
Neo Soul King Yhwach [Being Rewritten]

You may have noticed the new title—I'm planning on rewriting the entire first arcs and Might even reboot the entire story. Once you see the title of the book without "[Being Rewritten]" or if this message disappears—it means the rewrite is out! Outdated Will make a new one during rewrite: | Please Read Everything Below Before You Start The Story | I've been struggling to nail down the perfect synopsis, and I have to admit, it's been a bit frustrating. But they say practice makes perfect, right? So, before we jump into the story, let's have a little chat about Yūhabahha, or as we'll simply call him, Yhwach. Yhwach is the final villain of the Bleach manga and is the father of the Quincy and the Soul King's son, his demise due to a deus ex machina felt like a disappointing end to such an important character. It reminded me of how Kishimoto dealt with Madara Uchiha, and I understand Kubo's health issues played a role in that. But what if I told you that Yhwach's story isn't over? Instead, he's been granted a second chance at life by none other than the Soul King. Some may dismiss this as just another cliché multiverse story where Yhwach goes on a rampage, defeats the main villains of each verse, and collects girls along the way. But let me stop you right there— First of all, no, and second of all, absolutely not. Think about it. How many multiverse stories have you read that actually have a well-paced plot? Not many, I bet. well, But this story? It's different. It's got a plot that'll keep you hooked from start to finish. If you stick around and join me on this journey until the end, you'll undoubtedly realize that this is one of the best stories you've ever read. For those who might not be up to speed, let me break down what a multiverse is. definition of the multiverse. a hypothetical space or realm consisting of a number of universes, of which our own universe is only one. And the folks who wander through these multiverses? Well, they're called Multiverse Walkers... This book will show what Yhwach could have accomplished if he had been given a second chance at life. But it's not just about him... (Please read the bio it contains a lot more info and the story is way better than my synopsis) _______________________________________________________________ Reader Disclaimer : Please note that the biography provided here is outdated and only reflects Yhwach's old stats at the end of The Thousand-Year Blood War arc. Additionally, the bio introduces two other main characters to the story. If you're curious about romance, I'll be clear: there's no romance or harem involved. Admittedly, the beginning of the story isn't the strongest.  Yhwach's personality feels off, and I acknowledge that. This message might stay here until I rewrite the entire first season and address other scenes that feel out of place. Some readers might find certain aspects frustrating, like Yhwach's passivity in certain situations. ...in the first place, I wasn't really writing seriously. Like, you can tell by the quality of the first few chapters. It's also too late to change it now Consider this a heads-up for future readers. I wouldn't want you to invest time in something you might not enjoy. It's a way to save your time. Also, if you're planning on leaving a low rating. Please don't just put emojis on it and leave. If so I will delete them. And please provide constructive feedback so that I and future readers can understand the flaws of this Fanfiction.  _______________________________________________________________ First World: TellTale's The Walking Dead ( Completed ) 2nd World: Akame Ga Kill ( Completed ) 3rd World: High School DxD ( Completed ) 4th World: Fate/Yhwach? No, it's Fate/Zaegar ( Completed)  5th World: Rwby ( Completed ) 6th World: Jujutsu Kaisen ( Completed ) 7th World: One Piece ( Ongoing )

MisunderstoodKing · Anime & Comics
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133 Chs

Echoes of Grief: Farewell to Richmond

Lee Pov

Jesus looked over at Javi and then down at his bat after we came up with our plan. Max woke up in the middle of us planning, and he had been silent the whole time. 

Jesus: Did that make you feel better?

Jesus questioned with disapproval.

David: I wouldn't shed any tears if I were you.

David crossed his arms. 

Javi: You're damn right it did! Bastard got exactly what he deserved.

Javi snapped glaring at Jesus.

Yhwach: Emotions can cloud judgment, but they can also fuel determination. We need to stay focused on the task at hand.

He spoke calmly, his words cutting through the intensity of the moment. Javi nodded, acknowledging Yhwach's advice, while David clenched his jaw but remained silent.

Jesus: Be careful, Javi...Act like a beast, you risk what makes you human. Don't become the thing you hate.

Jesus sighed. 

I frowned.

Clementine: Javi's earned my trust. And if any of you had any brains you'd say the same. Javi did what he had to do.

Clem chimed in. 

Lee: Yeah, I don't know about you, but nobody's gonna sit there and listen to someone talk down on their child after they've just killed them.

I added thinking about if it had been Clem. 

Kenny: Just because your name is Jesus, don't make you the actual Reincarnation. Don't expect us to keep it Holier Than Thou in the middle of an apocalypse just because it's worked for you.

Kenny spoke causing me to shake my head. 

Yhwach: Jesus, your advice is valid. We must not lose our humanity in the face of adversity. However, understand that each person copes differently, and Javi's actions are a reflection of the pain and anger he carries.

Javi: Damn right.

Javi nodded, appreciating Yhwach's support.

Jesus: Well my people need to know about what we found here.

Jesus said turning away from us.

Javi: What about your missing friends?

Javi questioned. 

Jesus: I don't have time to keep looking. They'd want me to get home and warn them.

Jesus explained. 

Javi: You sure you won't stay? We need your help.

Javi questioned with hope in his eyes. 

Jesus: My people need me more. I won't forget about you though. You have my word.

Jesus nodded before turning and walking away. 

Tripp: It's a shit storm out there, man. I don't see how you're gonna make it.

Tripp called out causing Jesus to look over his shoulder at us. 

Jesus: One step at a time.

He responded before disappearing into the woods. 

David: We need to get back to Richmond now. I have loved ones in there.

David said eagerly.

Clementine: Typical, you're only thinking about what you have. We all have loved ones in that place, you aren't the only one.

Clem rolled her eyes and crossed her arm. 

Tripp: I gotta break Eleanor out of there. Once she's safe, I... I'm gonna tell her how I feel. Hey, if the mess never washes out, might as well get neck deep.

Tripp smirked looking over at Javi. 

David: We're gonna need allies in Richmond. Lingard and Clint... They're our best bet. If we can get to them, we can let them in on what's been happening.

David pointed out. 

Lee: And that's where these two come in. They can tell them everything and they'll have no choice but to believe them. It's fool proof.

I added 

David: Okay... Then it's settled. I know I was ready to say goodbye before. But I can't do this without you. Can I count on you?

David asked turning to Javi. 

Javi: Ofcourse David. You're my brother. But I still think you owe Clem and apology. Come on man, it was really bad what you did.

Javi raised his eyebrow causing David to shake his head. 

He glanced back at Clem and sighed. When he turned to fully face her, Sam growled watching his every move. 

David: Clementine, look. I really didn't know, okay. I thought AJ was gonna die just like you did. Because that's what Dr Lingard told me. But that didn't give me any reason to take AJ from you. I was just pissed that you stole from us... I really am sorry.

He said holding his hands up. 

Clementine: Help me get to Lingard and I'll consider forgiving you.

Clem nodded. 

David: Alright then it's settled. There's a way we can get into Richmond through the back. and then we can find Clint and Lingard. We can take Badgers truck.

David suggested walking over to the truck. 

Javi: I doubt he'll mind.

Javi shrugged. 

David smirked and nodded.

David: okay, Everyone get in the back, Lonnie, Max and I will sit up front.

He told us. 

We all hopped into the truck and Sam snuggled up against Clems leg as we took off towards Richmond. 

Yhwach: Aizen, what are your thoughts on the choices we've made and the path we're taking?

Aizen's voice echoed within Yhwach's mind, cool and calculated.

Aizen: Survival often demands difficult decisions. The boy, Javi, made a choice born from the crucible of his emotions. It may not align with what some consider moral, but in this world, morality is a luxury we can ill afford.

Yhwach: True, emotions can be both a strength and a weakness. It seems Javi's actions were fueled by a desire to protect, even if the means were brutal.

Aizen: The fragility of the human spirit is both fascinating and unpredictable. These survivors are navigating through a world stripped of its veneer of civilization. Their choices reflect the essence of humanity in its rawest form.

Yhwach: What about our role in this, Aizen? Are we merely observers, or do we influence the course of events?

Aizen: We are conduits of power and observers of the unfolding drama. The choices made by these individuals will shape their destinies. Our influence is indirect, a gentle nudge that may steer them toward paths they might not have considered.

Once we made it into Richmond without any problems, we hid behind some large containers out of sight. 

David: I'm thinking this'll go a lot better if we split up.

David suggested.

Tripp: Eleanor is in here somewhere. I'm goin' after her.

Tripp said standing on his statement. 

David: Dr Lingard brought her to the clinic that's your best bet. Javi that's where you'll go to get Kate and Gabe. Then bring them to my house. It's the one with the raven on the hitching post. Once their safe, meet me in the conference room.

David spoke. 

Clementine: I'm going after Lingard. I need my answers. Kenny and Sarah, go find Christa and Omid. Wait for us at Davids house. Yhwach, Lee and I will go find Dr Lingard ,and then we'll head to the conference room. 

Clem added.

Javi: Okay. Be careful.

Javi replied looking over at David. 

David nodded and walked away with Lonnie and Max. 

Tripp: I'll scout ahead.

Tripp said getting up and moving forward alone. 

Kenny and Sarah went off to find Christa and Omid, so that left Clem, Javi, Yhwach, and I alone. Clem looked like she was deep in thought, before she looked up at Javi. 

Clementine: Keep an eye on David. He may be playing nice, but I'd still watch your back. Think about it. He was only willing to help when he heard everything Badger said about Mariana.

Clem explained.

Javi: Yeah I noticed that too. This group may have rubbed off on him already.

Javi nodded. 

Clementine: Just...watch your back. That's all I'm saying.

Clem nodded. Javi got up and went in the direction Tripp went while Yhwach, Clem and I headed off to find Lingard. 

Clem, Yhwach, Sam and I crept down streets, hiding behind cars, and buildings untill we reached the one David had told us about back at the factory. 

Clementine: I think that's it. Come on Lee.

Clem rushed as she scanned our surroundings before running towards the door. 

I followed her making sure to keep my eyes and ears opened as she opened the door. We went inside and walked down a hallway, turning a few times before we found the doubled doors leading into Dr Lingards office.

Lingard: Clementine? Lee? What are you two doing here? If they catch you here...

Dr Lingard went on looking at us with confusion. 

Lee: Lingard, you need to listen now. Joan is ordering raid's on other towns nearby. She's been doing this under your noses. Max and Lonnie are with David. They were two of the people working with her. They will explain everything, But for right now, we need to get to the meeting room without being seen. David should already be there with Andy, Clint and Joan.

I explained quickly. 

Dr Lingard was speechless as he stared at me. He shook his head a little before finally standing up and speaking.

Lingard: Oh, Okay.. let's go then. I'll take you through the back way.

He said leading us out of his office. 

We took a lot of turns down empty alleys and behind empty buildings untill we made it to the Conference Room. We walked in the door just in time to catch David and Joan's conversation. 

Joan: What's this all about, David?

Joan questioned as we walked in with Dr Lingard. 

David: Don't pretend like you don't know what this is about. You've got a lot to answer for. The both of you.

David spat.

Andy: Both?! Are you fucking joking!

Joan: Us? You must be joking.

Joan laughed. 

Lingard: No Joan. This isn't a joking matter at all. You've really got some explaining to do.

dr. Lingard spoke shaking his head, causing Joan to frown with confusion. 

Clint: Okay, what's going on? None of this is making any sense.

Clint questioned, looking at us for answers.

Javi: Joan and Andy here, has been ordering raid's on innocent communities nearby. they sent your men to loot and murder. They all answer to them

Javi yelled out. 

I felt my heart cringe in my chest at his words. I always liked Joan. She was a really nice woman and easy to talk to. I just couldn't believe she would do something like that. 

Joan: You...you can't be serious.

Andy: Ha! He's pointing the finger at us! 

Clint looked over at Joan and Andy while sighed shaking his head at Javi.

Clint: That's a serious charge. You come in swinging, you better have proof.

He said. 

Javi smirked.

Javi: We thought you'd say that.

He nodded to David and David nodded to someone else ,who brought Lonnie and Max out from the back. 

Clint: Well? Is this true?

Clint questioned. 

Lonnie: I...

Lonnie tried to speak but couldn't think of anything to say. Max stood looking like he was scared to say anything. 

Joan: Well? What do you have to say?

Joan taunted as she crossed her arms with an amused look.

Clementine: Don't be afraid of her. She can't do anything to you now. Just tell them the truth.

Clem said causing Max to look over at her. 

He nodded with a sigh. 

Max: Me, Badger, and... and Lonnie, we ran the ops. Off Joan and Andy's orders! 

Max finally told everything.

Joan turned away and stepped over to make her a drink. Clint turned and looked at Joan with disappointment. 

Clint: Joan... Andy... How could you? 

Andy sits down on a chair while Joan pours herself a drink and takes a sip.

Joan took a sip of her drink before turning to all of us as if she were talking to a large crowd of people.

Joan: The real question is, how could we not? What would happen to us without your fertiliser, Clint? Or your pills, Paul? Do you think our community would survive? I did what I had to, to ensure that we would. It wasn't easy... But someone had to do it.

Andy: And thus, we stepped up. Made the tough choices that no one else would make. But the right ones, nonetheless. Yes, it may seem... harmful to others. But it's how we've survived this long. And if any of you don't agree, you might as well be telling Richmond and your families to kill themselves. Every choice we've made, has been the right choice. Despite what they appear to be. Survival, is our top priority. I have no regrets to any actions I've made in the past. 

Lee: Shut the fuck up, Joan.. Andy.. You had innocent people killed and your using your group as an excuse. That's bullshit and you know it. What you did was wrong.

I said causing her eyes to widen.

Javi: So, you have no remorse to the people you've eaten!

Clint: Wait, what?! 

Javi: Clem and Lee knew Andy years back. He's a cannibal!

Andy gets more and more furious as Javi speaks

Andy: SHUT UP!!! I don't know who the fuck you think you are, but I'm sick and tired of you!

Javi: And you make me sick! 

Joan: It doesn't matter what Andy did in the past. All that matters is the present.

Clint: What...?

Joan: The point is. We have good reasons. 

Javi: If you have such good reasons, why keep it a secret? 

Joan: Me and Andy took the hard decisions on ourselves. All of you remember the winter... how much we lost. Friends. Lovers. Children. Families. I made a promise, I would never let that happen again. Andy also made that promise. The raids were just to keep up us going, 'til Richmond reached sustainability. We're so close. So close to our dream. Do we really want to risk it all by fighting amongst ourselves? We should all be on the same side of this, David. On Richmond's side. Surely you can see that?

Javi: She's fucking delusional. Building a "dream" on the blood of innocents...

Lee: Clint... Lingard.... You stood by and allowed David to kick us out for trying to steal medicine for AJ. If you all turn your heads on what their doing, then all that you supposedly stand for....is lost. they had innocent people robbed and murdered, they needs to pay for that. Just like you said we had to pay for stealing from you. We lost some really good people because of them.

I pointed out causing Lingard to sigh. 

Lingard: Lee's right. We don't do things like this. Kill innocent people just to survive. In that case we're no better than the walkers.

Dr Lingard sighed.

Clint looked at me and then his eyes scanned the room to everyone else inside. 

Clint: You're right. It's wrong.

He nodded. 

It felt as though a weight had been lifted off my shoulders as I watched Clint nod to one of his men to cuff Joan and Andy.

Joan: I protected all of you!! You are all alive because of me!

Joan yelled in protest as she was dragged away. 

As Clint's men moved forward to cuff Andy, a sudden burst of rage erupted from him. In a swift and unexpected move, Andy lashed out, landing powerful punches on the two men attempting to restrain him. The force of his blows caught them off guard, and before they could react, Andy lunged at Lee with a knife he had concealed in his pocket.

The air in the room crackled with tension as Andy, fueled by anger and vengeance, screamed at Lee.

Andy: You think you can just walk away from what you did to my family?! You're gonna pay for that, one way or another!

With a wild and frenzied look in his eyes, Andy made a menacing advance toward Lee, knife glinting ominously. Clint's men scrambled to regain control of the situation, but Andy's sudden outburst had caught everyone off guard.

Lee, alert and quick to respond, dodged Andy's initial lunge, narrowly avoiding the slashing blade. The room erupted in chaos as Andy and Lee engaged in a fierce and desperate struggle. Andy swung the knife with relentless determination, while Lee used his agility and experience to evade the lethal strikes.

The room blurred into a chaotic whirlwind as Andy and I engaged in a fierce and desperate struggle. The taste of adrenaline filled my mouth as I dodged each slashing strike from Andy's knife. His movements were fueled by a potent mix of anger and grief, and I could see the fire in his eyes, a burning desire for revenge.

Every fiber of my being was focused on survival, on preventing the knife from finding its mark. I moved with a dancer's grace, using my agility to evade Andy's frenzied attacks. His swings were powerful, but I managed to stay just out of reach, relying on years of experience in this unforgiving world.

The room echoed with the remnants of our clash as Andy hesitated, his eyes flickering between the knife on the floor and the exhaustion etched on my face. The weight of our shared history hung heavily in the air, each moment of silence pregnant with the unspoken consequences of our actions.

Andy: You don't get it, do you, Lee? You don't understand what it's like to lose everything!

He spat the words at me, his anger boiling over. I could see the torment in his eyes, the ghosts of his past haunting him. The knife remained on the floor between us, a tangible reminder of the brutality that defined this world.

Lee: I've lost plenty, Andy. People I cared about, friends... my own family.

I spoke with a calm that belied the storm within me. The scars of the past were etched into every fiber of my being, and I understood the deep well of pain that Andy was drawing from.

Andy's fists clenched, his desperation palpable.

Andy: But you had a choice! You could have protected them, saved them!

He lunged again, and we resumed our dance of violence. The knife was forgotten for the moment, replaced by the raw intensity of our struggle. I parried his blows, each strike resonating with the weight of our conflicting ideologies.

Lee: We all make choices in this world, Andy. Some are harder than others, and we have to live with the consequences.

I sidestepped his attack, my voice carrying the weight of experience. The room seemed to blur, our surroundings fading into the background as the focus narrowed to the two of us locked in combat.

Andy: I told you, Lee! You took everything from me! My family!

His voice cracked with emotion, and for a moment, the anger softened into grief. The wounds of loss ran deep, and I could sense the turmoil within him.

Lee: I didn't choose what happened to your family, Andy. We were all trying to survive. It was never personal.

I tried to reason with him, to bridge the gap between our perspectives. But reason often wilted in the face of grief and the desire for retribution.

With Andy's wild swings and my agile maneuvers, the fight had reached a critical juncture. The knife flashed in the air as Andy attempted another vicious strike, but this time, I saw an opening. With a swift and calculated move, I deflected his arm, sending the knife clattering to the ground.

I spoke calmly, attempting to reach through the haze of anger that clouded Andy's eyes.

Lee: Andy, it doesn't have to be like this. We can find another way, a way to move forward without more bloodshed.

But Andy, consumed by his grief and rage, wasn't ready to hear reason. He roared and lunged at me with unrestrained fury. Our fists collided in a barrage of punches, the room reverberating with the sound of the struggle.

Andy's blows were fierce, fueled by a burning desire for revenge. I dodged and weaved, relying on my agility to evade his attacks. The room became a chaotic arena, with both of us trading blows in a dance of violence and pain.

However, the odds were stacked against me. With only one functional arm, I was at a disadvantage. Yet, I pressed on, drawing strength from the memories of the countless challenges I had faced in this unforgiving world.

Andy's relentless assault continued, each punch carrying the weight of his anguish and the desire for retribution. The room seemed to close in around us as we grappled, a battleground for the unresolved conflicts of our pasts.

In the midst of the chaos, as Andy prepared for a final, lethal strike, a sudden shift in the air caught my attention. The atmosphere seemed to ripple with an unfamiliar energy. Just as Andy raised his knife for the finishing blow, a commanding voice cut through the tumult.

Yhwach: That's enough.

The words echoed with a force that demanded obedience. In that moment, time seemed to freeze as Yhwach appeared behind Andy, his hand gripping Andy's raised arm, preventing the knife from descending. Andy struggled against the unexpected intervention, his face contorted with a mixture of surprise and rage.

Andy: Get off me! I'll kill him!

His voice reverberated through the room, the intensity of his emotions fueling the chaos. Yhwach, however, remained unfazed, his grip unyielding.

Yhwach: Violence begets violence, and it achieves nothing. This path you're on, Andy, will only lead to more suffering.

Andy's eyes widened as he struggled against Yhwach's hold. The room, once filled with the sounds of the struggle, now hung in suspense. Yhwach's presence commanded attention, and a tense silence settled over us.

Yhwach: Lee, are you alright?

His gaze shifted to me, concern evident in his voice. I nodded, appreciating the timely intervention that had spared me from Andy's vengeful fury.

Yhwach: Andy, there are other ways to find justice, other paths that lead to redemption. Killing Lee won't bring back what you've lost.

Yhwach's words, delivered with an unwavering conviction, seemed to pierce through the cloud of anger surrounding Andy. For a moment, Andy's resistance wavered, his breathing heavy as he contemplated the consequences of his actions.

Yhwach: Let go of the knife, Andy. Embrace a different path—one that brings about healing rather than perpetuating a cycle of violence.

Slowly, as if releasing the weight of his burdens, Andy's grip on the knife loosened. Yhwach guided the weapon away, and the room breathed a collective sigh of relief. The tension that had gripped us began to dissipate, replaced by an uncertain stillness.

Yhwach: There is another way forward, for all of us. It begins with forgiveness and understanding.

Despite Yhwach's intervention and wise words, Andy's rage and determination seemed unyielding. He pulled all his strength into the finishing blow, the knife poised for a deadly strike. Just as he prepared to act, Yhwach, recognizing the imminent danger, swiftly and decisively intervened.

In a blur of movement, Yhwach closed the distance between himself and Andy. With a precise strike, he knocked Andy unconscious, the force of the blow breaking the relentless momentum of the impending attack. Andy crumpled to the floor, the knife slipping from his grasp.

Yhwach, with a calm and measured demeanor, turned to Clint's men who had been trying to regain control of the situation. Without a word, he effortlessly lifted Andy from the ground and, with a swift motion, carried him toward Clint's men. As if presenting Andy as evidence of the turmoil within Richmond, Yhwach threw him at the feet of Clint and his men.

Clint's men, surprised by the sudden turn of events, hesitated as they assessed the unconscious form of Andy at their feet. Yhwach turned back to me, extending a hand to help me up from the chaos that had unfolded.

Yhwach: Lee, are you injured?

I accepted Yhwach's hand, grateful for the timely intervention that had averted a potentially deadly confrontation. As I rose to my feet, Yhwach's gaze remained steady, a silent acknowledgment of the complexities that had led us to this moment.

Yhwach: There are paths to justice that don't require further bloodshed. Let us find a way to resolve this without sacrificing more lives.

Clint: So does that mean all this stuff between You and Javi is over?

Clint questioned looking over at Max. 

He glanced over at Javi and smirked.

Max: Yeah, he's cool in my book.

He replied causing Javi to chuckle. 

Clint: Good then everything should be just fine. 

Clint winked before walking away.

After talking to his brother, Javi made his way over to us.

Javi: So... I guess this is goodbye then?

He asked raising an eyebrow. 

Clementine: I don't like goodbyes. This is a... See-Ya-Later kinda thing.

Clem smiled. 

Javi chuckled and nodded. 

Javi: Well... Thanks. We couldn't have done any of this without you two. You should probably go see Gabe before you leave though. He was asking about you when I found him and Kate.

Javi said causing me to look down at Clem. 

Lee: He was, was he? 

I smirked. Clem blushed and looked away. 

Clementine: Stop it, Lee. It's not like that.

She chuckled. 

Lee: Ofcourse it's not, Sweet Pea.

I laughed sarcastically, shaking my head. 

Clem smiled as she looked over seeing Dr Lingard heading towards the door.

Clementine: um, sorry Javi, but we gotta go. I need to talk to Dr Lingard before we get ready to leave, but I'll see you on our way out. 

Clem nodded grabbing my arm. 

Javi: Alright, see you guys later.

Javi called as Clem dragged me towards Dr Lingard. 

Clementine: Dr Lingard! Wait!

She called out, causing him to stop, his hands inches from the door knob, as he turned to look at us. 

Lingard: Oh, Hey Clementine, and Lee.

He smiled. 

Clementine: I was just wondering. If AJ just...got better, why did you say he was going to die? You told me nothing would help and that you knew for a fact that AJ wasn't gonna make it. But he did.

Clem side eyed him causing him to sigh.

Lingard: I'm so sorry, Clem. I...I made a mistake, and I can admit that. I really did think the boy was going to die. When he pushed through... It was a miracle. I'm really sorry about all of this Clem.

He responded. 

Clem nodded. 

Clementine: I guess I can understand that. People make mistakes. Well I guess my group and I will be leaving now.

She said. 

We said our goodbyes and headed to Davids house where Kenny, Sarah, Yhwach, Christa and Omid were waiting for us. 

Christa was so happy to see us that she practically started crying when she saw us walk through the door. 

Kate: Where's Javi?...And David?

Kate questioned as soon as she saw us.

Lee: They're fine. They're back at the Conference Room. They'll be here soon I'm sure. Don't worry.

I replied. Kate sighed with relief and leaned her head back on the couch she was resting on. 

Christa: I was so worried. When Kenny and Sarah showed up without you telling us we had to leave, I was already scared. But once I got here and you guys weren't here, I thought the worst.

She sighed with relief as she pulled us both into a hug.

Lee: Everythings under control, Joan and Andy are locked up and they can't hurt anyone anymore. 

I said feeling happy to say those words. Despite the fact that I liked her, she did something very bad and didn't feel bad for doing it.

Christa: Yes, Kenny filled us in on everything. I can't believe Joan and Andy would do something like that. So now that their locked up, we don't have to leave anymore.

She shrugged. 

Kenny: No, we ain't leavin' you behind this go around.

Kenny argued causing Omid to sigh.

Omid: Look, we missed you guys just as much as you missed us, but this place is safe for us and Olivia. It would just be far to dangerous to have her out in all that.

He explained. 

Kenny looked down at Olivia as she played with her baby doll. He sighed and nodded.

Kenny: I get it, gotta keep the little one safe.

He said. 

After we talked a bit more to Christa and Omid, Kenny, Sarah, Yhwach, Clem and I got ready to head on out to find AJ. 

As Yhwach and Aizen engaged in their telepathic conversation within Yhwach's mind, the air seemed to hum with a certain intensity. Yhwach, the conduit of power and observer of events, sought the insights of the enigmatic Aizen, whose cunning intellect and strategic prowess had played a pivotal role in shaping their journey.

Yhwach: Aizen, what are your thoughts on the events that unfolded in Richmond? The choices made by these individuals, the revelations, and the conflicts – what do you make of it all?

Aizen's voice, cool and composed, resonated within Yhwach's consciousness.

Aizen: The tapestry of human nature is complex and ever-changing. What we witnessed in Richmond was a microcosm of the human experience – a delicate balance between survival, morality, and the pursuit of a better future. The choices made by these survivors reflect the intricate web of their emotions, experiences, and the harsh reality of this world.

Yhwach: Indeed, Aizen. The human spirit is both resilient and fragile. The survivors in Richmond grapple with the consequences of their choices, shaped by the crucible of their experiences. Javi, in particular, exemplifies the intricate dance between duty and emotion, making decisions not solely based on morality but on the instinct to protect those he cares about.

Aizen: The juxtaposition of duty and emotion often leads to intriguing outcomes. Javi's actions, fueled by a desire to protect his family, offer a glimpse into the malleability of human resolve. It raises questions about the nature of righteousness in a world devoid of traditional moral boundaries.

Yhwach: Removing Joan's corruption from Richmond was a necessary step. The revelation of her and Andy's actions exposed a cancer that threatened the community's very foundation. Now, with the truth laid bare, the survivors have an opportunity to rebuild and forge a new path. What are your predictions, Aizen, regarding the future of Richmond?

Aizen: The removal of corruption is a double-edged sword. While it provides the potential for positive change, it also leaves behind a power vacuum that others may seek to exploit. The survivors must navigate these treacherous waters, consolidating their strengths and forging alliances to ensure stability.

Yhwach: True, alliances will be crucial. Javi, with his familial ties and newfound allies, has the potential to influence Richmond's trajectory positively. The bonds he has formed may serve as the foundation for a more just and resilient community.

Aizen: The dynamics of leadership are intricate, and the survivors must tread carefully. David, despite his flaws, may play a role in the rebuilding process. It remains to be seen whether he can reconcile with his past actions and contribute to the community's welfare.

Yhwach: The ebb and flow of power and influence are constant in this world. As observers, we shall witness how these individuals shape the destiny of Richmond. Aizen, what are your thoughts on Javi's interactions with his family, particularly with David and the strained dynamic between them?

Aizen: Family ties are both a source of strength and vulnerability. Javi's interactions with David showcase the complexities of familial relationships, laden with unresolved emotions and the weight of past decisions. The rift between them may either deepen or heal, depending on their ability to confront their shared history.

Yhwach: Indeed, the personal struggles within families often mirror the broader challenges faced by communities. The survivors of Richmond must navigate these intricate relationships to ensure a united front against the dangers that persist in this world.

A few days later

Kenny: Are you sure we're goin' the right way?

Kenny asked for the thousandth time today, as we walked through the trees

Lee: Yes, I'm positive. The map Lingard gave us says we should be about an hour away from McCarroll Ranch now.

I replied. 

Clem had been silent most of the day completely focused on finding AJ. Sam sniffed around as Sarah held onto the other end of the Retractable leash that David gave to us. 

Before we left Richmond,David also gave us a car to use, we drove as far as we could until the map began to lead us off into the woods again.

So now we were on foot, going through the Dark woods.

Clementine: Lee, do you smell that?

Clem asked. We all stopped, breathing in the air for a second. The smell of burning wood filled my nose.

Sarah: Look, I can see smoke!

Sarah said pointing through the darkness of the woods. Sure enough, deep off into the woods, we could see a red glowing light, and black smoke raising out of it. 

As we got closer to the light, we began to feel the heat from the violent flames. 

Clementine: AJ! I'm coming!

Clem said once she saw the building engulfed in flames. 

She took off in a sprint towards the burning building. 

Lee: Clementine! Wait!

I called out but it was too late, she had already ran too far and disappeared into the inferno.

Kenny: Fuck! She's gonna get herself Killed, Lee!

Kenny exclaimed as we ran after her. A gun shot rang out suddenly causing us to drop to the ground. Hiding behind broken objects no longer useful for anything but scrap wood anymore. 

Sarah aimed her gun closing one eyes as she squinted through the cloudy smoke. She pulled the trigger and smirked when we heard a scream as someone came falling from the top of the building. 

Lee: Nice shot, Sarah. Let's go.

I said as we got up and rushed towards the body. It was a man, he struggled to breath as he lay on his back with his legs in awkward positions. 

I shook my head and we continued inside, avoiding the burning flames and burning wood that fell all around us. We spotted Clem snatching her foot away as someone crawled out from behind the door wrapping their fingers around her ankles. 

Man: Please...Please Kill me.

The person pleaded. He was all burnt up and had no chance of making it. 

Clementine: Where are the children? 

She questioned. 

The man groaned.

Man: It hurts. Oh my God, it hurts so bad.

He responded in pain. Clem stared at him for a second before raising her gun and shooting him in the head. 

Lee: Clem, You can't run off like that. Let us help you. 

I sighed as we approached her.

Clementine: We have to find AJ. I can't... I can't lose him.

She replied with fear in her eyes. I nodded rubbing her back. 

Lee: I know ,Sweet Pea. But we have to stick together on this. Okay?

I explained. Clem nodded and we continued on further inside. 

A few people came running from a burning room, some of them dropping dead to the ground as gun shots rang out. The last person standing shot back and then turned his head realizing we were there. 

Man: Fuck you!

He yelled shooting at us. We ducked down and Sarah unclipped the leash from Sam allowing him to dash for the shooter knocking him to the ground. 

He dropped his gun as Sam latched onto his arm shaking it violently as if trying to rip it off. The man screamed in pain as Clem jumped up making her way over to him.

Man: Get this fuckin' dog off me!

The man shouted as Clem grabbed his head, pressing the gun to his chin. 

Clementine: I'm not fucking around! Tell me where the kids are!

She demanded. 

Man: Jesus! All right. All right. That way.

He said pointing down the other hallway. 

Man: There's a nursery. But I'm not letting one of you savages take a kid!

He spoke through his pain. 

Clementine: I'm not just looking for any kid. I'm looking for my Kid. Alvin Jr.

Clem said roughly letting him go and calling Sam off of him. 

Clementine: I don't know what's going on here, and I'm not apart of whoever attacked you, But it's probably best that you get out of here.

She nodded before heading the way he directed. 

I glanced down at the man before we followed Clem down the hallway. On down there was a car blocking the entrance to what I'm assuming was the nursery.

We eased our way passed the car. This area didn't have much smoke so it was easier for us to see. We made our way through the dark empty room until a voice cut through the silence.

Girl: Sorry.... Sorry... So sorry. Don't worry, We're leaving soon.

A lady spoke in a hushed tone. We approached a door that was slightly ajar, and Clem pushed it opened, Causing the woman to spin around aiming her gun. 

Girl: No! No I won't let you take him!

The woman cried out.

Lee: Woah! Calm down, we aren't here to attack you.

I called as we all pointed our guns. 

Clementine: I just want AJ back.. please.

Clem said calmly. 

Girl: You savages! I won't let you!

She yelled and just as she was about to pull the trigger of her gun, Clem beat her to it, sending a bullet right between her eyes.

The lady dropped to the ground dropping her gun and a little babies bottle rolled out of her other hand onto the floor. 

Clem ran over to the locker trying to open it as AJ's light sniffles could be heard coming from inside. Sarah grabbed a Key from the woman's hand and Gave it to Clem stepping back as she swung the locker door open. 

AJ sat huddled in the corner of the locker with his back to us as he cried.

Clementine: AJ? It's me...Clem.

she said wiping a tear from her cheek. 

AJ turned and looked at her with wide eyes. He was clearly traumatized, his face covered in blood splatter. 

Clem reached out grabbing him and he allowed her to take him out of the locker. She held him close and closed her eyes rubbing his back.

Clementine: Shhh... It's okay AJ. I'm here now... I'll never let you out of my sight again.

She said as more tears began to glow down her cheeks. 

AJ trembled and shook in her arms as his arms tightly latched around her neck.

Lee: Come on, let's get out of here. 

I said leading everyone out of the room

We found our way back to the car and quickly loaded in driving away from McCarroll Ranch as fast as we could. 

Clem found a rag inside her backpack and poured some water on it to clean the blood from AJ's face.

Kenny: You have no idea how good it feels to have you back, little guy. 

Kenny sighed smiling into the review mirror. 

Clementine: It definitely feels amazing. I thought I would never see you again Goofball.

Clem sniffled as she cleaned his face. 

AJ: Clem?

AJ said slowly causing Clem to let out a half Cry/Chuckle.

Clementine: Yes, Goofball. I'm Clem, and you're my Goofball.

She said smiling happily as she stared down at him. 

Clementine: So? Where too now? We can't go back to Richmond, too many walkers to get through. And McCarroll Ranch is a warzone. We gotta...

Clem paused thinking.

Her thoughts were interrupted by the sound of AJ speaking. 

AJ: Go?

He asked staring up at Clem.

Clementine: That's right AJ. We have to go. We can't stay here. Because it's not safe.

She replied with a smile. 

Kenny: We will figure something out. I say we just keep straight untill we find somewhere safe to rest.

Kenny suggested. 

Yhwach: Kenny, head towards the Saviors' camp. It's not what it used to be. I've convinced them to change for the better, and they now have a leader who seeks a more peaceful path. Old friends are waiting for us there, friends who have undergone significant transformations.

Kenny glanced at Yhwach with a mix of skepticism and curiosity.

Kenny: Changed the Saviors, huh? Old friends? What's going on here, Yhwach?

Yhwach explained the intricate details of his interactions with the Saviors, including the transformation of their former leader, Negan. As the story unfolded, Kenny's expression shifted from doubt to a reluctant acceptance of the unexpected turn of events.

Yhwach: Luke and Nick are among those who have found a new purpose within the Saviors. They are waiting for us, ready to lend a helping hand. The camp is a safe haven now, and our arrival is expected.

Kenny, still processing the information, nodded slowly.

Kenny: Well, I never thought I'd hear the day when the Saviors turned into allies. Alright, let's see what your "changed" friends have to offer.

Kenny, still processing the information, nodded slowly.

Kenny: Well, I never thought I'd hear the day when the Saviors turned into allies. Alright, let's see what your "changed" friends have to offer.

The car continued its journey through the desolate landscape, guided by Yhwach's directions. The anticipation lingered in the air as they approached the Saviors' camp, a place that had once been synonymous with danger and hostility.

As they neared the camp, the perimeter was illuminated by a series of lanterns and makeshift barricades. The atmosphere felt different – an air of cautious optimism replacing the previous sense of dread. The gates swung open, revealing a transformed Saviors' camp under the leadership of Negan.

Negan, wearing a jacket adorned with the symbol of a reformed community, stepped forward to greet them. His demeanor, once menacing, now carried a certain sincerity.

Negan grinned as he approached the car, eyeing Yhwach with a mix of familiarity and curiosity.

Negan: Well, well, well! If it ain't Yhwach! You bring me back a souvenir or two from your adventures out there?

Yhwach, maintaining his composed demeanor, reached into the car and retrieved Javi's baseball bat, which had become a symbol of their group.

Yhwach: I found my group, Negan. They're here. Safe and sound. Consider this bat a little souvenir from our journey.

Negan's eyes lit up with a mix of amusement and appreciation.

Negan: Well, ain't that somethin'.Looks like it's been through some shit.

Yhwach nodded, acknowledging the bat's storied history.

Yhwach: It has indeed. Now, about the group – I've brought them here. The New Frontier's reign of chaos is over. Joan and Andy are locked up, and Richmond is on the path to recovery.

Negan's grin widened, a sense of satisfaction evident on his face.

Negan: Locking up the bad guys, huh? Now that's a strategy I can get behind. So, Yhwach, why don't you do me a favor and introduce me to your group, my way?

Yhwach raised an eyebrow, intrigued by Negan's proposal.

Yhwach: Your way?

Negan chuckled and gestured for Yhwach to follow him. They approached the rest of the group, who had exited the car and were eyeing Negan cautiously.

Negan: Ladies and gentlemen, gather 'round! Yhwach here has brought us some new faces. Ain't that right, Yhwach?

Yhwach nodded, playing along with Negan's charismatic theatrics.

Yhwach: Indeed, Negan. Allow me to introduce you to Lee, Clementine, Kenny, Sarah, and AJ.

Negan, with a theatrical flair, extended his arms.

Negan: Welcome to the Saviors' Camp, the place where second chances are given. Now, I know we had our differences in the past, but today, we're all on the same side – the side of survival.

He glanced at Yhwach, a silent acknowledgment of their shared goal. The group, though still wary, began to grasp the complexity of the situation.

Negan: So, what do you say we make this a fresh start? We've got food, shelter, and a damn good community here. The Saviors have changed, and I reckon we can all benefit from that change.

As Negan spoke, the gates of the camp swung open wider, revealing the inner workings of the transformed community. Luke and Nick, having heard the commotion, emerged from the camp, their expressions a mix of surprise and disbelief.

Luke: No way... Lee, Clem?

Nick's eyes widened as he recognized familiar faces from the past. Sarah's eyes filled with tears of joy as she rushed forward, embracing Luke in a tight hug.

Sarah: Luke! Nick! I can't believe it's really you!

Luke, visibly moved, hugged Sarah back, his voice choked with emotion.

Luke: Sarah, I thought... I thought we lost you all back at Wellington.

Nick joined the reunion, hugging Sarah and exchanging a nod with Lee.

Nick: Damn, it's good to see you guys. We got separated after the attack, and it's been one hell of a journey.

Sarah, Luke, and Nick joined the group, reuniting with familiar faces and meeting new ones. Sam, sensing the reunion, bounded forward, tail wagging, and licked Luke's face, eliciting laughter from the group.

Clementine, overwhelmed by the unexpected reunion, approached Luke and Nick, her eyes shining with a mix of relief and happiness.

Clementine: I can't believe you guys are here. It's been so long.

Luke pulled her into a warm embrace, patting her on the back.

Luke: Clem, we never gave up hope that we'd see you again. And look at you, all grown up.

Nick, smiling, ruffled AJ's hair, who was observing the reunion with curious eyes.

Nick: Is that AJ?

Clementine: Yes.

Nick nodded, understanding the unspoken connection.

Nick: How's he holding up?

Clementine: He's been through a lot, but he's a tough kid. We found him at McCarroll Ranch.

The revelation sank in, and a somber atmosphere briefly replaced the joy. Luke and Nick exchanged glances, understanding the hardships Clementine and AJ must have faced.

Negan, observing the heartfelt reunion, approached the group.

Negan: Well, well, seems like we've got a lot of catching up to do. Welcome back, Luke and Nick. It's a damn good day for new beginnings.

Negan, with a flourish, gestured towards the camp's central meeting hall.

Negan: Well, folks, while you catch up and settle in, Yhwach and I have some business to attend to. Follow me, Yhwach.

As Yhwach and Negan made their way towards the meeting hall, the group exchanged glances and began sharing stories of their journeys. Laughter and conversation filled the air as they walked deeper into the camp.

Inside the meeting hall, Negan pushed the heavy door open, revealing a room that had clearly seen better days. The walls were adorned with makeshift decorations, and a large table dominated the center. At one end of the table, Simon, one of Negan's loyal lieutenants, was sprawled across the bench, snoring loudly, a puddle of drool forming beneath his open mouth.

Negan's eyes narrowed, and he shot Yhwach a wry grin.

Negan: Well, ain't he a picture of discipline? Simon! Wake your lazy ass up!

Negan strode over to Simon and delivered a swift, open-handed smack to the back of his head. Simon jolted awake, blinking rapidly and trying to make sense of the situation.

Simon: Boss? What the hell?

Negan pointed at Yhwach with a theatrical gesture.

Negan: Yhwach is back, Simon! And he brought company. Get your shit together; we've got a meeting to attend.

Simon, still groggy, nodded and attempted to wipe the sleep from his eyes.

Simon: Right, right. Yhwach, huh? Been a while.

Yhwach nodded in acknowledgment as Negan led the way to the head of the table.

Negan: Damn right, it's been a while. Now, get your act together. We've got guests, and we're gonna show 'em what the Saviors are all about – cooperation, second chances, and survival.

The group, now settled in various corners of the hall, watched the unfolding scene with a mix of curiosity and wariness. Negan took a seat at the head of the table, gesturing for Yhwach and Simon to join him.

Negan: Yhwach here played a big part in changing our ways. We're on a different path now, and we're damn proud of it.

Yhwach nodded, acknowledging the transformation he had orchestrated within the Saviors.

Yhwach: Change is necessary for survival. I believe this community has what it takes to adapt and thrive in this new world.

Negan leaned back in his chair, a smug grin on his face.

Negan's smug grin slowly faded as Yhwach continued to speak, revealing the dark and corrupt history of the New Frontier. The atmosphere in the meeting hall shifted from one of camaraderie to a somber realization of the gravity of the actions committed by Joan and Andy.

Negan: Well, shit. Maybe I shouldn't have allied with those bastards.

He muttered, running a hand through his salt-and-pepper beard. Simon, now fully awake, leaned in, eager to hear the details.

Simon: What happened with the New Frontier, Yhwach?

Yhwach proceeded to recount the tale of the New Frontier's tyranny, detailing their raids on communities, the ruthless killings, and the systematic theft of supplies. As the narrative unfolded, the group in the meeting hall listened in disbelief, each revelation casting a darker shadow on the once-powerful New Frontier.

Yhwach: Joan and Andy St. John, corrupted leaders with a thirst for power, orchestrated these heinous acts. They believed in survival at any cost, even if it meant sacrificing the lives of innocent people.

Negan, now serious, nodded in understanding.

Negan: Survival at any cost, huh? Sounds familiar. Go on.

Yhwach continued, describing the pivotal moments that led to the downfall of the New Frontier. The locked gates of Richmond, the arrest of Joan and Andy, and the emergence of new leaders, including Clint, David, Dr. Lingard, and Javi.

Yhwach: Richmond is undergoing a process of recovery. The survivors are working to rebuild, and a semblance of order is being restored. The New Frontier's influence is being replaced by leaders who prioritize the well-being of the community.

Simon, absorbing the information, scratched his head.

Simon: So, we locked up the big shots, huh? Not a bad move. What about David? He was part of that mess too.

Yhwach explained David's role in the new leadership and how he, along with the others, aimed to steer Richmond in a better direction.

Yhwach: David is confronting his past actions and striving to contribute positively to the community. The dynamics are changing, and Richmond is on a path toward redemption.

Negan's gaze shifted between Yhwach and Simon, a complex mix of emotions crossing his face.

Negan: Well, I'll be damned. I never thought I'd see the day when the big, bad New Frontier crumbled. Yhwach, you've brought some interesting news to our doorstep.

Simon, with a hint of amusement, leaned back in his chair.

Simon: Ain't that the truth. So, what's the plan now, boss?

Negan's eyes narrowed, his mind already processing the implications of the new information.

Negan: First, we need to figure out our stance with Richmond. If they're truly on the mend, we might find common ground. Second, we keep our guard up. The world's still a dangerous place, and we can't afford to drop our defenses.

Yhwach nodded in agreement, recognizing the pragmatic approach Negan was suggesting.

Yhwach: Cooperation and vigilance. Two principles that will ensure our survival in this world.

Negan grinned, a trace of his trademark confidence returning.

Negan: Damn right, Yhwach. Looks like our little alliance just got more interesting.

As the discussion continued, plans were laid out for the Saviors to establish a diplomatic connection with Richmond, exploring the potential for collaboration in the harsh post-apocalyptic landscape. The group, now united under a shared vision of survival, prepared for the challenges that lay ahead.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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