
Neo Soul King Yhwach [Being Rewritten]

You may have noticed the new title—I'm planning on rewriting the entire first arcs and Might even reboot the entire story. Once you see the title of the book without "[Being Rewritten]" or if this message disappears—it means the rewrite is out! Outdated Will make a new one during rewrite: | Please Read Everything Below Before You Start The Story | I've been struggling to nail down the perfect synopsis, and I have to admit, it's been a bit frustrating. But they say practice makes perfect, right? So, before we jump into the story, let's have a little chat about Yūhabahha, or as we'll simply call him, Yhwach. Yhwach is the final villain of the Bleach manga and is the father of the Quincy and the Soul King's son, his demise due to a deus ex machina felt like a disappointing end to such an important character. It reminded me of how Kishimoto dealt with Madara Uchiha, and I understand Kubo's health issues played a role in that. But what if I told you that Yhwach's story isn't over? Instead, he's been granted a second chance at life by none other than the Soul King. Some may dismiss this as just another cliché multiverse story where Yhwach goes on a rampage, defeats the main villains of each verse, and collects girls along the way. But let me stop you right there— First of all, no, and second of all, absolutely not. Think about it. How many multiverse stories have you read that actually have a well-paced plot? Not many, I bet. well, But this story? It's different. It's got a plot that'll keep you hooked from start to finish. If you stick around and join me on this journey until the end, you'll undoubtedly realize that this is one of the best stories you've ever read. For those who might not be up to speed, let me break down what a multiverse is. definition of the multiverse. a hypothetical space or realm consisting of a number of universes, of which our own universe is only one. And the folks who wander through these multiverses? Well, they're called Multiverse Walkers... This book will show what Yhwach could have accomplished if he had been given a second chance at life. But it's not just about him... (Please read the bio it contains a lot more info and the story is way better than my synopsis) _______________________________________________________________ Reader Disclaimer : Please note that the biography provided here is outdated and only reflects Yhwach's old stats at the end of The Thousand-Year Blood War arc. Additionally, the bio introduces two other main characters to the story. If you're curious about romance, I'll be clear: there's no romance or harem involved. Admittedly, the beginning of the story isn't the strongest.  Yhwach's personality feels off, and I acknowledge that. This message might stay here until I rewrite the entire first season and address other scenes that feel out of place. Some readers might find certain aspects frustrating, like Yhwach's passivity in certain situations. ...in the first place, I wasn't really writing seriously. Like, you can tell by the quality of the first few chapters. It's also too late to change it now Consider this a heads-up for future readers. I wouldn't want you to invest time in something you might not enjoy. It's a way to save your time. Also, if you're planning on leaving a low rating. Please don't just put emojis on it and leave. If so I will delete them. And please provide constructive feedback so that I and future readers can understand the flaws of this Fanfiction.  _______________________________________________________________ First World: TellTale's The Walking Dead ( Completed ) 2nd World: Akame Ga Kill ( Completed ) 3rd World: High School DxD ( Completed ) 4th World: Fate/Yhwach? No, it's Fate/Zaegar ( Completed)  5th World: Rwby ( Completed ) 6th World: Jujutsu Kaisen ( Completed ) 7th World: One Piece ( Ongoing )

MisunderstoodKing · Anime & Comics
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133 Chs

'Nightmare' Gecko Moria

Scene Break - Location: Sabaody Archipelago, Grove 42

The bustling activity of Sabaody Archipelago was in full swing, with merchants hawking their wares, tourists marveling at the mangrove trees, and bounty hunters scanning the crowds for their next big catch. Amidst the chaos, the Four Kings and Zaegar were hard at work, handing out flyers and posting recruitment posters on every available surface.

Fourth King sighed heavily, his patience wearing thin as he slapped another flyer onto a lamppost.

Fourth King: This is the sixth island, for crying out loud. How many more are we supposed to hit before we can stop?

Third King scratched his beak thoughtfully, his eyes glinting with amusement as he replied.

Third King: Remember that incident with the workers Yhwach brought to Schatteninsel? You and Zaegar caused such a ruckus that a few of them ended up six feet under. That's why we're here, spreading the word and recruiting new members. We need all the help we can get.

Zaegar, who was leaning against a lamppost sipping another coconut cocktail and casually flipping a recruitment flyer, chimed in with a lazy grin.

Zaegar: Hey it's not my fault those assholes couldn't handle the pressure. Besides, this way we get to find the tough ones who can actually stick around.

The Fourth King shot Zaegar an irritated glance, clearly unimpressed with his nonchalance.

Fourth King: Yeah, well, it's still a pain in the ass. How many more posters do we have to put up?

Second King, keeping an eye on the passing crowd while expertly handing out flyers, chimed in with a hint of sarcasm.

Second King: just a few hundred more, give or take. Think of it as building character.

First King, focused on strategically placing a poster on a prominent bulletin board, spoke up with a more practical tone.

First King: We'll cover all the major groves in Sabaody. Once we've saturated this area, we'll have laid a solid foundation for attracting potential recruits. We need people who are serious about joining our cause, and this is the best way to find them.

Zaegar stretched, his wings flexing slightly as he glanced around at the bustling activity.

Zaegar: Alright, alright. Let's get this over with. The sooner we get back to Schatteninsel, the better.

As the group continued to distribute flyers, they couldn't help but attract attention. The sight of Zaegar and the Four Kings together was a rare spectacle, drawing curious glances and whispers from the onlookers.

As they continued to distribute the flyers, a few curious pirates and bounty hunters stopped to read the bold letters on the posters:




The Fourth King sighed heavily, his frustration evident as he handed out another flyer to a disinterested passerby.

Fourth King: I get it, we need to recruit. But couldn't we have done this in a more efficient way? Like sending a broadcast or something?

Second King: (Sighing) A broadcast would attract too much attention. We need to be discreet. The Revolutionary Army operates in the shadows, remember?

Fourth King: (Muttering) Yeah, yeah. Still, I miss the old days when we didn't have to worry about stuff like this.

As the group continued their recruitment efforts, the First King received a call on his Den Den Mushi. Recognizing the distinctive sound, he quickly answered.

First King: (Into Den Den Mushi) This is First King. Go ahead.

Yhwach's calm and authoritative voice came through the receiver.

Yhwach: (Through Den Den Mushi) First King, how are the recruitment efforts progressing?

First King: (Respectfully) We've made some progress, Yhwach. We're currently on Sabaody Archipelago, distributing flyers and gauging interest. So far, we've attracted a few promising candidates.

Yhwach: (Through Den Den Mushi) Excellent. Continue your efforts. Our organization must grow if we are to achieve our goals. Keep me updated on any significant developments.

First King: (Nodding) Understood, Yhwach. We'll keep at it.

Among the crowd, a group of bounty hunters eyed the flyers with interest. One of them, a tall man with a scar across his face, approached the Fourth King, curiosity evident in his gaze.

Bounty Hunter: So, what's this all about? Are you recruiting for some kind of pirate crew?

The Fourth King handed him a flyer, his tone serious.

Fourth King: We're part of a powerful new faction led by Yhwach. We're looking for strong and capable individuals to join our ranks. If you're interested, meet us at the designated location on Schatteninsel.

The bounty hunter studied the flyer, his expression thoughtful.

Bounty Hunter: Schatteninsel, huh? Never heard of it. But if you're looking for strength, you might just find some willing recruits around here.

The First King stepped forward, addressing the bounty hunter with a confident smile.

First King: That's the idea. Spread the word. We welcome anyone who has the strength and resolve to join us.

With a nod, the bounty hunter pocketed the flyer and returned to his group, whispering excitedly about the prospect of joining a powerful new faction.

The Second King, sensing an opportunity, addressed the gathering crowd with a loud voice.

Second King: Listen up, everyone! We are offering a chance to join a formidable force led by the great Yhwach. If you seek power, purpose, and a chance to make a difference, come to Schatteninsel. There, you'll find a place where your talents can thrive.

The crowd's interest was piqued, and several individuals stepped forward, eager to learn more. Among them was a burly man wearing a black bandanna. He approached the Second King, his voice steady and resolute.

Prospective Recruit: I'm interested. What do I need to do to join?

The Second King handed him a flyer with a confident smile.

Second King: Follow the instructions on this flyer and make your way to Schatteninsel. We'll be waiting for you.

Scene Break - Location: Schatteninsel (Formerly Thriller Bark)

Back on Schatteninsel, the transformation of the island was well underway. Revolutionary Army workers and engineers moved with precision and efficiency, rebuilding and fortifying the structures under Yhwach's watchful eye. The once eerie and decrepit island was slowly becoming a formidable fortress, its defenses strengthened and its infrastructure improved.

Yhwach stood at the center of the construction site, overseeing the progress with a sense of satisfaction. Jack, the head worker, approached him, wiping sweat from his brow as he reported on the progress.

Jack: We're makin' good progress, partner. The outer walls are reinforced, and we've started workin' on the inner structures. Shouldn't be long before this Schatteninsel is fully operational.

Yhwach nodded in approval, his gaze sweeping over the busy workers as they toiled tirelessly to bring his blueprints to life.

Yhwach: Excellent work, Jack. Keep it up. Schatteninsel will soon become the stronghold we need to achieve our goals.

Ginjo's voice echoed within Yhwach's mind, his tone filled with curiosity.

Ginjo: (Within Yhwach's mind) So, how are things progressing with Nachtüberfall? Any updates on the recruitment front?

Yhwach's expression remained calm as he surveyed the construction.

Yhwach: (Mental Link) The Four Kings and Zaegar are currently in Sabaody, distributing flyers and posters. We've already received positive responses from potential recruits.

Ginjo's tone shifted to one of approval.

Ginjo: (Within Yhwach's mind) Good. The more skilled individuals we bring into our fold, the stronger our organization will become. What's the next step in your plan?

Yhwach considered Ginjo's question, his mind racing with possibilities.

Yhwach: (Mental Link) Once we've solidified our defenses and established a strong foundation, we'll focus on expanding our influence across the seas. We'll gather a fleet to ensure our dominance and seek out alliances with powerful individuals, including Warlords, to bolster our forces.

As Yhwach oversaw the progress on Schatteninsel, a sudden surge of reikaku jolted through his senses, causing his eyes to narrow in instinctive alertness. With a swift motion, he leaped onto the outer shell of the island, his gaze scanning the foggy horizon.

From his vantage point, Yhwach spotted a pirate ship emerging from the mist, its sails billowing in the wind. At its helm stood Gecko Moria, his eyes bloodshot and filled with a fiery rage seemingly directed at Yhwach.

Ginjo's voice echoed within Yhwach's mind, his tone tinged with concern and analysis.

Ginjo: (Within Yhwach's mind) Looks like Moria's heard the news about us claiming Thriller Bark. He's coming for you, Yhwach. It seems he's not one to take kindly to someone claiming what he believes is rightfully his.

Yhwach's expression remained stoic, his mind already formulating a plan to deal with this unexpected threat.

Yhwach: (Mental Link) I anticipated Moria's reaction. We'll deal with him swiftly and decisively.

With a firm resolve, Yhwach drew his sword from the folds of his cloak, the gleaming blade catching the light as he prepared for the impending confrontation. As Moria's ship drew nearer, Yhwach focused his Reiryoku, channeling it into his feet to activate Hirenkyaku, the Quincy technique of high-speed movement.

In a blur of motion, Yhwach darted across the surface of the outer shell, closing the distance between himself and Moria's ship with astonishing speed. The wind whipped around him as he moved, his reddish-brown eyes fixed on his target.

Moria's crew scrambled on deck, their expressions a mix of fear and anticipation as they witnessed the approaching figure of Yhwach. Moria himself stood at the forefront, his massive frame towering over his crewmates as he prepared to face the intruder head-on.

As Yhwach reached the edge of Moria's ship, he leaped gracefully onto the deck, landing with a silent grace that belied his considerable power. His sword gleamed in the sunlight as he leveled it at Moria, his voice calm.

Yhwach: Gecko Moria, I presume.

Moria's eyes narrowed as he glared at Yhwach, his voice dripping with disdain.

Moria: And just who do we have here, intruding upon my territory and daring to stake a claim on what rightly belongs to me?

Yhwach's gaze remained steady as he regarded Moria with a calm intensity, his demeanor radiating confidence and authority.

Yhwach: Moria, perhaps you haven't had the chance to peruse the latest edition of the newspaper. Thriller Bark was abandoned, left to decay in the shifting currents of the Florian Triangle. In such circumstances, one must seize the opportunity where it presents itself. I simply claimed what was forsaken and breathed new life into its withered husk.

Moria's expression twisted into a scowl of disbelief, his features contorted with anger and frustration.

Moria: Abandoned or not, Thriller Bark is mine by right! I poured my blood, sweat, and tears into that island, building it into the stronghold it once was. And now, you have the audacity to waltz in and claim it for yourself?

Yhwach's expression remained unchanged, his reddish-brown eyes meeting Moria's gaze.

Yhwach: Yes.

Moria's fury surged, his voice rising to a fevered pitch as he bellowed his defiance.

Moria: Don't you know who I am? I'm the notorious pirate with 320 million Beli on his head—'Nightmare' Gecko Moria, the destined Pirate King!!!

Yhwach's response was as cold as steel, his voice carrying a weight of indifference that echoed across the deck.

Yhwach: I don't care about your title or your bounty. In the end, strength is the only currency that matters in this world.

As Yhwach spoke, Moria's rage reached a boiling point, his massive form contorting with fury as he lunged forward, his hand swiping horizontally in a vicious arc. Yhwach reacted with lightning-fast reflexes, leaning back with an agility that defied his imposing stature, narrowly dodging Moria's attack.

Before Moria could follow up, Yhwach back-flipped with astounding speed, evading another strike as Moria's stomp sent shockwaves through the deck, creating a spiderweb-like crack on the floor.

But Moria wasn't done yet. With a smirk of confidence, he invoked his Devil Fruit ability—Doppelman. Yhwach's keen eyes didn't miss a beat as he observed Moria's shadow twisting and writhing in an unnatural manner before physically manifesting into a second figure, identical to Moria himself.

As the shadow grinned menacingly, Yhwach tightened his grip on his sword, his resolve unshaken even in the face of this new threat. With a swift motion, he swung his blade, slicing through the deck with precision, sending splinters of wood flying as the ship began to disintegrate around them.

With a swift and decisive motion, Yhwach lunged forward, seizing Moria by the head with an iron grip. Then Yhwach propelled himself into the air, carrying Moria with him as they soared back towards Schatteninsel.

As they approached their destination, Yhwach released his hold on Moria, sending him hurtling toward the training area below. The impact was devastating, sending shockwaves rippling through the ground and causing some of the Revolutionary Army workers to be sent flying, while others were crushed beneath Moria's immense weight.

But Moria wasn't finished yet. With a triumphant roar, he unleashed his Doppelman technique once more then Moria used brick bat. Yhwach watched as the huge shadow of Moria dispersed into numerous shadow-made bats, flooding in from all directions with malicious intent.

The entire surrounding was colored black as the shadow bats closed in on Yhwach, their eyes gleaming with malice. But Yhwach remained undaunted. he began to use a different Quincy technique, gathering Reishi along his left arm to well beyond his shoulder.

Yhwach: Licht Regen.

In an instant, he unleashed a devastating volley of innumerable arrows upon the shadow bats, each Heilig Pfeil striking with pinpoint accuracy. The darkness receded as the light consumed it, leaving only the faint echoes of Moria's laughter ringing in the air.

Yhwach's reikaku spiked up once more as he sensed a massive shadow towering behind him. Reacting swiftly, he dodged to the side, narrowly avoiding the shadow's powerful kick. However, Moria was ready and waiting in front of him, delivering a devastating punch that sent Yhwach crashing to the ground. Before Yhwach could regain his bearings, Moria's shadow followed up with a ferocious kick, sending him hurtling through the air.

Moria: (Laughing) Kishishishishi! It's futile!

As Yhwach struggled to regain his bearings, he saw Moria's sinister grin, his eyes gleaming with red light.

Ginjo's voice echoed within Yhwach's mind, his tone tinged with analysis.

Ginjo: (Within Yhwach's mind) Observation Haki, huh? Moria's no ordinary opponent. Stay focused, Yhwach.

Yhwach quickly repositioned himself in the air, his gaze fixed unwaveringly on Moria as he activated The Schrift H - The Heat. With a swift motion, he pointed his index finger at Moria, unleashing a blast of searing heat with his Burner Finger 1 technique.

But Moria was one step ahead, dodging the attack with a nimbleness that belied his massive frame. As Yhwach's attack missed its mark, he sensed something falling from behind him—the looming shadow of Moria's Doppelman, ready to strike.

With lightning-fast reflexes, Yhwach activated his Hirenkyaku, appearing behind Moria in an instant. With two fingers outstretched, he unleashed his Burner Finger 2 technique, the flames leaving a trail of fire in their wake as they hurtled toward Moria.

But Moria was quick to react, swapping places with his Doppelman at the last moment. The shadowy figure faced the full force of Yhwach's attack, the flames engulfing it in a fiery explosion as Moria's sinister laughter echoed through the air.

Yhwach turned towards Moria, his eyes blazing with determination as he rushed forward, his sword poised to strike. With lightning speed, he closed the distance between them, his blade cutting through the air with deadly precision.

Moria reacted swiftly, his own blades—massive scissors—coming up to block Yhwach's strike with a clang of metal against metal. The force of the impact reverberated through their bodies, sending tremors down their arms as they struggled for dominance.

But Yhwach wasn't finished yet. With his free hand, he infused his fist with reiryoku, channeling his power into a devastating punch aimed straight for Moria's stomach. The blow landed with a resounding thud, but instead of the expected cry of pain, Yhwach heard only Moria's sinister laughter—a mocking "kishishishishi" that echoed through the air.

Yhwach's keen eyes quickly saw through the ruse. As Moria's laughter echoed, Yhwach saw the rip in Moria's clothing where his fist had connected. His hand, coated in black, signaled the use of Armament Haki—Hardening that protected Moria from the full force of the blow.

Reacting swiftly, Yhwach dashed backward, narrowly avoiding Moria's attempt to grab him. As he distanced himself from Moria, he realized with a sinking feeling that the Doppelman was behind him, ready to strike at any moment.

Yhwach quickly assessed the situation, his mind racing with possibilities. With Moria in front of him and his shadow clone behind him, he realized he needed a plan—a way to turn the tables on Moria and gain the upper hand in this deadly confrontation.

Yhwach's lips curled into a confident smirk as an idea formed in his mind. He spoke aloud, his voice filled with determination and cunning.

Yhwach: Since you're using your clone, Moria, why don't I do the same?

Moria's response was one of confusion, his brow furrowing as he tried to comprehend Yhwach's words. But before he could formulate a response, Yhwach took action.

Yhwach: Burner Finger, Flame clones.

With a swift motion, Yhwach activated his Burner Finger technique, unleashing a volley of flame clones that surrounded Moria from all sides. The heat was intense, the flames licking at Moria's form as he found himself trapped within a circle of fire.

Moria's eyes widened in shock as he realized the extent of Yhwach's strategy. With his attention divided between Yhwach in front of him and the flame clones surrounding him, Moria found himself in a precarious position, his options limited as he struggled to formulate a counterattack.

As Moria's furious assault began, he unleashed his Brick Bat technique. The Doppelman dissolved into a swarm of shadowy bats that filled the air, each one darting and weaving through Yhwach's flame clones. The tiny, persistent bats were difficult to counter, their numbers overwhelming as they sought to exhaust Yhwach.

Undeterred, Yhwach continued to focus on Moria. Sensing the opportunistic pirate making a rapid dash towards him, Yhwach readied his sword. Moria's haki-encased scissors came crashing down, but Yhwach countered with The Schrift I - The Iron, encasing his blade in an unyielding layer of iron. The two clashed fiercely, the sound of metal striking metal echoing across the battlefield as they exchanged a flurry of blows.

With each clash, Yhwach's mind raced, analyzing Moria's movements and seeking an opening. Finally, he found his chance. With a powerful swing, he parried Moria's scissors and sent the pirate flying back. But something was wrong—where was Moria's Doppelman?

Sensing the Doppelman close by, Yhwach directed one of his flame clones to attack it. As the clone engaged the shadow, Moria seized the moment to unleash his next move.

Moria: Tsuno-Tokage!

Moria roared, gathering his shadows together to form a massive spear resembling a horned lizard. The shadowy weapon shot towards Yhwach with blinding speed, its dark form cutting through the air.

Reacting swiftly, Yhwach activated his Hirenkyaku, propelling himself sideways to evade the spear. The shadow weapon missed by a hair's breadth, embedding itself into the ground where Yhwach had stood moments before. The impact created a crater, the force of the attack shaking the surrounding area.

Moria, still recovering from Yhwach's earlier counter, gritted his teeth in frustration. Yhwach, however, remained calm, his eyes fixed on his opponent as he formulated his next move.

With a swift motion, Yhwach raised his hand and summoned a barrage of Heilig Pfeil, the holy arrows of the Quincy. The arrows rained down upon Moria, their light piercing through the shadowy veil that surrounded him. Moria's Doppelman tried to shield its master, but the relentless assault from Yhwach's arrows proved too much.

As the relentless barrage of Heilig Pfeil continued to rain down upon him, Moria's Doppelman was obliterated, leaving the warlord exposed and vulnerable. He watched, a mix of disbelief and rage contorting his features, as the remains of his shadow dissipated into nothingness.

For a moment, there was silence. Moria stared at his trembling hands, his eyes wide and haunted. The memories of his past victories flashed through his mind, each one tainted by the bitter defeat he suffered in Wano.

Moria: I... the 'Nightmare' of the sea, who's been winning and winning until Wano...

His voice cracked with a manic edge, and then he threw his head back and let out a crazed, guttural laugh that echoed across the battlefield.


The laughter turned to a scream, a sound filled with a mixture of fury, despair, and madness.


His voice reverberated through the air, a chilling testament to his broken psyche. The once-mighty pirate who had ruled Thriller Bark with an iron fist now stood on the brink of madness, his dreams of becoming Pirate King reduced to ashes.

As Moria's maniacal laughter echoed through the air, a sudden, overwhelming surge of power erupted from him. The ground trembled, and the very air seemed to crackle with an intense, almost palpable energy. Yhwach's eyes narrowed, instantly recognizing the unmistakable aura of Conqueror's Haki.

Moria's eyes glowed with a fierce, almost unearthly light as he stared down Yhwach. The wave of Conqueror's Haki radiated outward from him, sweeping across the battlefield with devastating force. Revolutionary Army workers and engineers who had been tirelessly working on the construction of Schatteninsel were caught in the surge, their eyes rolling back as they fell unconscious one by one.

Yhwach remained unaffected by the overwhelming presence of Moria's Haki. His reddish-brown eyes locked onto Moria's, a cold, calculating gaze meeting the frenzied madness of the warlord. He felt the raw power, the sheer force of will that Moria was unleashing, and he couldn't help but comment, his voice a mix of curiosity and disdain.

Yhwach: Conqueror's Haki... How intriguing. The will to dominate others, to impose one's presence upon the world. Yet, here you stand, a shattered man clinging to the vestiges of a broken dream.

Within Yhwach's mind, Ginjo's voice echoed, filled with a mixture of amusement and analysis.

Ginjo: (Within Yhwach's mind) So, even this broken remnant of a warlord possesses Conqueror's Haki. It seems Moria's spirit hasn't completely crumbled. But can he truly challenge you, Yhwach?

Yhwach's lips curled into a faint, almost imperceptible smile as he raised his sword, the blade gleaming in the dim light of Schatteninsel.

Yhwach: (Mental link) It matters not, Ginjo. The strength of one's will is only as effective as the blade that wields it. And Moria... is a shadow of his former self.

Moria's aura of Conqueror's Haki intensified, his rage and desperation fueling the overwhelming pressure that continued to radiate from him. detaching his scissors and holding two sharp blades now, daringly walked at Yhwach with fury, His voice, filled with fury and defiance, cut through the air.

Moria: Just you watch, Kishishishi...!!! This is a new beginning for me. I will build an infinite army of the undead, and swarm the entire sea!!! And in my path to power...

Moria rushed towards Yhwach, his eyes blazing with determination as he infused his two sharp blades with Haki. The sheer force of his will seemed to give him newfound speed and power, and he swung his blades with a ferocity that seemed to shake the very air around them.


Yhwach stood his ground, his expression calm and composed. He observed Moria's approach, his keen eyes analyzing every movement. As Moria lunged at him, Yhwach raised his sword, ready to counter the onslaught.

The first strike came with tremendous force, Moria's blades crashing against Yhwach's sword. The impact sent a shockwave through the air, causing the ground beneath them to tremble. Moria followed up with a series of rapid, powerful strikes, each one aimed to overwhelm Yhwach.

But Yhwach was no ordinary opponent. With fluid grace and impeccable precision, he parried each of Moria's attacks, his movements a seamless blend of defense and counteroffense. His sword seemed to move almost effortlessly, deflecting Moria's strikes with minimal effort.

Moria's frustration grew as he found himself unable to land a decisive blow. His attacks became more frenzied, driven by a mix of rage and desperation. Yet, no matter how fiercely he fought, Yhwach remained a step ahead, his calm demeanor unshaken.

Yhwach: Is this the extent of your power, Moria? Your Conqueror's Haki is impressive, but it alone will not grant you victory.

With a swift motion, Yhwach shifted his stance, his sword slicing through the air with deadly precision. Moria barely managed to block the attack, the force of the blow sending him staggering backward.

Yhwach pressed the advantage, launching a series of rapid, precise strikes that left Moria struggling to keep up. The clash of their blades rang out across the battlefield, a symphony of steel and power that echoed through the air.

However, Moria didn't give up. While airborne, Moria's blades began to enlarge with his shadows attaching themselves, and as he coated his last remaining Haki on them, two pitch-black greatswords were held by Moria.

Moria: I won't be defeated... Not again!

With a roar, Moria unleashed a powerful swing, his two pitch-black greatswords converging on Yhwach with devastating force. But Yhwach was ready. In an instant, he sidestepped the attack, his movements a blur of speed and precision.

Yhwach: It's over, Moria.

Yhwach's blade flashed in the dim light, slicing through the air with a deadly arc. The blow struck true, cutting through Moria's defenses and leaving a deep, searing wound across his chest. Moria staggered, his eyes wide with shock and pain.

As Moria fell to his knees, blood seeping from his wound, Yhwach stood over him, his expression cold. He raised his sword, the blade gleaming with an eerie light as he prepared to deliver the final blow.

Moria's laughter echoed one last time, a bitter, broken sound that filled the air with a haunting resonance. Despite the pain and defeat, there was a glimmer of defiance in his eyes as he stared up at Yhwach, his voice filled with a mixture of bitterness and resignation.

Moria: Kishishishi... Is this... the end for me? The 'Nightmare'... reduced to nothing more than a fleeting shadow in the light of your power?

Yhwach's gaze remained impassive as he looked down at Moria, his sword poised to strike. But there was a hint of something in his expression—a fleeting moment of recognition, perhaps, for the fallen pirate who had once held dominion over Thriller Bark.

Yhwach: Your fate was sealed the moment you chose to challenge me, Moria. In the end, strength is the only currency that matters in this world.

Moria's laughter faded into a weary sigh as he lowered his gaze, his shoulders slumping in defeat. He knew that his time had come, that there was no escaping the inevitable conclusion of this battle.

Moria: Perhaps... you're right, Dragon Slayer. Perhaps... strength is all that matters. But even in defeat, I will not yield... I will not bow down to you or anyone else.

With a trembling hand, Moria reached for his scissors, the symbol of his pride and identity as the 'Nightmare' of the sea. He clutched it tightly to his chest, his eyes closing as he prepared to face whatever fate awaited him.

Moria: Farewell... Friends... Farewell... to my dreams of conquest and glory...

And with those final words, Moria's body slumped to the ground, his spirit broken and his dreams shattered.

As Yhwach stood over the fallen Moria, the sky above them began to darken, and raindrops started to fall, their gentle patter echoing through the silence that hung heavy in the air. Droplets of water cascaded down Moria's lifeless form, mingling with the blood that stained his clothes.

With a sigh, Yhwach turned away from Moria's body, his footsteps echoing softly on the damp ground. But before he left, he paused, his gaze lingering on the former warlord.

Yhwach: In the end, Moria.

He said quietly, his voice carrying a weight of finality.

Yhwach: Strength alone cannot save you from the inevitability of fate. Remember that.

Yhwach's footsteps echoed softly on the damp ground as he walked away from Moria's fallen form, his mind focused on the task at hand. The rain continued to fall, its gentle patter providing a somber backdrop to the scene.

As Yhwach reached the group of Revolutionary Army workers who had regained consciousness, he spoke with a tone of authority and compassion.

Yhwach: Make a grave for him. He may have been our enemy, but even in defeat, he deserves to be treated with dignity.

The workers nodded solemnly, their expressions reflecting a mixture of respect and sorrow as they set about their task. Yhwach watched for a moment, his gaze lingering on Moria's lifeless form, before turning away and continuing on his way.

As he walked, Yhwach's white Den Den Mushi began to ring, its familiar tone cutting through the somber atmosphere. With a sigh, Yhwach reached into his cloak and retrieved the device, pressing it to his ear as he answered the call.

Yhwach: (Into Den Den Mushi) This is Yhwach. Go ahead.

Zaegar's voice crackled through the receiver, his tone filled with a mixture of urgency and excitement.

Zaegar: (Through Den Den Mushi) Yhwach, you won't believe the news! We've had a breakthrough in our recruitment efforts. Some real heavy hitters are showing interest in joining Nachtüberfall.

Yhwach's interest was piqued, his brow furrowing in thought as he listened to Zaegar's report.

Yhwach: (Into Den Den Mushi) Go on.

Zaegar: (Through Den Den Mushi) We've managed to attract the attention of several notorious pirates and bounty hunters they're eager to join our cause and lend their strength to our organization.

Yhwach's lips curled into a satisfied smile, his mind already racing with possibilities.

Yhwach: (Into Den Den Mushi) Excellent work, Zaegar. Gather them together and bring them to Schatteninsel. We have much to discuss.

Zaegar: (Through Den Den Mushi) You got it, big man. We'll round them up and head your way ASAP.

With that, Yhwach ended the call, his thoughts turning to the future of Nachtüberfall. The pieces were falling into place, and soon, they would have the formidable force they needed to achieve their goals.

With a swift motion, he activated his Hirenkyaku, disappearing from the battlefield in a blur of speed. Moments later, Yhwach reappeared at the docks of Schatteninsel.

As Yhwach stood at the docks, awaiting the arrival of Zaegar and the newly recruited members of Nachtüberfall, he couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation. The events of the battle with Moria were still fresh in his mind, Yet, even as he contemplated the aftermath of their battle, his mind remained focused on the task at hand—the continued expansion and strengthening of Nachtüberfall.

Suddenly, his white Den Den Mushi began to ring once more, interrupting his contemplation. With a sigh, Yhwach retrieved the device from his cloak and answered the call, his tone calm and composed.

Yhwach: (Into Den Den Mushi) This is Yhwach. Speak your message.

Dragon's voice crackled through the receiver, his tone urgent and filled with tension.

Dragon: (Through Den Den Mushi) Dragon Slayer, there's something you need to know. Blackbeard and his crew have made their move. They've arrived at Sphinx Island and are currently engaged in battle with the remnants of the Whitebeard Pirates, led by Marco the Phoenix.

Yhwach listened intently to Dragon's report, his expression impassive as he processed the information. After a moment of silence, he responded with a calm detachment that belied the gravity of the situation.

Yhwach: (Into Den Den Mushi) And what, exactly, is the point of telling me this?

There was a moment of silence on the other end of the line before Dragon responded, his voice steady and measured.

Dragon: (Through Den Den Mushi) The point, Dragon Slayer, is that this conflict could have far-reaching consequences for our plans. If Blackbeard emerges victorious, it could tip the balance of power in the New World in his favor. We need to be prepared for any eventuality.

Yhwach's expression remained impassive as he considered Dragon's words. He understood the gravity of the situation, but he couldn't help but feel a sense of detachment from the conflict unfolding in the New World.

Yhwach's lips curled into a faint smile, his eyes gleaming with a hint of amusement.

Yhwach: (Into Den Den Mushi) I see. So you're suggesting that I involve myself in this conflict, then?

Dragon's response was immediate, his tone serious.

Dragon: (Through Den Den Mushi) I'm not suggesting anything, Yhwach. I'm simply informing you of the situation. What you choose to do with that information is up to you.

Yhwach nodded subtly before replying through the Den Den Mushi.

Yhwach: (Into Den Den Mushi) I see. Keep me informed of any further developments, Dragon. For now, I have other matters to attend to.

With that, Yhwach ended the call, his gaze fixed on the foggy horizon as he contemplated the implications of the ongoing conflict between Blackbeard and the remnants of the Whitebeard Pirates. Though the outcome remained uncertain, one thing was clear—Nachtüberfall would need to be prepared for whatever came their way.


It seems like Yhwach has a few decisions to make, and it's up to you the readers to choose his next course of action:

A) Involvement in the Conflict: Should Yhwach involve himself in the conflict between Blackbeard and the remnants of the Whitebeard Pirates, potentially altering the balance of power in the New World?

B) Focus on Nachtüberfall: Alternatively, should Yhwach remain focused on the expansion and strengthening of Nachtüberfall, ensuring that his organization is prepared for any future challenges?

By choosing Option B there are two choices you can make.

1) Take a Hands-On Approach: Yhwach decides to personally oversee the recruitment process, believing that his presence will not only lend credibility to the organization but also attract highly skilled individuals to join Nachtüberfall's ranks. By directly involving himself in the recruitment efforts, Yhwach aims to ensure that only the most capable and dedicated individuals are brought into the fold.

2) Delegate Responsibility: Alternatively, Yhwach may choose to delegate the recruitment task to his trusted lieutenants, Zaegar and the Four Kings. Recognizing their capabilities and loyalty, Yhwach entrusts them with the responsibility of identifying and recruiting suitable candidates for Nachtüberfall. This allows Yhwach to focus his attention on other pressing matters, confident that his subordinates will carry out the recruitment process effectively.

C) Reader's Choice: Do you have any other suggestions or ideas for Yhwach's next move?

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