
DC: The Rise Of The Kryptonians

A man from earth reborn as a Kryptonian watch his rise to power as the emporer of a universe spanning Empire he would be helped along the way by a overpowered AI with multiple personalities born from the big bang and a millennia old married couple whose sex lives are as hot as the day they married and last but certainly not the least the black goo symbiote we all know and love give it up for venom I do not own anything and all characters belong to their authors. Just doing this for fun

greatcheesemaster · Fantasy
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34 Chs

Afternoon Tea Part 4

Morgana continued speaking by saying, "After the damned Corpse Ball the new order was able to take control of Camelot and the lands of what would come to be known as the British Isles but they were unable to hold the entirety of the huge landmass that was Camelot's Kingdom "

Merlin spoke up saying, "The new order did control the greater kingdom for brief period before the kingdom fractured into many kingdoms, anarchies, rebel movements and puppet nations. The old order this was the faction that followed me and Arthur, my faction was made up of a bunch of very wealthy merchants called the Free Trade Organisation or the FTO, they joined us due to them being highly displeased with some of the laws that Axel Pendragon and his faction imposed on merchants which made them pay huge amounts of taxes another reason that drove them to us was due to the new order trying to turn the FTO into a state enterprise taking into consideration their name itself having the word free trade in it they despised the new order you could say the new had some elements of the elements of future communism whereas my faction had some capitalistic tendencies. The old faction also consisted of a number aristocrats who either wanted retribution against the new order due to them losing some of their loved ones or wanted the positions they had in king Uther's court also Hogwarts joined the old order due to my insistence"

Morgana spoke with a bit of a melancholic tone in her voice, "Now in Avalon the kingdom of the Fey now freed from the influence of Camelot's king and also a bit a manipulated by the Church cause the Fey religion of believing in ancestral spirits was spreading outside of Avalon at and alarming rate so much so that the narcissistic assholes that run it had to take notice anyway a civil war erupted in Avalon about four months after the corpse ball between the Insurgency and the Aristocracy the people may have hated the Aristocracy for their compliance in the imperial occupation by Camelot after the grand Human-Fey war but still even under occupation they had a good life and when the Insurgency ruled they lost the war with massive, MASSIVE numbers of casualties and due to this they had a food shortage and they remembered how well the Aristocracy handled the incident plus Fey nobility isn't as strict as the human one but this was also after the great purge"

Merlin took up where Morgana left off and started saying, "After the corpse ball Avalon split off from Camelot and it fractured into two on one side their was the Aristocracy who were quality than quantity because they had very powerful magics and a huge amount of wealth and on the other side was the Insurgency which had a huge amount of supporters compared to the Aristocracy. The members of the Insurgency were able to find the location of a secret war meeting which the entire Aristocracy participate in"

Her words came to and abrupt end and I looked up from my tub of ice cream and found that tears had started to streak down her face Merlin started to rub her shoulders and said her to let it all out Morgana cried for a bit and she said, "Could you please direct me to the washroom I need to reapply my ruined makeup" I said, "Oh sure Vis can you switch on the light guiding system to the washroom" As I finished saying this she left in the direction that the pink brightly glowing arrows lead to.

After she left their was a silence that was only broken by the disgustingly loud chewing noises produced by the two homunculus bodies that was inhabited by two ravenous super AI personalities. Finally after some time and a few glasses of champagne Merlin spoke up saying, "You may think how can people who have been alive for millennia have so much emotional baggage well I think that their might be a magical force that make makes people emotional so I think it might be best to stop the story at least until we able identify it and block it out if it is harmful" I said, "Well that would explain Vis's uncontrollable urge to throw grand celebrations" in a hushed tone I spoke to Merlin so that Xavier could not hear me thank the gods that the homunculus bodies did not have good hearing, "And Xavier's almost sexual like pleasure in organising things, dude I have literally seen the guy break into my lab at night to clean and organise things mind you for some godforsaken reason he did this in his homunculus body which I must digress had a boner while he was cleaning and not to forget my own short random bouts of hyperactivity so I think we need protection against this possible force. How would we go about doing this"

Merlin replied saying, "Well it would take sometime cause we would have to build a dimensional force monolith to track this force because normally forces that effect emotions are based in its own private pocket dimensions and if the monolith doesn't work we would need for the establishment of the world wards so that we can do a control test and eliminate all known magical forces and then we would be left with possible unknown ones which we would have to categorise and then do research into them and develop defenses against them if they are harmful this would take sometime so be ready for a horny organising Xavier to break into your lab at night" Morgana came back and they left and I went to the lab to do some work