
DC: The Rise Of The Kryptonians

A man from earth reborn as a Kryptonian watch his rise to power as the emporer of a universe spanning Empire he would be helped along the way by a overpowered AI with multiple personalities born from the big bang and a millennia old married couple whose sex lives are as hot as the day they married and last but certainly not the least the black goo symbiote we all know and love give it up for venom I do not own anything and all characters belong to their authors. Just doing this for fun

greatcheesemaster · Fantasy
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34 Chs

Complexities Of Noah Part 3

As soon as I turned around I charged up some nature magic and let it flow and seep into the ground and made it stay there until I had to call upon it. The power that I was using was the same power that made the huge tree erupt out of the floor of the emotion facility

Right after I finished setting up my hidden dagger the angelic being emitted a powerful screech and unfurled her six huge wings three were glowing white wings full with the feathers of the whitest dove ever imagined the other three were leathery dragon like wings they seemed to suck in the very light like a black hole

The screech was powerful enough to make me a bit disoriented but I quickly regained my bearings as she was busy unfurling her wings I materialised a pair of diamond swords that were imbued with a heavy dose of corrosive power I lunged at her and she seeing me used one of her demonic wings to swat me awat her aim striked true and I was swatted away into a dream materialisation of the Burj Khalifa they appear from time to time in random places of the mind I broke through to the other side of the building

And the angel who I would come to know as Angela seeing an opportunity came barrelling towards me by flapping her wings and I seeing opening in her defences and I aimed for wings and threw my two diamond swords straight at my target she sensing danger from my attack tried to stop her momentum so that she could deflect my attack but she was unable to stop herself with how fast she was flying at me so I was able to cut two of her wings one angelic and one demonic

And she started falling down with golden coloured blood seeping from where I cut the angelic wing and black coloured blood seeping from where the demonic wing used to be I guess she could not handle the pain I guess that tracks I mean she was born just mere minutes ago. As she fell to the ground there was a huge crater formed with a dust cloud rising up from the crater and the angelic being curled up into a ball using her remaining wings.I wasted no time and I exploited her pain and I started to transmute the fragments of the dream materialisation of the Burj Khalifa which was starting to fall apart due to the hole I made in it's foundationafter I was swatted away from her, I transmuted it into a huge granite obelisk and I imbued unto it some sealing and strengthening charms and I increased the weight of the obelisk by a thousand times to be sure and I threw it at the crater with all the throwing power I could muster it hit true and I locked it up with green vines and roots that sprung up from the ground when I activated the nature magic that I left behind in the ground before our fight

I knew this much would not be enough to keep her down so I accessed the overmind it was like and omniscient power my theory is that it is the remnants of the original Noah only through accessing the overmind was I able to know that I was not the original Noah but instead a clone of the original who after spending so much of time alone could not take it anymore and dispersed himself throughout his mindscape all the structures found in the mind was just clusters of the original personality and he built the overmind a structure of mind boggling proportions at the bottom of the unconscious sea I was never able to witness it in person but Erebus memories did describe the seafloor of the unconscious sea as if it was a futuristic city which acted as both material and immaterial with spires almost rising to the top of the unconscious sea but these spires were never seen by our deep unconscious sea probes also he described that the city seemed to spread outwards from a huge domed structure with black obelisks rising from the dome actually I suspect that the obelisks maybe the only island that our exploratory ships were able to find until now which we named as miracle island

Ofcourse this was coming form the distorted memories of Erebus that I was able to pull from his former instinct addled mind but his memories were proven correct when the overmind which always avoided questions about its physical whereabouts and it's purpose suddenly summoned me forcibly inside the mindscape when a physical body was given to me by that god only the overmind is powerful enough to forcibly summon me into the mindscape from the physical realm even the combined power of all the Noah personalities are only able to forcibly summon me when I am in the mindscape never from the physical realm into the mindscape then it showed me it's purpose and also mine which I will carry out by any means the age of restoration will come. The status quo of disunity will burn and from its ashes a glorious golden age of unity shall rise

Anyway I used the overmind so much after I came to this body to keep up to date with all the regular politicking of the Association and the power-hungry schemes of the members of the Association they would not normally vie for my position cause there was nothing that made the position atractive the only thing the position offered was a bit of higher prestige and a huge disadvantage of more work but after the door to the physical realm was opened they started working overtime to live in the physical realm cause living in the mindscape is like that of the life of a ghost you can't eat anything, you can't drink anything, you can't sleep, you can't fuck and your emotions are dulled essentially noway to get a bit of pleasure the only way you can get some positive emotions is by intellectual pursuits or sports one of our favourites are blood matches where you have to injure your opponent to such a degree that your opponent would be unable to get up again this would not have been so much of a problem if not for the memories of the feelings they could feel from the activities that you can do with a physical body

Thank the gods that I was the only person who could access the overmind I mean the only reason I have been able to keep my position a sort of unofficial presidential seat of the Association Of Noah over the millenniums since it's inception by me and the 3rd generation of Noah personalities also it was very helpful in deafeating Erebus ofcourse it took a long time for me to access the overmind to find his weakness cause his attacks were relentless