

After struggling to become the greatest person in history because he wanted to protect himself, Abercio was instead considered a threat and accused of doing many bad things. "Humans are terrible," according to Abercio. Humans are afraid of other humans who are much stronger so they want to eliminate that strong person. During his life for hundreds of years, Abercio has been used to being hunted by heroes who pretend to be good-natured as if they are protectors, even though they are jealous of the power that Abercio has. In the end, Abercio died from being poisoned and stabbed by the sword of the servant and the only student he had. Savio betrays him and teams up with the heroes to kill Abercio. That's all? Not. Abercio is reborn back to when he was young, in the days when he lived as a foolish outcast. This time, Abercio would not allow it again. He would torture those who made him like a loser in his past life. Including his own family. Then, Ravin the holy knight who slashed his head.

imyoursbabe · Fantasy
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19 Chs

Deals with My Little Brother

Altezza chuckled, he had a hard time finding out what happened to Abercio. Moreover, so far, the Marquess and Marchioness had not thought much of or reacted to Abercio's sudden change in behavior. That's one example that shows how much this couple is indifferent to their "son". More precisely, an outcast son.

But unlike them, Altezza was suspicious of Abercio's change. Since childhood, he was very sensitive to all changes in Abercio because Altezza must be very careful and outperform Abercio if he does not want the right of succession to be controlled by Abercio.

Without saying anything, Altezza looked at Abercio.

"What? If you have something you need from me, say it quickly, and if not, then walk away. Don't make me uncomfortable," said Abercio to his step-brother.

"Do you think that's possible?" asked Altezza suddenly.

"What do you mean? Can't you speak frankly instead of talking nonsense like this?" Abercio was disgusted by the appearance of Altezza and all his bullshit.

"I mean about the duel with Sir Vino. And also succession. Do you think you might win?"

Altezza's words were starting to get a bit harsh. "I don't know why you suddenly decided to change your behavior, but you know it's all for nothing, right? You have to get what you can and go. If you know your place, I might prepare a parting gift when you go out. Know your place, so you don't become a person who becomes more pathetic."

Even though Abercio had no desire to become a noble, hearing Altezza's taunts annoyed him. He quickly got up and walked towards Altezza. Even as Abercio moved, Altezza didn't back off an inch. Great courage too.

"Are you afraid that I will succeed as Marquess of Bronka, My little brother?" cynical Abercio.

"Why should I be afraid? If I can't even win from someone like you, I'll have to give up on being the heir. You know how weak you are, right?" Altezza replied.

His smile was mocking as if he truly thought there was no way Abercio could succeed as heir. But instead of getting angry at his ridicule, Abercio smiled gently.

"Is it right? If my dear little brother said so, it must be true. Aren't we brothers?"

Abercio tapped Altezza's shoulder a few times, and Altezza's face was completely distorted by this movement. Delighted by Altezza's change in expression, Abercio spoke again, "But I still have the advantage of being the eldest. So why don't we do it like this?"

"Like how?" asked Altezza.

"We are a family of warriors. Unlike other families, we are especially concerned with one's strength and ability to fight." Abercio spoke casually.

"Wait, are you asking for a duel? A duel for succession?" asked Altezza again. He looked doubtful and couldn't believe what Abercio had just said.

"Hmm, of course. What else can I mean?" replied Abercio confirming Altezza's guess.

Altezza looked at Abercio suspiciously, "Are you seriously challenging me to a duel? And the problem with Sir Vino too… are you really that crazy?"

"Are you afraid?" Abercio challenged.

Altezza's brows twitched. He bit his lip and gave Abercio a disdainful look.

"Okay! There's no reason for me to refuse," Altezza agreed. He feels humiliated if he refuses Abercio's challenge, that weak man.

"I knew you would say that." Abercio nodded.

Abercio was trying to recall this moment, and if his memories were correct, Altezza would be making significant progress in his fighting prowess around this time. There was no reason for Altezza not to accept the duel against Abercio who hadn't even learned the basics of sword fighting and had just awakened his mana. All that Abercio had expected.

"But, let me remind you, even if I accept your duel, it cannot be attributed to succession. Our father will not allow it," warned Altezza.

They both knew, that although individual fighting prowess was important, it was not the only thing required to become an heir. The Marquess' decision was also important. What's more, even if everyone in the family unites against Abercio's expulsion, a single duel cannot determine such an important matter as succession. As the eldest son, Abercio had the advantage of royal legitimacy.

"Don't worry, Altezza. If we duel, Father will surely spread the rumor that I challenged you to a duel by risking succession, right? Think about what will happen to me if I lose. Although our duel will be informal, I will no longer be able to publicly declare my right to succession. Even though Father seemed to be the type to solve all his problems with strength, he was a noble after all. It will be a piece of the puzzle for him to solve the problem of succession in your favor," explained Abercio at length.

Altezza stroked his chin. There were many things he could gain by accepting this duel.

"Then the main obstacle to my succession will mostly be gone," Altezza muttered. During this time, Abercio became an obstacle for him because of Abercio's position as the first son. He even said it openly in front of Abercio.

"Right. But of course, all this if you beat me. You have more things to lose than I do. If I win, you will lose to someone who hasn't even learned the basics of sword fighting and doesn't even know how to properly control mana. Imagine how embarrassing that would be. No matter how much Father supports you as his heir, there will be great resistance among the people of Bronka. Because even though we're royalty, we're a military family after all. My position is so advantageous, the first son and the winner of the duel between the two of us," Abercio explained at length, again.

Hearing that made Altezza sneer, "I, lost from you?"

"Are you that confident?"

"I'm still wondering if you've gone crazy," Altezza chuckled sarcastically.

"Wouldn't it be better for you if I was crazy? Even if I am the first son, you can't make a crazy man the heir right?" replied Abercio.

"That's also true. Alright, I'll go talk to Father now."

Altezza finally agreed.