

After struggling to become the greatest person in history because he wanted to protect himself, Abercio was instead considered a threat and accused of doing many bad things. "Humans are terrible," according to Abercio. Humans are afraid of other humans who are much stronger so they want to eliminate that strong person. During his life for hundreds of years, Abercio has been used to being hunted by heroes who pretend to be good-natured as if they are protectors, even though they are jealous of the power that Abercio has. In the end, Abercio died from being poisoned and stabbed by the sword of the servant and the only student he had. Savio betrays him and teams up with the heroes to kill Abercio. That's all? Not. Abercio is reborn back to when he was young, in the days when he lived as a foolish outcast. This time, Abercio would not allow it again. He would torture those who made him like a loser in his past life. Including his own family. Then, Ravin the holy knight who slashed his head.

imyoursbabe · Fantasy
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19 Chs

First Monster Slaying

After buying some of the necessities he needed, Abercio continued his journey. His feet stepped out of Bronka's territory with steps without hesitation. It was a relief to finally be free. During the last month after he woke up in his body, Abercio had felt bored with his daily life at Bronka Castle. Moreover, with all the disdain and cursed shown in secret, Abercio grew fed up. He had been holding himself back from exploding this whole time because wanting to get out of his house in less trouble.

Abercio's current goal is the city around Bronka. It's still the territory of Marquess Bronka, but at least Abercio is out of the Marquess' surveillance.

'Should I try to find those crazy humans?'

About two hundred years ago, when Abercio's age had not reached three digits, Abercio had several partners. They were the first friends he had and were just as crazy as Abercio. But, right now they definitely don't know Abercio who went back in time because their relationship hasn't started yet in this timeline. However, Abercio still wanted to take a quick look at them to find out how they were doing now.

This time, Abercio took a road that was not traveled by many people. He was lazy if he had to meet with strangers at this time. Abercio wants to enjoy a quiet and peaceful journey, this freedom he will use as peacefully as possible.

But, there are many reasons why people always go through the streets that are usually walked by people in general. And if they deviate from the usual path, there are a lot of bad things that might happen. First, on roads that are rarely or never traveled, the way is definitely not clear. So there was a possibility that one would get lost due to the deserted roads and also because of that way in the forest. After that, if you get lost it will be difficult to get out, especially for someone who is traveling alone, that's impossible to meet the other explorers in the forest. Second, there will be lots of wild animals, venomous animals, or even poisonous fruit that looks tempting, there are also poisonous plants in the forest of the Bronka region which can injure humans or animals just by touching them. Third, of course... monsters. That was why, due to too many dangerous reasons, people usually wouldn't take a path that was different from the normal path.

But, all of that did not affect Abercio. Because he was actually happy to be able to meet a monster that looks not far from him.

A huge strange monster with green slime dripping from its hunched body, every ground it stepped on was drenched in that loathsome slime. It was about two meters tall, but if it didn't slouch it would probably be 2.5 meters tall. His face was not clear, because his whole body was covered with slime that looked like it was boiling. And apparently, the green slime that kept dripping from his body was a bit dangerous. Because Abercio saw that all the grass or plants affected by the slime had become withered and brown as if they had been cooked at very hot temperatures.

'Well, that green slime looks a bit like snot,' thought Abercio amused. He felt that the mucus was similar to snot because the color was a bit similar, bright green, and a little... hot? LOL.

"But.. wait," Abercio stared at the monster that was approaching him with slow steps, he felt like he had seen it before.

"Oh, I know what it is!" Abercio exclaimed suddenly. He knew what kind of monster this one was, Skelime.

Weird name, right? However, the name was not given randomly. Skelime is a type of monster that consists of Skeleton bodies, aka the bones of humans, animals, or monsters that are used as hosts by Slime monsters. Well, it was the Slimes that moved the Skeletons to be exact. But because the Slime had merged with the Skeleton, it was no longer called a Monster Slime.

The reason the slime on his body was dripping was because of the incompatibility between Slimes and Skeletons, Slimes couldn't really stick completely in Skeletons which were only made up of bones. According to Abercio's hundreds of years of dealing with and researching various kinds of monsters, the almost mindless Slime thought that if he melted himself, maybe his body would begin to fuse with the bones.

However, what happened was the opposite, the slime actually melted and made Skelime a monster whose life span was very short compared to other monsters that could live for thousands of years like Dragons, hundreds of years, or tens of years. Skelime only lives for one month, until his whole body melts away and the bones he makes hosts will also melt until he leaves nothing but a sticky liquid which becomes poison to temporarily paralyze the sense of sight if it hits the eye, and will numb the body. unable to move for about 180 seconds if taken, no matter how small the dose.

However, despite their short life span, Skelime's strength was no joke. The combination of a painless Skeleton body and a poisoned Slime, and again the Skelime that Abercio encountered this time seemed to be using a sizable monster skeleton as its host, possibly an Ogre or a Goblin.

Skelime's main weapon is its poison liquid as well as the vomit attacks that continuously bombard it like a cannon. For most people, fighting Skelime was both troublesome and deadly for beginners. But for Abercio, who had already faced Skelime to the point of boredom, of course, it was very easy.

Casually, Abercio drew his sword with his right hand and a lighter in his left. In just a few seconds, in the blink of an eye, Abercio had already flown towards Skelime and slashed his sword with high speed and power he couldn't hold back.


Repeatedly the sound of sword clashing with bone was heard. An ear-piercing, hair-raising shrill sound rang out. In no time, Skelime's body was already separated into dozens of pieces. And Abercio lit his match then threw it at the bits of bone and slime Skelime that was trying to put back together.


The weakness of the Skeleton moving without a Necromancer was that it was cut into many pieces because no Necromancer could put it back together. That stupid slime was just trying in vain to put his body back together. But, still... Slimes are monsters that can live even if their bodies are scattered or separated from Skeletons because Slimes are originally monsters that used Skeletons as a body to make them stronger, and Slimes' only weakness is Fire. Slime will disappear into ashes and smoke when burned. Even though the smoke was poisonous, Abercio was not affected in the least.

And.. life's first monster slaying this time, SUCCESS easily.