

After struggling to become the greatest person in history because he wanted to protect himself, Abercio was instead considered a threat and accused of doing many bad things. "Humans are terrible," according to Abercio. Humans are afraid of other humans who are much stronger so they want to eliminate that strong person. During his life for hundreds of years, Abercio has been used to being hunted by heroes who pretend to be good-natured as if they are protectors, even though they are jealous of the power that Abercio has. In the end, Abercio died from being poisoned and stabbed by the sword of the servant and the only student he had. Savio betrays him and teams up with the heroes to kill Abercio. That's all? Not. Abercio is reborn back to when he was young, in the days when he lived as a foolish outcast. This time, Abercio would not allow it again. He would torture those who made him like a loser in his past life. Including his own family. Then, Ravin the holy knight who slashed his head.

imyoursbabe · Fantasy
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19 Chs

Cursing Everyone

"I've been silent all this time, but do you all think of me as trash, not human? Oh, don't pretend you don't know, okay? All of you people who are here, this territory, Bronka castle, where is your heart? Does it feel really good to corner someone? Would you like to see a young man who doesn't even have a mother live sadly and you are insulted, humiliated, demeaned, and even vilified with various kinds of slander? You are all human bastards! Heartless! Not even the beasts or monsters in the forest are like you!" said Abercio in a booming voice. He wasn't even afraid of cursing everyone here.

"I won't live as a loser in a family that never even considered me their son! If you think of me as an idiot who has been silent all this time, it's a shame. I was fed up, and I stopped holding myself back!"

"What are you talking about, Abercio Bronka?" growled Theodore, the Marquess.

"You really don't understand, Marquess Bronka? I will leave this damn family!" Abercio smiled faintly, "There's no need to call me Abercio Bronka anymore, Marquess. Because I know, from the start you never thought of me as your son. As far as I know, your son is Altezza Dore Bronka. Your only son, from the woman you love."

Even though he knows all the facts about himself and his mother in the family, but saying it with his own mouth is painful too. Oh shit. Even though Abercio thought his heart was strong enough to face a problem like this, but in fact when it came to his family his heart was still shaky.

"Isn't this what you wanted, Marquess? A son born by Luna De Bronka, a son you never considered because he was born to a mother you didn't love, whom you have always considered as a stumbling block, trash, loser, burden, and also not worthy of life, I know everything. I know how much you hate me and my Mother when you can become the head of the Bronka family because you are married to Mother. Theodore Morone who was only the son of a family with the title Baron, the Knight who married the only daughter of the Marquess family, and rose to the position of Marquess because my Mother loved you too much. Don't worry, I'm not greedy for titles like you or your beloved wife and children. I will leave this family," said Abercio.

His heart throbbed in pain. The fact is quite painful, since the beginning, Theodore married Abercio's mother not because of love, but because of coercion. Luna De Bronka is the only daughter of the former Marquess Bronka, and she falls in love with Theodore who becomes her Knight. Then the Marquess offered Theodore a marriage as well as the post of Commander of the main Knight squad. In the end, Theodore marries Luna and acts as if he loves her while having an affair behind her back with Vivian., Altezza's mother. Luna's love, which was too big and kind, blinded the woman and gave her husband the power as head of the family. And for ten years, Luna lived a false happiness. Theodore became Marquess, and after Luna died, on the third day of the funeral the man immediately brought Vivian in with Altezza, their son who was only one year apart from Abercio. Outrageous, right?

"Now you can hand MY MOTHER'S Bronka family to the only son you love," Abercio said with burning eyes.

What a shame, Abercio thought. He wanted to cry because he thought of how much Theodore had been to him and his mother who loved Theodore sincerely.

"You…" Theodore was speechless because everything Abercio said was true.

The people who heard all of Abercio's words were silent, they were very surprised by this fact. As far as people know, Theodore is a great Knight as well as a loving husband. But.. they began to understand Abercio's words slowly.

"You should have been more frank that you had no intention of handing Bronka over to me. Do you know how surprised I was to see that you, who is known as a wise man, a merciful Marquess, and also the greatest Knight in this region, broke your promise? Fooling his son, huh?" Abercio chuckled sadly.

The Marquess was so embarrassed and angry that no words came out of his mouth. His Adam's apple rose and fell, swallowing the saliva that burned his throat.

"You.. bullshit!" snapped the marquess. He couldn't accept being humiliated like this. Moreover, people seemed to be starting to realize the truth of Abercio's words just now. The followers who also knew Luna would know, and the residents of the area too.

If everyone starts doubting him, then succession of titles for Altezza will be very difficult or even impossible. Abercio is the only remaining descendant of the Bronka family. Since Theodore was actually only the son-in-law of the Bronka family, then Altezza who was the daughter of a mistress obviously wouldn't be considered worthy to inherit the family title.

'I'd better get rid of him right now before people's minds turn to support him,' thought the Marquess.

"Well, you want to leave this family, right? So go as far as you can, and once you're out, never come back! There is no place for a brat like you!" the Marquess growled.

Honestly, many people were surprised by the man's statement. How could he expel the only remaining pure descendant of Bronka? Some intelligent enough people could guess the Marquess's plans, Theodore must have been afraid that Abercio was supported as he was the original owner of the Bronka family and Altezza would be expelled for being the only child of a b*tch from a brothel.

"Don't be afraid, Marquess. I will not come back again, because I know you are very afraid that I, who is a pure descendant of Bronka, will take the position of your favorite son Altezza," Abercio teased.

Without a word, Abercio turned around. He walked towards the exit of the dueling arena with the gazes of many people following his steps. Vivian and Altezza held back a smile on their lips, finally, the only obstacle to inheriting the title was gone.

Sorry for the typo in the previous name.

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