

After struggling to become the greatest person in history because he wanted to protect himself, Abercio was instead considered a threat and accused of doing many bad things. "Humans are terrible," according to Abercio. Humans are afraid of other humans who are much stronger so they want to eliminate that strong person. During his life for hundreds of years, Abercio has been used to being hunted by heroes who pretend to be good-natured as if they are protectors, even though they are jealous of the power that Abercio has. In the end, Abercio died from being poisoned and stabbed by the sword of the servant and the only student he had. Savio betrays him and teams up with the heroes to kill Abercio. That's all? Not. Abercio is reborn back to when he was young, in the days when he lived as a foolish outcast. This time, Abercio would not allow it again. He would torture those who made him like a loser in his past life. Including his own family. Then, Ravin the holy knight who slashed his head.

imyoursbabe · Fantasy
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19 Chs

Gone Forever

Philip's face turned sour after seeing the door where Abercio had disappeared.

'What is Young Master thinking?'

At first, Philip thought that Abercio had planned everything to come up with a scenario that would increase his chances of becoming the Marquess' heir. But that thought just disappeared when Abercio gave up his right to the heir.

"What exactly is Young Master Abercio currently doing?"

Vivaldi seemed to have the same thought as Philip as he asked this question calmly.

"Honestly, I don't even know. He made the situation more favorable for him in every way, but suddenly threw it all away like everything he had achieved was meaningless."

Vivaldi clicked his tongue and narrowed his eyes to look for the whereabouts of Abercio who might return, "is he really planning to leave the Bronka territory?" asked Vivaldi.

"I'm not sure," Philip replied.

"Perhaps he decided suddenly. He is still too young, he may still be rash in making decisions." Vivaldi seems to think that Abercio will not really leave the family.

Philip smirked, "but since Young Master Abercio has given up his right as heir in front of so many people, then Young Master Altezza will be heir of Bronka."

From what Philip knew, Vivaldi was among those who supported Altezza. He should be happy with the situation, but Vivaldi couldn't hide the deep regret in his voice. Perhaps he felt he had lost a very talented person like Abercio.

'No, but not just Vivaldi.' Philip swept his gaze around.

Maybe many people feel the same way. To be honest, Philip also couldn't hide his feelings of regret and looked at Altezza who looked very gloomy. Mentally must fall and shame is not playing.

'Altezza may be a bit lacking, but we have no choice but to him. Since the Marquess' sons are only two, but..'

Philip clapped his hands on his face to wake himself up.

"What are you doing, Sir Philip?" Vivaldi asked in a surprised tone at Philip's sudden strange behavior.

'Not enough? Altezza lacking as heir? Am I the only one who thinks that?'

Bronka's image of Altezza all along before today's duel was a competent and most suitable heir, but now it's different. After losing to Abercio's courage and strength, especially Abercio's intelligence in tactical thinking, Altezza's image has greatly diminished from the rumors. Because Abercio's proof in front of everyone today definitely turned everyone's views upside down. Abercio is not weak and cowardly, and Altezza is not great and competent as what rumors said. That would surely make a lot of people, not just Philip, subconsciously think that Altezza was a bit less suited as an heir.

'From now on people will definitely keep comparing them. Since they all saw how talented Abercio was compared to Altezza, they would all think of Abercio's shocking image in today's duel. And it will create a feud in the Bronka, but maybe this commotion won't last too long because Altezza has more supporters than Abercio who has been ostracized for so long.' That's how Philip thought.

Like a fool, Altezza unconsciously continued to freeze with his eyes fixed on the spot where Abercio had disappeared just now. This incident was indeed a shocking moment for him, but Altezza should have been able to learn and develop from his experience this time.

'But what if Altezza never let go of the shock of losing to Abercio today?' Philip thought.

One of the results of Altezza's duel today is the sharp gaze that will continue to follow him after his defeat in front of everyone, plus Altezza who has always looked down on Abercio, but instead lost to the person he despised. Of course, Altezza will be ashamed of it, temporarily or for the rest of his life. It could have been a crushing blow.

And if that really happened…

'With Young Master Abercio relinquishing the right of succession to the title, and Altezza also mentally falling completely in shame, then Bronka is clearly hopeless.' Philip began to feel he understood the meaning behind Abercio's incomprehensible behavior from the start of the duel until he decided to leave Bronka.

'Young Master Abercio did all this not to attract attention let alone be the heir of Bronka. It's all just for revenge!' In the end, Philip could only guess the purpose of Abercio displaying all his strange behavior today.

"I think Young Master Abercio is really gone. It's not just a bluff," Philip said quietly.

"What do you mean, Sir Philip?" asked Vivaldi who heard because he was standing beside him.

"I mean Young Master Abercio is really gone, forever. He not only made a rash decision because he was young, but something he had thought through carefully and couldn't change," said Philip as he looked at Vivaldi who looked surprised.

Surely no one would have thought that the Young Master whom they had looked down on as weak, cowardly, and incompetent could actually put on a great show and at the same time decide to leave the family that sheltered him.