
DC: The Rise Of The Kryptonians

A man from earth reborn as a Kryptonian watch his rise to power as the emporer of a universe spanning Empire he would be helped along the way by a overpowered AI with multiple personalities born from the big bang and a millennia old married couple whose sex lives are as hot as the day they married and last but certainly not the least the black goo symbiote we all know and love give it up for venom I do not own anything and all characters belong to their authors. Just doing this for fun

greatcheesemaster · Fantasy
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34 Chs

Complexities Of Noah Part 4

I was able to gain access to the overmind connection when I connected to the overmind and image of a blue fluorescent orb appeared infront of me and I spoke to it, "Overmind what is the creature that appeared and attacked me"

The overmind replied in flat accentless and almost robotic voice saying, "Inquiry acknowledged. Beep searching commencement of unrestricted information database. Beeeep searching searching. Match found" the voice turned from a flat almost robotic voice into my voice and it said, "The angelic like being you have encountered is to be called Angela she was the manifestation of the clash between the immaterial unconsciousness and the material consciousness in essence she was created due to the structure of the memory library falling into the unconscious thereby causing a fusion of something that was never supposed to come in contact with each other"

I replied saying, "Ok so she is the product of the unholy copulation of the material consciousness and the immaterial unconsciousness so it is like how Erebus is like the manifestation of the corrupting influence of the unconsciousness so would it make her more powerful than Erebus" the overmind replied, "Even though Angela is born from both aspects does not mean that she is more powerful in actuality she is weaker than you or Erebus course the two aspects are at war with each other thereby making her power weaker and unstable. Her six wings represents this struggle where the six are divided equally into angelic wings which is there to show the aspect of the consciousness mind and the demonic wings are there to represent the unconsciousness mind"

As soon as the overmind finished speaking there was a cracking sound and I turned to the source of the sound dreading what caused it, which ofcourse had to be the obelisk that was keeping the Demon spawn trapped, there were tiny cracks along the surface of the black obelisk. I took immediate action to rectify this mistake by pumping more nature magic into the ground and I commanded the power to make more vines and roots to erupt out of the ground and fully cover up the obelisk I strengthened the charms placed on the obelisk for added measure and I covered the entire thing with a magic dome just to buy some more time

I said to the overmind, "Ok so what's Angela's weakness how can I take her down" the overmind replied saying, "Well her weakness is quite obvious her wings representing her creation must be cut off and destroyed completely this would leave her in the state that she is supposed to be in the only reason she is like this is because she is in excruciating pain due to the rampaging energies inside her. Destroy the wings and you may even have a companion to keep you happy but be careful the more wings you destroy the more powerful she would become and remember the wings have to be destroyed to the last molecules" After saying this the orb started to shrink into itself until it was shrunk into the size of a grape seed from its original size of a football suddenly it blew up into a shower of confetti which too faded away when it touched the ground

So taking the advice of the overmind to heart I summoned the two fallen wings using a summoning charm until they got here I manifested a mini black hole which I was going to use to destroy the wings as soon as they got here and as soon as the creation of the mini black hole was completed I saw in the corner of my vision the two black and white wings barrelling towards me under the influence of my power I caught them as soon as it came near me and I chucked the disgusting thing into the black hole and they disintegrated into nothingness

And as soon as the wings were destroyed there was sudden blast of light and force which flinged me over a great distance and I turned around and saw the obelisk and the vines were burnt to ashes and I saw Angela standing in the middle of the desolate landscape her wounds had sealed up and she was holding spears made of light and darkness in her hands with more of these spears rotating around behind her in a circle she controlled the spears to fly at me in great speeds with more spears forming to take there place I sucked in the spears using the black hole that I used. Ofcourse I enlarged it to fit my specifications and finally her relentless spear throwing ended with her running at me with her spears in hand to skewer me on them I seeing this reacted by throwing the enlarged black hole at her she stopped in her tracks and tackled the black hole and something that I did not expect happened her jaw split opened and a huge, long serpentine tongue lunged at the black hole and wrapped around it dragged it inside her maw which closed after she swallowed the back hole

She abruptly cracked her neck in my direction and her mouth opened with a white light shining from her mouth knowing what would happen from the past explosion I got to work on creating a portal that would redirect her own godzilla mouth light cannon attack at her