
Neo Soul King Yhwach [Being Rewritten]

You may have noticed the new title—I'm planning on rewriting the entire first arcs and Might even reboot the entire story. Once you see the title of the book without "[Being Rewritten]" or if this message disappears—it means the rewrite is out! Outdated Will make a new one during rewrite: | Please Read Everything Below Before You Start The Story | I've been struggling to nail down the perfect synopsis, and I have to admit, it's been a bit frustrating. But they say practice makes perfect, right? So, before we jump into the story, let's have a little chat about Yūhabahha, or as we'll simply call him, Yhwach. Yhwach is the final villain of the Bleach manga and is the father of the Quincy and the Soul King's son, his demise due to a deus ex machina felt like a disappointing end to such an important character. It reminded me of how Kishimoto dealt with Madara Uchiha, and I understand Kubo's health issues played a role in that. But what if I told you that Yhwach's story isn't over? Instead, he's been granted a second chance at life by none other than the Soul King. Some may dismiss this as just another cliché multiverse story where Yhwach goes on a rampage, defeats the main villains of each verse, and collects girls along the way. But let me stop you right there— First of all, no, and second of all, absolutely not. Think about it. How many multiverse stories have you read that actually have a well-paced plot? Not many, I bet. well, But this story? It's different. It's got a plot that'll keep you hooked from start to finish. If you stick around and join me on this journey until the end, you'll undoubtedly realize that this is one of the best stories you've ever read. For those who might not be up to speed, let me break down what a multiverse is. definition of the multiverse. a hypothetical space or realm consisting of a number of universes, of which our own universe is only one. And the folks who wander through these multiverses? Well, they're called Multiverse Walkers... This book will show what Yhwach could have accomplished if he had been given a second chance at life. But it's not just about him... (Please read the bio it contains a lot more info and the story is way better than my synopsis) _______________________________________________________________ Reader Disclaimer : Please note that the biography provided here is outdated and only reflects Yhwach's old stats at the end of The Thousand-Year Blood War arc. Additionally, the bio introduces two other main characters to the story. If you're curious about romance, I'll be clear: there's no romance or harem involved. Admittedly, the beginning of the story isn't the strongest.  Yhwach's personality feels off, and I acknowledge that. This message might stay here until I rewrite the entire first season and address other scenes that feel out of place. Some readers might find certain aspects frustrating, like Yhwach's passivity in certain situations. ...in the first place, I wasn't really writing seriously. Like, you can tell by the quality of the first few chapters. It's also too late to change it now Consider this a heads-up for future readers. I wouldn't want you to invest time in something you might not enjoy. It's a way to save your time. Also, if you're planning on leaving a low rating. Please don't just put emojis on it and leave. If so I will delete them. And please provide constructive feedback so that I and future readers can understand the flaws of this Fanfiction.  _______________________________________________________________ First World: TellTale's The Walking Dead ( Completed ) 2nd World: Akame Ga Kill ( Completed ) 3rd World: High School DxD ( Completed ) 4th World: Fate/Yhwach? No, it's Fate/Zaegar ( Completed)  5th World: Rwby ( Completed ) 6th World: Jujutsu Kaisen ( Completed ) 7th World: One Piece ( Ongoing )

MisunderstoodKing · Anime & Comics
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133 Chs

Crown of Flames: The Quincy King's Declaration in Hell

Yhwach and his group entered his apartment.

Raynare: Are you stupid or something? I'm genuinely curious.

Raynare asked.

Kalawarner: I'm also puzzled about why you challenged a High-Class Devil.

Kalawarner said.

Raynare looked at Kalawarner.

Raynare: No, he didn't just pick a random High-Class Devil. He challenged Riser Phenex, an immortal Devil, and he's taking on his entire peerage alone.

Issei: Do you have a plan, Mr. Quincy?

Issei inquired.

Yhwach turned to face them.

Yhwach: If you believe that shooting fire from my fingertips isn't sufficient, then witness my strength against that coward.

Raynare: But he's immortal; your chances of winning are slim.

Raynare expressed concern.

Kalawarner: Indeed, the likelihood of your victory is very low.

Kalawarner added.

Freed: What if I lend you my holy weapons?

Freed suggested.

Raynare: Yeah, that might work.

Raynare agreed.

Yhwach: No, I don't need holy weapons. I am capable enough to defeat him with my strength alone. In my eyes, he's nothing more than a fragile coward hiding behind his title. He's not a true fighter—just a fool. I'll expose him for what he truly is to the entire Devil society.

Yhwach stated coldly.

Kalawarner: You sound incredibly confident.

Kalawarner remarked.

Yhwach smiled.

Yhwach: I assure you. The only fighter I acknowledge as capable of defeating me is Yamamoto. He's the only one I find worthy.

Issei: Wait, Yama who?

Issei looked puzzled.

Yhwach: That's a story for another time. For now, we rest for tomorrow.

Everyone nodded and headed to their rooms, except for Freed.

Freed: This is bullshit Boss and you know it.

Yhwach ignored him, reached for his book, and began reading.

Issei: So, where am I sleeping then?

Issei asked.

Yhwach: You'll sleep on the ground.

He didn't look away from his book. Issei sighed and lay down on the ground.

Freed: This is some major shit.

Freed complained.

Issei: Why complain? You got the damn couch.

Freed: You know what? On second thought, I'm going to enjoy this couch as much as I can.

As Yhwach continued to ignore Freed's complaints and Issei's grumbling about the floor, he closed his book with a sigh. His eyes shifted, and he entered a state of meditation, retreating into the recesses of his inner world.

Within the depths of his mind, Yhwach found himself standing once again in the surreal landscape that represented the core of his being. The vast expanse was filled with swirling spiritual energy, and at its center stood Zaegar, the Primordial Hollow.

Zaegar gazed at Yhwach with an exaggerated expression of sadness, his hollow eyes widening with mock sorrow.

Zaegar: Oh, Quincy King, must I suffer the indignity of homelessness in the vast void of your inner world?

Yhwach, his annoyance palpable, regarded Zaegar with an icy stare.

Yhwach: Spare me your theatrics, Zaegar. I have more pressing matters to attend to.

Zaegar feigned a dramatic gasp, placing a clawed hand over his chest.

Zaegar: Pressing matters, you say? What could be more important than the hospitality of your own mind?

Yhwach's patience wore thin as he spoke with measured irritation.

Yhwach: I don't have time for your games. I am preparing for tomorrow's confrontation.

Zaegar's expression shifted from feigned sadness to a sly grin.

Zaegar: Ah, the battle with the immortal Devil. But what about the comfort of your dear guests?

Yhwach, unamused, crossed his arms.

Yhwach: They will manage. Now, cease your banter.

Zaegar continued to stare at Yhwach with an intensity that bordered on mischief.

Zaegar: Will they find rest, or will they toss and turn on the cold, unforgiving ground?

Yhwach: Zaegar, is my soul ready to accumulate yet another Schrift?

Zaegar, still whining and fake crying, responded.

Zaegar: Oh, the burden of being the vessel for your boundless power. The sacrifices I make for you!

Yhwach, staring at Zaegar with a mix of annoyance and impatience, cut through the act.

Yhwach: Spare me, Zaegar. Can my soul handle another Schrift or not?

Zaegar, noticing Yhwach's intense gaze, stopped his fake crying and sighed.

Zaegar: Yes, yes. Your soul can endure one more of your precious Schrifts.

With a nod of acknowledgment, Yhwach turned his attention to one of the cocoons of the Sternritter, However, before he could delve into the process, Zaegar, utilizing shadows, created a small tail that swiftly grabbed Yhwach's leg and playfully yeeted him toward one of the specific cocoons, marked with the Letter I—The Iron.

Yhwach, glaring at Zaegar, issued a stern warning.

Yhwach: Not for the fifth time, Zaegar.

Ignoring Yhwach's warning, Zaegar maintained his mischievous grin as Yhwach made contact with the cocoon, and in an instant, he found himself transported to Cang Du's soul realm.

In Cang Du's realm, Yhwach was surrounded by an expanse of steel and metal. The clanging of blacksmithing and the towering iron structures dominated the landscape. 

As Yhwach traversed Cang Du's soul realm, he marveled at the towering iron structures that defined the landscape. Following the rhythmic clang of blacksmithing, he eventually arrived at the source and found Cang Du diligently at work, forging an iron blade.

The Iron Sternritter's focus was unwavering as he meticulously shaped the blade with skilled precision. Once the blade was completed, Cang Du looked at Yhwach, a sense of purpose gleaming in his eyes.

Cang Du: Your majesty, witness the might of iron!

With a swift motion, Cang Du coated the newly forged iron sword with an additional layer of iron, doubling its power. He then executed Hirenkyaku, moving with incredible speed as he struck at Yhwach. Reacting swiftly, Yhwach managed to evade the iron blade's deadly trajectory.

Cang Du, locking eyes with Yhwach, spoke with a burning resentment.

Cang Du: Your Majesty, in my final moments of life, I requested to die by your hands. Why didn't you grant me that simple request?

Yhwach, as he gracefully evaded Cang Du's swift strikes, maintained a stoic demeanor in the face of the Sternritter's burning resentment. Cang Du's question lingered in the air, and Yhwach, after a moment of contemplation, decided to address it.

Yhwach: Cang Du, the reason is simple. The end you sought would have been a fleeting one. In merging all worlds together, there would no longer be death as you know it. Everyone, including you, would be revived.

Cang Du, his anger subsiding for a moment, absorbed Yhwach's words. Yhwach continued, acknowledging the flaw in his past plan.

Yhwach: However, I now realize the flaw in my ambition. The world I sought to create was flawed, and I've come to understand the true nature of existence. Death is an integral part of life, and one cannot exist without the other.

Cang Du, still eyeing Yhwach with a mix of anger and confusion, listened as Yhwach offered a rare admission.

Yhwach: Cang Du, I ask for your forgiveness. My vision was clouded, and I failed to comprehend the essence of life and death. For that, I apologize.

Cang Du, processing Yhwach's unexpected confession, remained silent for a moment. 

Cang Du, after a moment of tense silence, lowered the iron blade he held. His eyes bore into Yhwach's, and the echoes of clanging metal surrounded them in the soul realm.

Cang Du: Your Majesty, apologies alone cannot mend what has been broken. The world you sought to create was one I yearned for, a world where my final moments held meaning. In death, I sought solace through the hands of my king.

His words were laced with a mix of bitterness and longing. Cang Du's stern expression softened, revealing the weight of unfulfilled desires and the bitterness of the afterlife.

Cang Du: Yet, you now recognize the error in your ambition. The cycle of life and death, an eternal dance, intertwined and inseparable. If this realization is genuine, then perhaps there is a path to redemption.

Yhwach, maintaining his composure, listened to Cang Du's words with a discerning gaze.

Cang Du: I do not offer forgiveness lightly, Your Majesty. It is earned through actions, not mere words. If your newfound understanding leads to a change in the course of destiny, then perhaps there is hope.

The soul realm seemed to resonate with Cang Du's words, the clang of iron symbolizing the weight of decisions and the forging of a different fate.

Cang Du: Your Majesty, the iron of my soul longs for purpose. Show me the path you now tread, and we shall see if redemption awaits.

Cang Du, with a thoughtful expression, extended the newly forged iron blade towards Yhwach. The blade gleamed in the ambient light of the soul realm, resonating with the essence of iron that surrounded them.

Cang Du: Your Majesty, take this blade forged from the might of iron. It is your first trial, and through battles with various types of iron, you shall understand its strength.

Yhwach accepted the offered blade, acknowledging the symbolic weight of the gesture. The Iron Sternritter, with a determined look, rushed at Yhwach, and in turn, the Quincy King met his charge.

The clash of blades echoed through the soul realm as Yhwach and Cang Du engaged in a fierce battle. The iron blade, wielded by each combatant, clashed and sparked with the intensity of their confrontation.

Cang Du: #1: Cast Iron. It's durable but brittle.

Their blades clashed, and Yhwach felt the resistance of the cast iron. The blade shattered, and Cang Du swiftly moved to the next.

Cang Du: #2: Wrought Iron. It's malleable but not as strong.

They clashed again, and the wrought iron blade met a similar fate. This process continued as Cang Du explained the characteristics of each type of iron – white iron, gray iron, ductile iron, malleable iron – and Yhwach experienced their unique properties in battle.

Finally, Cang Du reached the last lesson.

Cang Du: Tungsten, the strongest of them all. Now, witness its might., Your Majesty, and understand the pinnacle of iron's might.

Cang Du slowly pulled out a blade from his blacksmithing place. As Cang Du rushed at Yhwach with the tungsten blade.

Yhwach, with a swift and precise movement, blocked Cang Du's tungsten blade with the iron blade Cang Du had given him earlier. However, as the blades clashed, a resounding shockwave echoed through the soul realm, and Yhwach felt the intense force of the collision.

To his surprise, the iron blade he held shattered upon contact with Cang Du's tungsten weapon. The remnants of the shattered blade dissipated into spiritual particles, leaving Yhwach momentarily exposed.

Cang Du, with a stoic expression, observed the outcome of the clash. He then spoke with a calm certainty.

Cang Du: Tungsten, Your Majesty, the strongest iron in the world. I told you its might was unmatched.

Yhwach, unshaken by the setback, eyed Cang Du with a thoughtful gaze. The Sternritter continued, sensing the opportunity to convey a crucial lesson.

Cang Du: However, if you were to infuse this blade with my Schrift, I the Iron, its strength would be immeasurable. the ability to manipulate and enhance the properties of iron can elevate even the strongest metal to unprecedented levels.

Yhwach, absorbing Cang Du's words, recognized the potential of combining his Schrift with the inherent strength of tungsten.

Yhwach: I see. By channeling the power of I the Iron into the tungsten, you can forge a blade of unparalleled strength.

Cang Du nodded in agreement.

Cang Du: Exactly, Your Majesty. With the power of my Schrift, the limitations of even the strongest materials can be surpassed.

Yhwach, focused and determined, began to channel his spiritual energy into the remnants of the shattered iron blade. The spiritual particles coalesced and formed a new, ethereal blade in his hand.

Yhwach: Let us continue, Cang Du. I shall forge a blade that embodies the strength of both I the Iron and tungsten.

Cang Du, acknowledging Yhwach's resolve, readied his tungsten blade. The clash of their blades resumed, but this time, Yhwach infused his Schrift into the ethereal blade, enhancing its properties.

As they clashed, the ethereal blade resonated with the power of I the Iron, creating a fusion of spiritual energy and material strength. The soul realm vibrated with the intensity of their battle, and Cang Du, with a nod of approval, recognized the newfound potential.

Cang Du: Your Majesty, you have unlocked the true potential of I the Iron. Now, let us explore the myriad possibilities that lie within the realm of iron.

The battle between Yhwach and Cang Du continued, each clash shaping the iron into a testament of their combined strength. The soul realm echoed with the clang of blades, forging a understanding of the essence of iron in its various forms.

Cang Du, with each strike and parry, guided Yhwach through the using of I the Iron to manipulate different types of iron. As they progressed, Cang Du explained the subtleties of each variation and how Yhwach could harness their unique qualities.

Cang Du: #3: White Iron. It's resistant to corrosion, but not as strong as tungsten.

Their blades clashed, and Yhwach felt the different properties of white iron. The ethereal blade held firm, showcasing the enhanced strength bestowed by I the Iron.

Cang Du: #4: Gray Iron. Brittle but has good casting properties.

The clash intensified, and Yhwach adapted to the brittle nature of gray iron, using the versatility of his Schrift to compensate for its weaknesses.

Cang Du: #5: Ductile Iron. Tough and flexible.

Their movements became a fluid dance, with Yhwach incorporating the flexibility of ductile iron into his attacks and defenses. Each clash resonated with the harmony of spiritual and material strength.

Cang Du: #6: Malleable Iron. Easily shaped and forged.

Yhwach learned to mold the ethereal blade like malleable iron, altering its form and properties at will. The versatility of I the Iron became a formidable asset in their ongoing battle.

Cang Du: Now, Your Majesty, we approach the culmination of this lesson. The ultimate trial – Tungsten, infused with the power of I the Iron.

With a swift motion, Cang Du unleashed a series of relentless attacks, combining the strength of tungsten with the enhanced properties of the Schrift. 

Cang Du: Well done, Your Majesty. You have not only harnessed the power of each iron but also combined them seamlessly.

Yhwach, with a nod of acknowledgment, took a moment to reflect on the journey within his own soul. The lessons learned from Cang Du transcended the realm of iron; they delved into the essence of change, adaptation.

Yhwach: Cang Du, your guidance has been invaluable

Cang Du, with a genuine smile, withdrew his tungsten blade.

Cang Du: Your Majesty, may your path be forged with newfound strength and understanding.

With a sudden and swift motion, Cang Du stabbed the tungsten blade into Yhwach's chest. However, to Yhwach's surprise, he didn't feel the anticipated pain. Cang Du's expression remained calm as he explained.

Cang Du: You do not feel pain, Your Majesty, because I have granted you a unique gift. The Schrift of I the Iron is now yours.

As Cang Du withdrew the blade, Yhwach saw that the letter I was imprinted into his soul. The tungsten blade disappeared, leaving behind the mark of Cang Du's Schrift.

Cang Du: In my final moments, I asked for death at your hands. You didn't grant me that wish. Now, I grant you the power of I the Iron, a reminder of the debt between us.

Yhwach, absorbing the revelation, found himself back in his inner world. The surreal landscape greeted him once more, and at the center stood Zaegar, the Primordial Hollow.

Zaegar, noticing Yhwach's return, couldn't resist making a sarcastic comment.

Zaegar: Back so soon, Quincy King? Did you enjoy your little excursion into the world of iron?

Yhwach, still processing the unexpected turn of events, fixed his gaze on Zaegar. The imprint of the letter I on his soul pulsed with newfound power.

Yhwach: It was more enlightening than you would understand, Zaegar.

Zaegar, always ready for banter, grinned with a mischievous glint in his hollow eyes.

Zaegar: Enlightenment, you say? Did you learn how to fashion a crown out of iron, perhaps?

Yhwach, unamused by Zaegar's sarcastic remark, ignored the Primordial Hollow's attempt at humor.

Yhwach: I'm not in the mood for your jokes, Zaegar.

Zaegar, undeterred, grinned wider, reveling in his role as the Primordial Hollow.

Zaegar: Oh, come now, Quincy King. Where's your sense of humor?

Ignoring Zaegar's antics, Yhwach continued to meditate within his inner world, seeking to further understand the implications of Cang Du's Schrift. However, Zaegar, unable to resist the opportunity for mischief, extended his colossal hand and grabbed Yhwach.

Zaegar: Not in the mood, you say? How about a change of scenery then?

With a swift motion, Zaegar hurled Yhwach out of his inner world. Yhwach found himself hurtling through a surreal vortex, the colors and shapes distorting as he passed through the boundaries of his consciousness.

Yhwach, amidst the chaotic journey, yelled at Zaegar.

Yhwach: Not for the sixth time, Zaegar!

Zaegar, still grinning, watched as Yhwach disappeared from his inner world, the vortex sealing behind him.

Zaegar: You really need to lighten up, Quincy King!

As Yhwach was expelled from his inner world, he found himself abruptly outside, surrounded by the familiar sight of his apartment. The transition was disorienting, but Yhwach quickly regained his composure. He glanced around to ensure everything was as it should be.

Issei and the others were still resting, unaware of the inner struggles Yhwach faced. The night was calm, and the impending confrontation with Riser Phenex loomed. Yhwach, now armed with the power of I the Iron, took a moment to reflect on the lessons learned and the challenges that lay ahead.

Timeskip - Scene Break

Rias was sitting in her clubroom with Grayfia, waiting for Yhwach to arrive, so they could leave to go the Underworld. It was already the end of school, so she doesn't know why he hasn't arrived yet.

Grayfia: Is he going to come?

Rias: I hope he does, I don't think him talking a big game then not showing up is not his style. So let's just wait a little bit longer.

Ten minutes have passed by and Yhwach hasn't shown up.

Grayfia: It seems as he only spoke a big game and not shown himself. So I must relay this information now to Sirzechs that Riser is the win-

The doors opened and Yhwach walked in with his group behind him. 

Grayfia: Well, it seems you have arrived Mr. Quincy. Let us go now.

Grayfia said.

Yhwach and his group walked over to the magic circle and they teleported to the Underworld.

Yhwach looked around.

Yhwach: Interesting, so this is Hell, I was expecting more of a hellfire blaze than housing down here.

Yhwach: Zaegar, what do you make of this Underworld?

Zaegar, breaking his silence, responded with a hint of amusement.

Zaegar: (Within Yhwach's mind)  Ah, Hell, as perceived by these beings. Quite different from the Hell you and I know, isn't it?

Yhwach: Explain.

Zaegar: (Within Yhwach's mind) The Hell in their world is often depicted as a realm of torment, fire, and eternal suffering. This, however, is more of a structured Underworld, where demons, devils, and other supernatural beings coexist. It's a bureaucracy of sorts, with its own rules and hierarchies.

Yhwach, absorbing Zaegar's explanation, maintained his stoic demeanor.

Yhwach: Interesting. Their concept of Hell differs from the chaos and infernos we are accustomed to.

Zaegar: (Within Yhwach's mind) Indeed, Quincy King. Their Hell is more organized, a reflection of their societal structures even in the afterlife.

Yhwach: I care not for their societal nuances. My focus is on the battle ahead.

Zaegar, grinning with a touch of mischief, couldn't resist making a comment.

Zaegar: (Within Yhwach's mind) True, true. But it wouldn't hurt to appreciate the nuances of the worlds you traverse. Who knows what surprises they might hold?

Yhwach, uninterested in Zaegar's musings, urged him to remain silent.

Yhwach: Save your commentary for another time, Zaegar. Now is not the moment.

Zaegar, playfully pouting, complied with Yhwach's request, fading into the background of Yhwach's mind.

Rias: Well, it's not as you expected it to be. 

Rias said.

They all walked towards an arena.

Grayfia: Well, this is as far we go. You will enter here Mr. Quincy.

Grayfia said.

Raynare: Please be careful Lord Yhwach.

Raynare said.

Freed: Don't die on us now Boss.

Grayfia: Everyone follow me please.

Grayfia started to walk towards the booth where Sirzechs was.

Yhwach smiled and entered the arena.

Yhwach: Let the dance begin.

As Yhwach was walking further in the arena he heard a voice.

Grayfia: Ladies and Gentlemen today is gonna be an interesting fight because Riser Phenex is going to be fighting a human, but it will not be one on one, it will be a fifteen on one.

Riser walked out with his peerage on the field. He was getting a lot of cheers, Devil's were going around placing bets on the victor. The bets mostly being Riser.

Grayfia made it to the booth with her group.

Sirzechs: Welcome, I presume you are with the man named Yhwach?

Sirzechs asked with a smile.

Raynare and Kalawarner had wide eyes at who was standing in front of them.

Raynare: S-S-Sirzechs Lucifer?

Raynare stuttered.

Issei moved his head towards Freed.

Issei: Ummm, who is that?

He whispered.

Freed looked over to Issei. 

Freed: That's one of the four great Satans, Sirzechs Lucifer. And also the Princess's brother.

Issei's jaw drop.

Ddraig: [Dumba-]

Issei: Finish that sentence and I will cut my arm off.

He angrily whispered.

Kalawarner: Y-Yes we are with him.

Kalawarner answered for Raynare.

Sirzechs: I am not gonna harm you so do not worry. Let us enjoy this fight.

He said as he sat back down.

Yhwach walked out of the tunnel and entered the field. Everyone went quiet. He looked around and stopped his eyes on a booth with a man with red hair. He looked around and saw a lot of Devils.

Yhwach: I shall make the Devil race tremble at the very mention of my name.

Riser: So you have come human to lose and show shame to everyone.

Yhwach slowly moved his head to look at Riser.

Yhwach: Then let us begin our dance then.

Announcer: Let us begin the fight.

The announcer said.

Yhwach charged at Riser's peerage.

Yhwach jumped in the middle of the group and started to punch and kick anyone who got close.

Xuelan charged and tried to punch him but he grabbed her arm and threw her at someone. Siris and Karlamine drew their swords and charged at him.

But Yhwach already saw this coming. He jumped out of the way and sucker punched Siris on the cheek making her fly across the ring.

Karlamine tried slashing him but he jumped back. But four of Riser pawns charged at him as well.

He moved quickly and blocked the two green heads punches.

Green head: I think you forgot that we have our other fists as well.

One of the green heads said.

They both used there free hand and punched Yhwach in the face but before that could happen Yhwach dodged.

The crowd was amazed to see a human defending off against Devils. 

Yhwach: You're to slow.

Yhwach said as he kicked the two pawns in the gut making them fly back a bit.

Yhwach looked over to Riser.

Yhwach: Is this the strength of your little slave group? I was hoping to have a better dance, but I guess that's not pos-

A massive explosion blasted him back. He looked up and saw a woman with purple hair smiling.

Riser: Well done my Queen.

Yhwach: I see now.

Yhwach had a cold expression.

Riser's peerage came back in front of him and took a defensive stance.

Siris: We won't let you get by.

Siris said.

Yhwach smiled.

Yhwach: Very well then, then block this.

Yhwach extended his index finger, and a concentrated surge of spiritual energy gathered at the tip. The air around him shimmered with intensity as he unleashed his technique.

Yhwach: Burner Finger 1!

A torrent of intense flames erupted from his fingertip, forming a colossal wall of fire that surged towards Riser's peerage. The sheer force and heat of the flames created a wave of awe and fear among the spectators.

Raynare: I didn't expect that what so ever.

Raynare said.

Kalawarner: Me neither. 

Kalawarner agreed with her as well.

Riser: Destroy that wall of fire.

Riser said.

Yubelluna kept firing shots at the wall of fire, but it was slowly destroying it. Riser made balls of fire and shot it towards the fire trying to destroy it. Ravel helped out as well but it didn't do anything.

Riser: Everyone concentrate on making a defensive wall.

Riser ordered.

Everyone concentrated their magic into making a magic wall of defense. The fire exploded upon contact. Everyone shielded their eyes.

Risers' peerage took some damage from the attack. They all took some Phenex Tears to heal themselves.

Yhwach: It seems that you're still able to dance.

Yhwach charged at them again.

Riser took flight

Ravel: Here he comes.

Ravel said.

Yhwach grabbed the two green heads and slammed there heads to the ground. After that, he flipped forward and did a roundhouse kick to the blue haired cat lady.

Xuelan charged at him while his back was against her. She tried to kick him in the head, but he grabbed her leg and threw her against the wall.

Yhwach spun around quickly and knocked out Isabela, making her fall to the ground unconscious.

Mira tried to attack him with the staff from a distance, but he grabbed the staff out of her hand and smacked her across the face with it. He looked towards Riser and smirked.

Yhwach: Here, catch.

Yhwach threw the staff at him.

Riser barely dodged it.

Riser: I will have you killed human.

Yhwach: Then come dance.

Riser gritted his teeth.

Riser: Yubelluna, Ravel help me kill him.

Riser made a ball of fire and concentrated his magic in that hand making it bigger.

Yubelluna and Ravel kept attacking him from a distance non-stop. After a bit, Riser made a huge ball of fire.


Riser threw it at him.

The massive ball of fire exploded upon contact making a huge explosion.


Raynare yelled in worry and fear.

Kalawarner: LORD YHWACH! 

Kalawarner yelled as well.

Freed: There is no way the Boss can survive that. No way in hell he can survive such an attack.

Riser slowly caught his breath.

Ravel: We got him.

Ravel said with joy.

Riser's peerage started to celebrate.

Xuelan: That's what you get when you fight against Riser you pathetic human.

Xuelan said.

Riser: So, who is the coward now... Oh wait, you are, hahahahahahaha.

Grayfia got over the intercom and announced the winner.

Grayfia: And the winner of this battle is Riser Ph-

Yhwach: Interesting, truly interesting. You could have gotten me there you little Devil if I wasn't blocking.

Riser's peerage was shocked to see him standing.

Yhwach: If that is your full power, then that is truly disappointing.

The smoke cleared showing Yhwach standing with some of his armor broken off and some parts of his clothes.

The crowd, Riser, and everyone else were shocked to see him standing.

Riser: How are you even standing after that?

Yhwach dusted himself off and stared at Riser and his peerage.

Yhwach: Then I too shall respond with full power as well.

Yhwach, with a calm and collected demeanor, raised his index finger towards the sky. The memories of Aizen's words echoed in his mind, and he decided to showcase the true extent of his power.

Yhwach: Aizen once spoke of the potential within a single finger. Let me demonstrate.

As he focused his spiritual energy, a small, flickering ball of fire formed at the tip of his outstretched finger. Riser, finding this display amusing, couldn't help but mock Yhwach.

Riser: Is that the best you've got, human? A pathetic little fireball?

Yhwach remained silent, undeterred by Riser's taunts. Instead, he began to channel more and more energy into the tiny flame, causing it to grow in size and intensity. The air around the arena began to distort with the rising heat.

Riser, still laughing, addressed Yhwach with arrogance.

Riser: You think a bigger flame is going to make any difference? You're still just a weak human.

Ignoring Riser's words, Yhwach continued to pour his spiritual energy into the growing fireball. As it expanded, its glow intensified, casting an eerie and ominous light over the entire arena.

As the fireball grew, Yhwach's eyes glowed with an otherworldly intensity. Aizen's teachings resonated within him, guiding him to push the boundaries of his power.

Aizen: Reshape, control, and unleash.

With those words in mind, Yhwach's concentration reached its zenith. The small ball of fire transformed into a blazing inferno, its size dwarfing anything seen before. The heat emanating from it was palpable, causing the air to shimmer with intensity.

Riser, his arrogance replaced by genuine concern, took a step back. The members of his peerage, frozen in shock, dropped their weapons as they witnessed the unfolding spectacle.

Yhwach's Supernova, now twice the size of Frieza's, cast a shadow that covered the entire arena. The spectators, Devil and human alike, stared in disbelief and horror at the overwhelming display of power.

Grayfia, witnessing the events unfold from her booth, could only mutter in astonishment.

Grayfia: What kind of power is this?

Raynare and Kalawarner fell to there knees.

Freed: What... The... Fuck?

Freed said.

Ddraig: [I've never seen such a power. This strength is almost like a Dragon Kings or even Heavenly.]

Yubelluna: W-What i-is the-this?

Yubelluna asked with fear in her voice as she descended to the ground.

Yhwach kept his stance and he moved his eyes to look below him.

Yhwach: Now it's time to show you all that Yhwach is a King.

Riser: Your no King, you're a pathetic human who thinks he is above everyone.

Riser shot two balls of fire towards the supernova, but it didn't do anything.

Yhwach: Pity.

Yhwach said.

Kalawarner: You know Raynare. I am actually really glad that I became his slave than me dying by his hand. Because who knows what else he is capable of.

Kalawarner said.

Freed: So he really does plan onto changing the world. I thought he was only talking a big game, but I was wrong.

Freed walked back and leaned against the wall.

The intensity of the Supernova sent shockwaves through the arena, causing the very fabric of the Underworld to tremble. The sheer magnitude of the spiritual energy invoked fear in those who gazed upon it.

Yhwach: Burner Finger 1 Alternative Supernova.

Yhwach, his eyes still glowing with power, directed the immense force of the Supernova towards Riser and his peerage. The air crackled with the sheer force of the attack as it surged forward, an unstoppable juggernaut of destruction.

Riser, his bravado shattered, realized the gravity of the situation.

Riser: No... this can't be...

Rias: We have to stop this now before anyone else dies. I didn't want anyone to die over me.

Rias said.

Raynare: He's not here for you bitch. He is here to send a message to everyone.

Raynare said.

Rias: Send a message? What do you mean?

Raynare looked out the window and she narrowed her eyes.

Raynare: You will find out very soon.

Yhwach: Now it's time to show this world the coward you really are.

Yhwach said.

Riser: You can't kill me. I am a High-Class Devil. Do you know what that means human?

Yhwach: Indeed, it means that you will cease to exist.

Riser's eyes grew after what he just heard.

Riser: I will give you anything you want. Money, women, anything just name it.

Yhwach only stared.

Yhwach: A King does not need anything from a coward that is pleading for his life and especially a Devil. Now rest for all eternity.

The overwhelming force of Yhwach's Burner Finger 1 Alternative Supernova surged forward, engulfing Riser and his peerage in a searing blaze. The intense heat and energy obliterated them instantly, reducing their forms to ashes that scattered in the wind. The crowd watched in horrified silence as the destructive power continued, devouring the entire arena and the mountains beyond.

Rias, Raynare, and Kalawarner witnessed the cataclysmic event unfold, the gravity of Yhwach's power sinking in.

Rias: This... this is beyond anything I could have imagined.

Raynare: He's not just a threat to Devils; he's a threat to everything.

Kalawarner: And we're a part of it now.

The ashes of Riser and his peerage scattered across the battlefield. The once vibrant and lively arena was now a charred, desolate landscape.

Yhwach, his expression unchanged, lowered his outstretched arm as the Supernova dissipated upon his command.

Yhwach: The dance is over.

Everyone was speechless at what they saw. A human killed the immortal Riser Phenex. A High-Class Devil killed by a human.

Sirzechs: Grayfia, announce the winner of this battle.

Grayfia nodded and got on the intercom.

Grayfia: And the winner of this battle is Yhwach Quincy.

Yhwach walked out of the arena, so he could meet up with the redhead. He made his way there and he reached the door. He opened it and walked in.

The first thing they all saw was his eyes. Raynare, Kalawarner, Freed, Issei, and Asia all bowed down in front of him.

Rias: Issei, don't bow down to him.

Rias said, but he ignored her.

Sirzechs walked up to him and stared at him for a bit before replying.

Sirzechs: Congrats on winning, but... From now on you will be supervised by us so that you don't cause harm to anyone.

Yhwach smirked. 

Yhwach: If you send someone to watch me, I will make sure that he gives you a message that you will never forget.

Grayfia: After what you did. You will have to be watched. And I don't think the Phenex's are happy at what you did to their son and daughter.

Grayfia said.

Yhwach: The fool thought he was above me, so I had to show him the truth and now look where he's at now.

Lord Phenex walked up to him.

Lord Phenex: Whoever you are Mr. Quincy, I will never accept you nor respect you.

Yhwach had a wide smile.

Yhwach: I never wanted respect in the first place, I just wanted to leave a message.

Sirzechs: And what would that be?

Yhwach: The next Devil, Angel or Fallen Angel takes a human to fight for there stupid cause will be killed by me. Make sure to relay that message to everyone.

Sirzechs: I can't control what the High and Ultimate-Class Devil's want in their peerage.

Sirzechs said.

Freed: Then you better hurry up and tell them because we got the other two factions as well that need a message as well.

Freed said.

Yhwach looked over to Rias and walked over to her. Rias stared into his eyes that felt like an eternity.

Yhwach: If you don't heed my warning, then I will have your precious little sister be the first to show you all what happens.

Sirzechs: If you think about touching her, I will make sure to erase you from existence.

Yhwach: I'm not gonna touch a single strand of hair on her.

Yhwach: Lets go.

Everyone stood up and followed him out.

Sirzechs: Rias? Is he aligned with anyone?

Her brother asked.

Rias: No, he isn't, all I know is that those Fallen's and Issei are under his command.

Sirzechs: I am going to have to speak with the other Satans about this. Rias, I want you to try and not to talk with him what so ever.

Rias nodded and left the booth.

Scene Break

Man: Did you feel that power?

A man with silver hair said.

Man #2: Indeed, that power is off the charts. I have never felt anything like that at all.

A man wearing red armor said.

Girl: Nya, Why don't we go now and see.

A woman wearing a black obi with black hair said.

Man: Not now, but soon, very soon.

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