' relationship with them was not good. To be precise, it was before Abercio returned to the past, back then in his first life, Abercio had fought them risking his life. He naturally felt wary of them.

'And... I will never forget that Ravin Alexia is also part of the Sacred Shrine of the Goddess Fitikhe.'

He wasn't just a part of it, Ravin was actually one of the higher-ups of the Sacred Temple of Goddess Fitikhe as a whole, at its center.

'Now I'm a little curious, how's great-grandfather Ravin? Ah, is he married? Should I kill everyone from Alexia's family so that Ravin won't be born in a few hundred years?' thought Abercio.

Abercio was lost in thought for a moment until…


Someone opened the carriage door, and the person inside got out. Seeing how the Holy Knights had raised their defenses, that person seemed to be the one they were protecting. Abercio looked at the man with interest, and his eyes widened when he saw who had stepped down from the carriage.

He was one of those people Abercio could never forget.

'Raveno Aleksia!' Abercio growled in his heart.

The person Abercio had just thought of—Ravin's great-grandfather and had been an influential figure in his death was now standing right in front of him. Of course, Abercio was surprised, but his surprise increased after seeing the next person who got off the horse carriage to catch up with Raveno.

That person is...

Hi, Guys! Long time no see, hope you enjoyed this chapter. Sorry if I make any mistake, i just learn to write novel in English. Thank you.

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