
DC: The Rise Of The Kryptonians

A man from earth reborn as a Kryptonian watch his rise to power as the emporer of a universe spanning Empire he would be helped along the way by a overpowered AI with multiple personalities born from the big bang and a millennia old married couple whose sex lives are as hot as the day they married and last but certainly not the least the black goo symbiote we all know and love give it up for venom I do not own anything and all characters belong to their authors. Just doing this for fun

greatcheesemaster · Fantasy
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34 Chs

Complexities Of Noah Part 5

A straight white glowing beam of holy energy snaked its way with incredible speed I thought up of a defence and I materialised a shield around me causing the beam to hit the shield head-on instead of me and I was blasted off a distance but yet the sheild held strong

Angela reacted to me surviving her attack by increasing the intensity of her attack a thousand fold I thought I would be able to hold out against her attack but when I saw that my sheild started to form spiderweb like cracks originating from where the beam was making contact with my sheild I knew that I would not be able to hold out any longer so I materialised a portal which would direct the beam to a place where I stored some of the artifacts that I created when I got bored the reason for the beam being redirected to my artifacts room was because it held and artifact that concentrated the energy that was given to it to charge a battery that can be used by me it worked the same way that light is used in a magnifying glass

I was able to make hole in my sheild the size of the beam after which the beam bled into the portal I needed the battery I had a bit of time until the battery was filled so I accessed my power and with all the control and technique I was capable of commanding I started to spread my power outward in the form of water vapour in small quantities that I secretly moved around Angela and I applied some of power to not make the presence of the moisture recognisable to her senses

Ofcourse my attention for subtlety was not needed cause Angela was too focused on her relentless attack to focus on anything other than her beam attack now the only thing I needed now was for the battery to fully charged ofcourse I could supply the power needed to charge the attack I had in mind but it is always harder to deal with a redirected attack rather than direct attack

She seeing that the sheild was still up increased her attack another thousand times and soon as she doubled her assault I got the message that the battery was fully charged I seeing the way to begin my plan took the chance and quickly commanded my sheild ball to plummet into the ground until it was embedded deep into the ground ofcourse all the while my command was being carried out Angela kept her attack laser focused on my bubble as my bubble reached a depth where it could not be seen any longer by Angela

After my bubble was embedded in the floor Angela's wings unfurled showing off their two meter wingspan then the longest tips of the wings started to form orbs, two black orbs that seemed to suck in the light like the the two demonic wings that was attached to it the orbs also was emitting a black smog and the two orbs that formed on the tips of the two angelic wings emitted a white glowing light with white mist coming off it after the orbs finished forming the wings turned to the direction that the beam was directed at and the orbs detached from the tips and started to slowly float down towards the ground like a leaf falling from its branch as soon as the orb touched the ground it blew up like the Japanese city of Nagasaki when the nuke Fat Man was dropped on it

I teleported out of the place into a high platform in the sky that I used in my battle against Erebus thankfully I got out before the orbs dropped cause I don't think I would have been able to come out of that blast unscathed and looking from here she was gearing up release her orbs again while i was observing her from above I saw a huge opening in her defences actually at this point she has no guard and has fully given up any semblance of awareness of her surroundings to her blitzkrieg against me

Seeing her single focus on her blitzkrieg I started to turn the water vapour that I created earlier into liquid water and I slightly covered her with it especially her wings and I started to imbune it with properties of disintegration that would take effect as soon as I commanded it to happen. After that was done I summoned the battery and I started to draw a ritual circle and I placed the battery in the middle of the ritual circle and I started to hover above the platform and began my chant this was not all entirely necessary I could do it without the ritual circle and chanting only thing is i would need a lot of concentration for it work and sadly concentration was not something that i have much of at the moment cause fighting so much tends to take a it's toll on anyone

I started speaking my long winded chanting, "te quaero magnanime cognitionis spiritus qui bibliothecam pudet da scientiam tuam egredere et minue onus meum incommutationem meam ego offero tibi sacrificium meum."

After I finished speaking the chant all the while swinging an incense burner after each word the ritual started glowing golden and suddenly the platform started to get sucked in on itself into a single point the size of a rosary bead and as suddenly as it shrunk it started to enlarge into a huge golden Ankh the ancient Egyptian symbol of the chief Sun god Ra, the golden Ankh was one kilometer in width and two kilometres in length

Then I shaked the incense burner while looking in the direction of the Ankh and I spoke, "Ego meam partem pactionis implevi nunc facere quod a te in hoc multum opus est" After I finished it I shook the burner again in the Ankh's direction then I floated towards it and when I was on top of it I said, "sanguis magno spiritu sapientiae in victoria mea" After I said this I cut my wrist with a blade and let some blood drop onto the Ankh's golden surface as soon as the blood touched the surface the teardrop shaped loops inside started to become filled with a blood red substance thar moved about like a puddle of water it solidified and beam shot out of the ruby like surface at Angela as soon as I said, "dimitte potentiam tuam et spiritum sapientiae cognoscant timore inimici mei"

The beam struck down Angela who was caught completely off guard and she was pinned down to the ground under the terrible power of the red beam I quickly activated the disintegrating effects of the water that covered Angela's wings this burnt off her wings

After the wings were burnt off Angela blacked out and I called off the Ankh beam I thought the Ankh would disappear but it did not so I guess it is here to stay I think I could come up with a purpose for it but for now I floated down to the ground to consult with the Overmind on what to do about the beaten half angel demon women called Angela